Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Long PE break for length?

Long PE break for length?

Hey everyone,

As some may have read awhile back on some post I have been on a 2 month break from PE. During this break I never measured because, well I wasnt PEing so I figured no point to. Well the other night I was having sex with my girlfriend and while she was turning over to recieve it from the back I had my dick in my hand. For that 3 seconds it took her to get in position I thought to myself “damn my dick feels longer, and looks longer in my hand”. Well anyways I have measured the last 5 days erect and it has been confirmed. I HAVE GAINED!!!

Two months ago during my last measurement when I was still PEing I was 6.25 EL.
I have measured the last 5 days and my Erect Length has consistently a little over 6.5 inches!
(All non- bone pressed measurements)

I started in June-ish of last year at 5.5 EL

Have finally hit the 1 inch gained club. Anyways this newly found penis I have has inspired me to go bigger of course, and as we talk I am working on my chicken choker CCH3.

I know there has been other threads about gaining while on a long break, but I just wanted to let ya’ll know, because I owe it to a lot of you. Its great to know that my gains have been cemented and I didnt lose anything. I think back on random peoples post about PEing being fake, and boy do I feel bad for those people! Well actually I don’t.


Oh I guess this post was suppose to spark a discussion. Does long breaks month plus inspire penis groth and long regeneration? And on average how long should one PE b4 taking a break so that their gain have been cemented?

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

That’s a huge question to cover really. Partly because it may vary based on who we are talking about, i.e. you, or another member who has made progress. I would say that if you hit a plateu, and I mean a real one (6 months, no gain whatsoever), then a break to decondition you may help, and may help you out mentally too.

For more info I would suggest looking up all the recent posts by Wadzilla, he’s a prolific poster and has some interesting views on this subject.

Sorry about that… I was in a rush!

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

Cheap shot

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
b4 ???

Aren’t you supposed to yell Bingo now Thunder? :D

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS


Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
Aren’t you supposed to yell Bingo now Thunder? :D

LOL. As I’ve been taking in the site as much as time permits, I actually applaud Thunders diligent grammatical policing……

It’s kind of consistent with the theme of PE’ing…….it takes work and effort to do it right. No cutting corners, no slacking, no quick way to the finish line.

I tend to stereotype people based on their writing skills. I’m not saying it’s always consistent, but I hold a lot more weight for someones opinion if everything is capitalized and spelled correctly. Not that I don’t abbreviate a lot in notes to myself (we just started a new run/route, and we scribbled the rough directions down on a few sheets of paper, and my co-driver couldn’t make heads nor tails of the hieroglyphics I was using to signify red lights, stop signs and rights and lefts).

And for some bizarre reason, the schoolhouse rock song, “Conjunction Junction” started playing in my head……

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

Oscar Mayer,

I just saw this post accidentally but I am glad that I did. I was wondering why they spelled out “Oscar Mayer” in those hot dog commercials! You are covertly trying to make the American public use proper spelling! I bet if someone does the research, Oscar Mayer will secretly have 51 percent stock in the Hooked on Phonics company.

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
Oscar Mayer,

I just saw this post accidentally but I am glad that I did. I was wondering why they spelled out “Oscar Mayer” in those hot dog commercials! You are covertly trying to make the American public use proper spelling! I bet if someone does the research, Oscar Mayer will secretly have 51 percent stock in the Hooked on Phonics company.

LOL. Nice theory, but if you ask Thunder, I actually botched the spelling when I registered and had to have him fix it when it finally dawned on me……

So much for that annoying little jingle saving my ass, hehe.

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

WatchOut, I wonder if your “resting” gains are a direct result of overtraining. As individuals our bodies grow faster or slower than the next guy, so I wonder if you never maximized your recovery times. Some guys can PE seven days a week, while others may do best with three. The layoff allowed your D to fully heal and, WALLAH!, it grew. Its so easy to PE excessively in pursuit of the elusive “BIG D.” If you don’t get injured, many new PEers will surely experience some sort of injury related to overtraining. You have confirmed the less-is-more theory. My .02. Thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: These opinions are those of the author and do not reflect the official opinion of the PE community.


I also gained gained .25 after a 1 1/2 month break. This was after two months of PE where I made no gains at all. Since then I have been more dedicated to this project and have gained an additional 5/16”. I plan to keep going until I hit a one month plateau then take another break. I feel there is a need for extended breaks.

Also, you sunk my battleship!


Two months ago during my last measurement when I was still PEing I was 6.25 EL.
I have measured the last 5 days and my Erect Length has consistently a little over 6.5 inches!
(All non- bone pressed measurements)

How do you know the difference isn’t attributed to variances in body composition or where the ruler was placed?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

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