Thunder's Place

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Long break from PE.....what is LOT

Long break from PE.....what is LOT

Hi, for some time I have not done PE (mainly because I have not figured a good way to get rid of shaft hair which is a pain for jelqing) except for various stretching. Now, I see that there is this whole new thing about LOt and tunica stretching. I tried searching for this, but I am having trouble finding the original thread where LOT is explained and where I can find tunica stretching exercises:

Therefore can you please direct me to:
1)Origin and explanation regarding LOT
2) Tunica stretching exercises
3) Any new methods of removing shaft hair easily

Thank you

I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

shave it man!!!

I know how to search…but there are like thousand posts that come up when I look for LOT related quarries. I was asking if anyone new a direct link to an explanation, or better yet, if they could explain that LOT theory briefly.


I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

Look for stuff started by BIb or SS4Jelq.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Thank’s Thunder

I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

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