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Coming back from long deconditioning break

Coming back from long deconditioning break

So whats new in PE world? Found the holy grail yet?

I’ve been on a break for quite some time and was thinking to get back in business.

These are my measurements in cm (divide by 2.54 to get inches) since I started.

Measurements are BPEL

Date Length Girth

03/29/2005 16,0 11,8

08/11/2005 16,4 11,8

12/27/2005 16,4 11,8

01/10/2006 16,8 11,9

02/24/2006 17,2 12,4

03/18/2006 17,7 12,4

03/30/2006 17,9 12,5

04/26/2006 17,9 12,5

05/21/2006 18,1 12,5

07/01/2006 18,1 12,4

07/16/2006 18,25 12,6

08/22/2006 18,4 12,6

09/10/2006 18,7 12,7

10/14/2006 18,8 12,7

01/27/2007 19,0 12,7

05/12/2007 18,9 12,5

03/03/2008 18,9 12,4

10/31/2008 18,9 12,3

I should note that the last 3 measurements are during my break where no PE took place.

I have basically not done any PE since late 2006. What do you recommend I start with to get some good gains?

As you can see, I didn’t gain much the last period of PE.

I didn’t loose much of my gains coming back from the break either, mostly girth it seems.

I am most interested in gaining girth but I am a hard girth gainer it seems. I have done some pretty intense girth exercises without results.

I guess I should start slow to possibly get some cheap “newbie gains” ?

Routine suggestions?

I should probably add how I got my gains..

First most of my length gains are from an extender I used (JES extender), some of the length is from hanging using the captains wrench.

I haven’t gained much in girth but the little I have gain probably comes from clamping/squeezing/Ulis, wet jelqs and erect bends. I have probably forgotten about some exercises I have done.

I have no idea man I’m pretty much a noob. Coming up on 6 weeks. Maybe you could restart with the newbie routine to get back into it, but I don’t know your dick like you do. Hopefully someone can sprinkle some wisdom into the topic.

I wanted to ask, the jump in your length from 17.2 to 17.7, do you remember what you were doing exercise wise, when you got that gain?

Thanks for the help I guess.

You should start off with the newbie routine and take it easy so you don’t injure yourself immediately. That is always a bummer thing to do after taking a long break.

I saw you did some intense exercises to gain girth with no results. Intensity that causes damage always works against your goals. Stay in control this time, use moderation and patience.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

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