Thunder's Place

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Coming back from deconditioning break:What excercizes have you gained the most from?


Coming back from deconditioning break:What excercizes have you gained the most from?

Hey guys. Almost time for me to get back from deconditioning since I started it on Dec. 7th. My question to those amongst you who have deconditioned for 1 and a half months or longer is what should I avoid doing when I first get back. Also, what SHOULD I do that promoted quick gains to those of you who have deconditioned. Did you come back as intense as you left? Did you start off slowly and lightly, and if you did, how did your gains come along? Basically, I just need tips and advice to maximize my gains when I restart. Right now, I’m thinking of jelqing (dry or wet?) when I get back and not going back to hanging for at least 2 weeks. Opinions?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Do not simply resume where you left off. When I’ve come back from a break (respectively, 2 months and an 11-week stoppage), I resume a newbie workout. Roughly 1/4 of what I used to do, upping it 1/4 each week, so that I’m back in full swing after 4 weeks - and I’ve nailed as much as 0.22” EL in 3 weeks.

My routine, after the 2 month break, consisted of a lot of stretching. This time, I mixing dry jelqs in the A.M., with a full stretch session before bed.

I see Wad….I was thinking going back to jelqing would be elementary enough when I resume. I take it you think no?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Guys…Is this a joke? 107 views and 2 posts?? I take it all of you have broken fingers or something?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.


I would recommend starting with a newbie jelquing routine. Start with the basics, at a level of intensity that is still pleasant feeling.

Start with 5 minutes and see what happens. If you are making progress at 5 minutes a day…don’t increase it until you stop growing.

If you are doing 5 minutes a day, and you are getting good signs like excellent flaccid hang most of the day, and improved erectile quality and quantity…yet no progress, go to 10 minutes.

Do that for a week or two, then evaluate your progress.

Observe your Physiologic Indicators (PIs) and base your routine on them.

Most guys start out with too much, and increase from there!

As long as you are getting positive PIs and no progress you can slowly increase the amount of time. Give it a week or two before you change.

Once you see you are making gains, don’t add any additional time until you see that growth stops.

For me, probably the most sensitive PI is flaccid hang. If I overdo it, I immediately get some contraction and it will hang shorter and thinner.

If I nail it just right, I get a longer, fuller flaccid hang during the day.

This is followed by more and better nite and morning wood, and intensely hard erections during sex.

If I am getting these PIs, growth then begins to show. I just have to resist the urge to do more or more intensity.

Observe your own PIs and adjust your routine SLOWLY upward based on how you are responding.

Remember, for most of us, growth is a narrow window between too much and too little. You can use your PIs to find that window.

The problem with PE is it can feel good, and is addicting (physically and psychologically) which makes it very easy to rapidly get into doing too much.

This leads to no gains or LOSS of gains…to which most of us respond by doing MORE!!!


Originally Posted by Alrdybig
Guys…Is this a joke? 107 views and 2 posts?? I take it all of you have broken fingers or something?

Ey ingers r broked :D

Actually, when I eventully get back into it (one day), I’m just going to hit it hard with fulcrum hanging once the old fella is very well warmed up.

Whenever I get back into the game after downtime I ALWAYS start out with moderate jelqing and stretching. That’s it. Nothing fancy. About 200 jelqs for the first week and then increase by 25 a week till I reach 300. Then I can add more “advanced” exercises.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]


I took three months off and than started jelqing with some erect jelqing and worked myself back up to jelqing/squeezing and a clamp routine for 5 on 2 off .5 to .75 sessions

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I took almost two months off. When I returned I started out with my original wet jelqing routine. I quickly turned to a dry jelq/stretch, but not nearly as arduous as before my break. I eliminated most of my tough stretch routine. I regained my earlier losses real fast.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I didn’t say don’t do any jelqing, I said don’t just resume where you left off. I came back at about 1/4 of the workload. Jelqs are fine - since they’re a part of a newbie routine anyway.

The whole point of the break is, of course, deconditioning. You want to try to simulate a newbie condition - as much as possible. Take advantage of those deconditioned/weakened tissues with an easy workout. If you try to come blasting back, you may get injured or you might quickly condition your tissues again - getting stronger before they get longer.

Damn, I’ve been lucky to have the most experienced vets reply. Thanks guys. Did you guys get any significant gains after coming back with a lighter more basic routine?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

I got 0.22” EL in only 3 weeks, following a 2-month break. That was sweet, nearly 1/4” EL in 21 days - when I had been fighting against a stubborn plateau for so damn long, gaining nothing.

I’m beginning to suspect that punctuated PE may hold the key for post-newbies to continue making gains. Looking over some old Excel sheets, I’ve gained in more than that in less time, but the wall comes quick. I think more breaks are needed. You may have to schedule these in your approach; although, I would never take a break while I’m making gains, only after the gains have stopped.

I agree with pretty much everything Wad says about breaks, as I’ve had very similar experiences. The only place we differ is that I never get to the stage of doing advanced stuff, as I think it only means you then need longer to decondition. I milk it while it’s paying, then quit to deconditioning while I’m ahead.

The exception to that rule (or perhaps the one that reinforces it the most depending how you look at it) is my current routine, which (so far) just keeps on paying out. The focus now is low frequency and low damage. (3 mins, 2 times per week, SO stretching after approx 30min IR warmup). Each time I think that must be the last gain and I’m going to hit the wall. Each time I manage to eek out a little more. Maybe in a month or two we’ll see whether this is folly or not.

I haven’t measured but I do believe I have had some girth gains because I do believe I lost some girth while I was hanging for a year and hardly did any jelqing. I think I’m back girth wise to where I was prior to my hanging time. I lost my soft ruler so I’m just going my eye.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Shiver
I agree with pretty much everything Wad says about breaks, as I’ve had very similar experiences. The only place we differ is that I never get to the stage of doing advanced stuff, as I think it only means you then need longer to decondition. I milk it while it’s paying, then quit to deconditioning while I’m ahead.

The exception to that rule (or perhaps the one that reinforces it the most depending how you look at it) is my current routine, which (so far) just keeps on paying out. The focus now is low frequency and low damage. (3 mins, 2 times per week, SO stretching after approx 30min IR warmup). Each time I think that must be the last gain and I’m going to hit the wall. Each time I manage to eek out a little more. Maybe in a month or two we’ll see whether this is folly or not.

You’ve caught my attention. Please go into further detail.
Btw, is IR “infra red”? If so, how would substitute that for other forms of heat since I don’t have an infrared lamp?
P.S. Glad the breaks are working well for you. I believe this is the direction that we post-newbies need to push that ol’ envelope.

- w a d

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