Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm back after one month and a half break

I'm back after one month and a half break

Hi everyone!

I’m back in the house. It’s been awhile that I’m away from and I took such a long break from PEing (lucky me! I haven’t lost any mm of gains).

At the mean time, I’d like to ask a question to every PEer who have been hanging.

I have read that hanging also help you to gain in girth at the base of penis. Is it true, if it is, how many of you have noticed that? A big thank in advance.

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Oolala, you are in France now. Welcome back daboogies.

I have also read from hangers on this Forum about gaining base girth, but I am not a hanger, so I don’t have personal knowledge. Kind of makes sense though. Let’s wait for some hangers to respond.

Welcome back daboogies

I have gained a lot at the base from using an extender, I know it is not hanging, but it is like hanging with low weight for long time.

Hanging will increase base girth no doubt, good to see you back:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hanging increased my base girth. BTC much more than other angles. I’m not sure how much I’ve gained base girth wise from hanging as I never measured it early on, but I’d guesstimate it at from 0.75” to 1.0”. So far :) .

Welcome back to action Boogie Man!

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Yes, I picked up some base girth from hanging.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Welcome back Da Boogies! :)

I’m just starting to get hanging down and yes I have got some base girth gains from hanging and ADS. :)

Hi everyone!

Thank for the response. I really appreciated that.
So in conclusion, I believe hanging does really help for some base girth gains.

By the way, France is a complicated country as you already know :D Tons of papers to fill in and some awful stuff to follow. I’ve been running back and forth these days…

kristian69 : I think I’ll find that stuff and try it on :)
Dino9X7 and gprent : Thanks for the warm welcome messages
xenolith : I’m prettier than Boogie Man :D :D
Slack : it help! I’m sure I’m not the only one who have read that.
LoveMachine and MX : let me know more the result later, OK?

Thanks again guys

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

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