Thunder's Place

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After a 1.5 month break...

After a 1.5 month break...

I had been PEing for about two months and gained a little, but I had to take 1.5 month(s) off…

I was doing the newbie routine and ended at about 300 wet jelq’s…My question is should I start over with the newbie routine doing about 150-200 jelqs for about two or three weeks before getting started again?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, but won’t need to stay as long in the routine as you did when you first started. It is called “Penis Memory”

Did you take your time off because of an injury?

Assuming not, you should be okay moving back up to 300 wet jelqs over the course of two weeks.

I took the break off due to overtraining resulting in weaker erections…So I’m inclined to start slow again…Thanks for responding.

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