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Tired of massively long PE sessions!!!


Tired of massively long PE sessions!!!

I’m sure everyone here knows what i am talking about… those laborious hours of intense PE training, when we’re sitting or standing around just training our wang in hopes of it growing into a tree trunk.

I’ve been trying to PE for around 2 weeks, and i simply just do not have the time to train for 30 - 60 mins a day.

I was wondering if anyone out there was able to gain some length without stretching for 30 mins a day. If so, then could you please shed some light on this topic?

Also has anyone tried the AI stretches? I read it somewhere on these forums… i was just hoping to get some feedback from people who might have tested it out.

Please, if anyone knows a more efficient way to PE please share it with the rest of us, It would be a great help


You have been training for two weeks and you are ready to quit?

I don’t think that you need to be doing 60 min work outs.

Try 10 min of manual stretches and 20 min of jelqing (30 min, anybody can find that kind of time). Do this 5/7 days a week and remeasure in 6 weeks. I’m confident you will see some gains. Listen If you don’t have time for 30 min of pe a day, I guess you ain’t gonna get a bigger dick. Its all about whats important to us. I could have a more fit body if I was willing to put 45 min a day away for exercise, I guess I haven’t motivated myself enough for that though. I guess I wish I could use pixie dust to make me leaner. Pe works, but it takes a bit of patience and persistence, just like any exercise program.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Re: Tired of massively long PE sessions!!!

Originally posted by Jackson
I'm sure everyone here knows what i am talking about… those laborious hours of intense PE training, when we're sitting or standing around just training our wang in hopes of it growing into a tree trunk.

I've been trying to PE for around 2 weeks, and i simply just do not have the time to train for 30 - 60 mins a day.

Also has anyone tried the AI stretches? I read it somewhere on these forums… i was just hoping to get some feedback from people who might have tested it out.


AI stretches…search button, upper right corner. If you are short on time this is a good one to check out.

If you have been trying to PE for 2 weeks and do not have the time for 30 - 60 minutes/day then you do NOT know anything about “laborious hours of intense PE training” Want to get in shape? takes time. Learn C++, German, or how to tango? It takes time. How much time do you spend watching teevee every week, or surfing the web?

Put a radio or teevee in the john and catch up on the news for 15 minutes am/pm while you do PE. Got a long commute? Whip it out and invent an in-car stretching program. IT proffesional with a little privacy? Buy a bib and go to town. Live in a halfway house? Start stretching in the shower and under the covers. No hands? Start working on those hip flexors untill you are limber enough to grab you pud with your toes.

The time factor can be a pain in the ass, and many of us have had to wrastle with it. How important is getting a bigger unit? Budget your time just as you would your $. Multi task when and where you can, be creative. Find the time.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


You will never be a winner if you dont spend hours training.Do you think your sports heros, movie actors,singers etc train for 30 minuits a day.More like 30 hours a day. For 30 years, When you were born you were given a birth certificate, nowhere on it dose it say LIFE IS GOING TO BE EASY

How about getting up a half-hour earlier on your scheduled PE days? I find it unbelievable that you can’t find 30 or so minutes in your day. I’m sure you waste at least twice that much time during the day. If you want something bad enough, you just have to put the time and effort into it.

Dont u guys get sore hands?

Is it possible to split sessions so that in total it adds u to 30 or so mins?

I’m still pretty sure that theres a faster way to PE instead of the standard 30 mins a day routine…

Also I’ve read about the AI stretches they seem quite promising, but I’m quite sure that there are many other men out there who simply give up PE because of the time requirements…

I think I need some motivation then… how do you guys keep motivated so u dont think “oh man this is taking so long, my fingers are sore, i want to watch TV”.

Thanks for the replies

Dont u guys get sore hands?
Yep, every time. I take 30 secs and shake them out, stretch the thumb muscles, then keep going.

Is it possible to split sessions so that in total it adds u to 30 or so mins?
Some guys, Newbie for one, was working on trying shorter sessions.
30 mins is minimum for me.

I’m still pretty sure that theres a faster way to PE instead of the standard 30 mins a day routine…
If you find it, let us know.

AI stretches seem quite promising
They still take time dude.

I’m quite sure that there are many other men out there who simply give up PE because of the time requirements…
For sure, and they still have those nice small little dicks to show their girlfriends and wives.

I think I need some motivation then…
I really got motivated when I saw credible gains. Now, when I’m PEing (and I PE by stealth, so I stay up late when everyone else in the house is snoozing, and ya it sucks), I look down and say, “Wow, that’s pretty cool, it’s really getting bigger”. And I go on.
And on…
And on…

Quit, watch TV.
And a year from now you’ll think, “Gee, if I had been PEing all this time, I wonder….”

If you want it, you have to put the time in, there’s no way around it.
Make the time.

I’ve always done my 30 minutes broken up into 5 minute sessions performed throughout the day… I gained 3” in length and 1.5” of girth in under 8 months…

It all boils down to how bad you want a bigger dick…

Originally posted by Jackson
Dont u guys get sore hands?

Every day. 2 hours of PE, plus with 2 hours of lifting weights, 5 days a week, is extremely tough on the hands, but I get through it.

Is it possible to split sessions so that in total it adds u to 30 or so mins?

Yea thats what RB did. I can’t handle doing 2 hours straight of PE, so I do my stretching routine earlier in the day, hit the gym, then do jelqing at night.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Originally posted by RB
I've always done my 30 minutes broken up into 5 minute sessions performed throughout the day… I gained 3” in length and 1.5” of girth in under 8 months…

It all boils down to how bad you want a bigger dick…

Thats really impressive, Did you get the length gains by stretching the normal way or through the AI stretches?

What was your schedule like, how did you manage to split it up to 5 mins a day? Did you PE everytime you went to the toilet or something??

Wow! Looks like I’ll have to work harder…
My routine consists of 10 mins of AI stretches in the morning
and 5 mins of AI stretching + 300 fast half second jelqs…

What do you guys think?


300 1/2 sec jelqs takes you what? 3 or 4 minutes. 300 should take at least 15. I make them last 20-25 min.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Im not too interested in girth gains at the moment, that is why i choose to neglect the jelqing exercises…

I’m going to keep up my routine of AI stretches with a tiny bit of jelqing.

It takes around 20ish minutes to finish a session

2 x 10 min AI stretches + 200 or 300 1/2 second jelqs

I’ll post up results in 2 months…

Hopefully this will be the short cut that i’ve been looking for =]

Jackson, about 10 minutes of stretching, 10 minutes of dry jelqing and 10 minutes of girth squeezes, each done in 5 minute intervals throughout the day…

I agree with everyone here on their advice to you. I had a shot to play pro ball when I was in my twenties, but it didn’t come from throwing 5 minutes a day, once a week. I also do martial arts and grappling. The best way not to get knocked out or choked out is to hit the mats every spare minute you have. Why should PE be any different? I’m on the 1/2 hour minimum myself, and try for five times a week. Surely you can find that time, worst case split it into two if you need to. I have a routine somewhat like the one you posted Jackson. I do all kinds of stretching and finish off with jelqing. It works for me, before you know it you’ll be asking yourself if that thing is yours.

Good luck!

Last edited by PullinIt : 02-28-2003 at .

RB, your routine is intresting and your gains are also very good, well done,my question is do you warm up before every session ?.

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