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Manual grip for a stretch

Manual grip for a stretch

Is there a good, manual way I can grip my dickhead firmly or whatever for a strong upward stretch? When I grip it with the OK sign a lot of blood goes in the top portion of the head, and puts a lot of stress on that portion. Is this OK? Is there a way I can grip it with my hand so that I don’t put so much stress on the head if it’s not?

P.S. Maybe this is covered somewhere in the forum, but I just can’t find it.

Some stress is ok but not to much. The most effective grip is to put some blood in the glans and grab just behind it. The amount of blood I have in my glans while stretching is between 50-70%.

Stretching can be quite unpleasant at times. The only two ways to counter this that I know of is to reduce the time your individual stretches last and improve your warm-up. There are no other types of manual grips that I’ve stumbled on on these forums..

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I actually use the Jelq device for stretching and it works great. Way better than my hand. As for it’s use while Jelqing, forget about it. Stretching A+, Jelqing F.

I have the same problem. The longer I hold the stretch, the more I grip my glans.

Jelq device? Could you enlighten me baywatch?

Jelq device baywatch? I hope you’re not talking about the ADS because that has nothing to do with jelqing.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

I think he’s talking about ‘pussy’.

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Hahaha, if I ever met a girl who had a strong enough ‘pussy’ to allow me to do stretchs while inside her. She is the one.

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Yeah I’d marry her right away. Talking about getting two workouts in one.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

Have a search for the member Zaneblue, fellas. :)

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