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Manual stretching and pain

Manual stretching and pain

I know I’ve read on here that you shouldn’t feel pain when stretching. Anyways, when I stretch manual I feel a slight pain in the ligaments being stretched. If I stretch down I feel pain in the area above the penis in the pubic area, if I stretch to the left I feel pain in the right side of the penis/ right attachment ligament, to the right I feel pain in left side of penis/ left ligament, straight ahead I feel it in the left and right sides of the penis usually, and straight up in the base of the penis depending on the grip. Anyways, it’s not like a bad pain, but doesn’t this “pain” let you know you’re getting a good stretch? I don’t stretch hard enough to rip my dick off, but I stretch until I feel pain in the ligaments, sides of the penis, or base of the penis. I just feel like if I didn’t feel this “pain” my stretching would be to weak and not useful. Does everyone else get this “pain” when stretching or am I stretching too hard? I just feel as though when it’s said I shouldn’t feel pain when doing stretches that I would essentially be doing no work whatsoever on it.

Is it like a sharp pain or a dull ache? I think most people feel the stretch without pain, and it just feels very tight, but you may be more sensitive. It’s like when you stretch your calf muscle, that can hurt but you’re not actually damaging yourself. The same should be true for the ligs in your pubic area.

Generally sharp pain is bad. But a ittle in ligs should be okay I think, especially if otherwise you’re not feeling the stretch.

If by pain you mean discomfort then yeah that should be ok. If it’s painful and hurts then it probably isn’t a good thing.

Pain is the body’s way of telling you it’s too much. People often make the mistake of taking pain killers to alleviate their painful symptoms whereas they should be focusing on trying to eliminate the cause of the pain.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

I feel mild discomfort when stretching also. I wouldn’t consider it pain though. How are your PI’s?

In a Taekwondo book I’ve read, —Taekwondo: A Practical Guide to the World’s Most Popular Martial Art—, it said this about stretching:

“Stretch just slightly beyond where it begins to hurt. Going too far will damage your muscles with microtears. When they heal, you will be less flexible than before.” (Pottle 2636)

I’m not sure if this same rule applies to these tendons. Does it?

I heard scar tissue takes less space. So i guess we should avoid injiry. But something like elastin can actually break structure and become thinner and longer. That’s something we aim a bit. Anyway, PE always had motto “pleasure, not pain”. So i guess it’s never wrong to do light.

Starting : 7.6 BPEL, 5.5 MEG

Current: 8.1 BPEL, 5.7 MEG

Goal: To understand what makes penis to grow.

I know that this is a sore topic on TP (ok, pun intended), but I have found a limited amount of dull pain to be both a.) somehow tying into an increase in pleasure when I later have sex; and b.) perhaps being an indicator that something is working.

We don’t seek out pain when lifting weights. But it is an inevitable byproduct of it.

Yes, I could be absolutely wrong, but there should be a dull feeling that may be perceived as either pain or a stretch. To know the difference takes experience

We are seeking a stretch. Pain is bad, we know this. That “make it stop” sensation (falling off a bike, burning a finger on a stove, hot pizza on the roof of your mouth).

With something as dedicated and deliberate as PE, it’s hard not to get greedy and think, “I’m making progress right now” when really we could be injuring ourselves and should think things over, take a few steps back and study— because people do injure themselves with PE sometimes.

I feel dumb asking, but what do we mean by PI’s, Soja? I will Google this term now

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