Thunder's Place

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Manual Stretching The pulse Stretch


Fwiw, Jai stretches are awful for me, they ruin my flaccid and Eq. But what you describe as pulse stretching sounds to me like stretching and upping the intensity at times and holding for a while then releasing and going back to a lighter intensity. If I got this right, then I am into this type of exercise. But any other type of Jai stretching is terrible for me.

Originally Posted by train spot
Fwiw, Jai stretches are awful for me, they ruin my flaccid and Eq. But what you describe as pulse stretching sounds to me like stretching and upping the intensity at times and holding for a while then releasing and going back to a lighter intensity. If I got this right, then I am into this type of exercise. But any other type of Jai stretching is terrible for me.

Yes exactly pulses of 1 sec.
Well we have to put it to the test

I have a hypervolt muscle massager that is so dank for PE. Getting the tendons warmups up and loose and stretchy.

Also great when I do 45 min in the pump. I’ll vibrate the cylinder every 8 min or so and it is so good.

I’m gonna try doing these pulse stretches starting monday. It seems interesting and it makes sense to me.

What the hell is pulsing in this context? Life is harder for non native english speakers.

well I really don t know after all if this pulse shit is a good idea, because I read that smooth muscles doesn t like pulsing stretching and that it contracts.

I take everything I read with a grain of salt. And I try it all anyway. Bad thing have been great and worked for me. And good things have been bad and wasted me time.

Pulsing and vibration works greaaaat *for me*.

Originally Posted by Kittens
I take everything I read with a grain of salt. And I try it all anyway. Bad thing have been great and worked for me. And good things have been bad and wasted me time.

Pulsing and vibration works greaaaat *for me*.

I agree. Everyone is different

Heat (before, between each reps and after), side to side streches (250+) and then long streching after for 6 minues (down, left, right) 2 days on 1 day off is very effective

I don’t know if that pulsing works, but if you are interested in stretching further, I recommend the PNF technique to you. Please find Stretch further! below, in my signature.



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