Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Many issues

Many issues

I am an 18 year old guy and new to PE( I guess “guy was kind of necessary as most women can’t really go PE effectively!), and I tried the search function on this and even PMd a senior member or two who commented on subjects related to these. So if they are repeated I honestly apologize.

I have two main issues and one question since finding out about PE and Thunder a few days ago.

1st, I am/was overweight recently. I was prohibited from Physical exertion due to a medical problem with my heart that has since been corrected, but have been slowly losing the weight I gained in that period. I was wondering if penis shrinkage is normal during weight loss? I started a 6.5ish BPEL but after losing 50 lbs (planning to lose another 40) I am now 6.2 BPEL. I had measured multiple times before and after the weight loss so I am fairly sure my measurements were correct. I was under the impression weight loss made your penis look bigger, not shrink your member.

2. I was a weightlifter before my health issues, and know that muscles have memory. If I have in fact lost length due to it atrophying just like any other muscle would will I be able to return to my old length quicker then new growth would take? (And what method would be the best for recovery? Jelq, hanging, penimaster ect)

3. I have started trying to wet jelq today, but could not seem to get it up in the shower. I have read that diet soda (which I now drink) can cause major issues in that area, and was wondering if that was true. And secondly I got into a bet with one of my buddies 2 weeks back about who could go the longest without looking at porn or wanking. (Stupid bet I know… )

Any tips would be great! I must say that I find this site encouraging and I am very glad I found it, as I am 6’4 and still retain most of my muscle from being a lifter and as a big guy I am expected to have a big member.

P.S. Virgin post!

Hey rldbrd, welcome to the forums :) . I myself am relatively new to all of this but from asking my own questions and reading a lot of the forums I have a pretty decent idea of what can help you. First and formost, I would go ahead and read the newbie routine and stick to that for the first 3 full months. It conditions the penis to be able to deal with the more advanced work outs. You’ll also likely have small gains during that time. Afterwards, we can discuss new routines that incorporate new methods and more intensity.

As of right now, more than likely what is happening isn’t so much a shrinking of the member, but a lessening in erection quality. Honestly after doing the newbie routine for only 3-4 days, I had much better EQ and actually gained 1/4 inch just because of that improved hardness. Also, something to remember is that the penis is not a muscle, it’s tissue and we have to cause minor injury to it to make gains. Although from atrophy you can lose some (usually extremely minor size), it is unlikely.

As for loosing weight and penis size, your BPEL won’t change at all (since regardless of the weight, you’re pushing it back to reach the pubic bone), however your NBPEL will grow because more of your penis will be displayed.

I’ve not heard about diet soda affecting your erections but I’m sure that the caffeen and other stuff in them definately won’t be good for them. I’d cut out the majority of that kind of stuff if you can (I found that I’ve had an easier time by cutting out caffeen in my life (difficult, I know)). Also, I’ve had a much better time taking l-arginine (lots of it in peanuts, or you can get it in capsul / powder form online / in walmart) which improves erection quality by increasing the amount of nitric oxide in your body.

The best idea for your recovery is to just follow the newbie routine, and lose the rest of that weight during that 3-4 month period if possible (very nice job on the 50lbs so far, congrats!). That will involve stretching and jelqing, and if you want you can add hanging using something but early on like this it’s probably not necessary.

Hope that helps,


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