Thunder's Place

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Masturbating after pe


I get so horny just thinking about PE, even with stretches I get it hard so I usually end with a Jo, do you think this is because I’m newbie? Maybe after a month or so this will be normal to me.

Sorry Westla, I was trying to be facetious.

Originally Posted by monument
I am after harder erections and ejaculation control. Both of this objectives are lost if I go over the edge during PE… I think multiple has the right idea. Masturbate on your rest day. Then you can just sit back and enjoy your big new dick. The fruits of your labor so to speak.

Well, ejaculation control would be different. I was talking about “regular” PE.

Mug - sorry. I must have missed the appropriate smiley. :D

Originally Posted by westla90069

Why would masturbating or having sex before, during or after PE make any difference? Ejaculating signals to the body that playtime is over and chemicals are released that cause the smooth muscle cells within the trabecular network (inside the corpora cavernosa) to contract. This empties the CC of blood and causes the penis to shrink. That’s normal. If you’re doing jelqs or stretches, hanging or pumping, or any other PE exercise that moves tissues and causes the breakdown and repair of tissue, why would a little constriction and contraction of the unit now and then make a difference? It won’t reverse the work you’ve done.

There are two negatives associated with masturbating and PE. One, if you do it before your exercises you’re less likely to do a full session or even start. If you do it in the middle, you may quit early. Two, the normal shrinking that occurs after ejaculation can make your dick look smaller for a while. If that bothers you, then don’t jerk off. But it won’t reduce your gains or make the gains you have go away.

Thanks GOD someone finally put it out there!
Thanks Westla…. this question keeps popping up (no pun intended) and it holds no logic.
When your done…. go for it! :D

Here is my $.02 — although it may be worth less than that…

Westla90069 is a smart guy, and I have read his theory on the impact of maturbating versus PE gains at least a couple times. And it sounds good and he may be right. BUT…

My own feeling is — at least for pumpers — that masturbating after you do a session, which (I think everyone agrees on) will cause your penis to become much less pumped after orgasm, is a BAD thing, and WILL have a negative impact.

I can’t site any scientific theory or use fancy terminology, but I can tell you it seems like common sense to me. The more time your penis is pumped up after PE, the more likely you are to get gains, because there is sort of a “penile memory” thing happening with regard to PE. Especially, methinks, regarding flaccid hang. I think this is evinced by the popularity of the Thera-P wrap (and it’s variations).

Those are my thoughts…

PS: Sadly/funnily, I don’t practice what I preach. More often than not I find myself rubbing one out upon completing a pump session. Soooo…. I hope my theory is wrong!

Well, every major PE website I’ve seen recommends at least 2 hours before and after you PE, if possible. It’s supposed to allow the tissue maximum time for growth, healing, rebuilding and whatever else.

By the way, this is for ANY type of sex, not just masturbation.

I guess you could only wait an hour before and after, if you just hate to wait. Sometimes it’s good to wait though…it teaches you control. And while you’re waiting, you can do kegels. There’s nothing I’ve ever seen that says you have to wait to have sex in between kegeling…and this is probably good for you because kegeling builds up your muscles in that area, which of course helps with being a long-laster in bed, as well as having better, fuller orgasms.

Have fun. =P


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