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Masturbating after pe


Masturbating after pe

Is it okay to masturbate after you PE?

You need to wait. I think a good 2-3 hours is ideal. Any less and you’re running into tissue healing/rebuilding time, necessary for making your dick bigger.

Also, lay off of it for about 3 hours beforehand as well, if you can.

I think that’s how it goes anyway. Anyone want to verify/correct?

I’ll see if I can find it but I posted on this subject before. PE is an avenue to better sex. It should not be SEX. So I would not think it is written in stone how long you should wait before you have sex after PE.

Masturbation is sex. So it should not be part of the PE routine. Understandabely it is difficult to restrain form shooting a load when you have your dick all lubed up and the precum is oozing out, but this is when you make the gains.

Make jerking-off an altogether differernt occasion form you PE routine.

Have a look at the following message:

PE & masturbation

Also, take look at westla90069 signature :)

Originally Posted by monument
I’ll see if I can find it but I posted on this subject before.

We’ve ALL posted on this topic before!

ford390 - Jerk away, it makes no difference. Do a search (button to right) for “masturbation gains” and you’ll get lots of posts to read on this subject.

And see my sig. :D

I vote don't do it

After a sex session my schlong usually gets smaller like it is cold or I just drank a bunch of coffee. If you don’t bust a nut it stays more full and swollen.

Dammit, I just couldn’t help myself today. I’ve been wearing this cock ring for the past few days to keep things engorged and it’s been making me horny as hell. I almost popped several times today during my PE session, but managed to keep it kegeled in. About two hours later, though, I started playing with my unit and…well, let’s just say I completely lost control. Boy was the johnson sore after I nutted. Almost immediately, it started to do its usual post-jack shrivel thing. But I had something prepared for this eventuality. I quickly retrieved my warm wrap, lubed up my dick, and slipped into my 1 1/2” cock ring. After a few minutes, the blood started to return and my piece plumped back up nicely. It’s been about 1 1/2 hours and I’m hanging just as low as before all the fireworks!

Thanks for the info guys because i’ve been wondering about this for awhile and finally got a chance at the computer. Thanks for the info again.

I don’t know that masturbating after pumping specificaly effects gains in the traditional sense, but I stay hard in the pump better if I am a little sex starved for over 24 hours.

That being said, yesterday, After pumping, I decided to put a vibrator (“back massager”) to my tube. I was almost fully packed and was sitting in a computer chair with my posture in a postition that the tube was pressing slightly against the seat of the chair. I was at about 5hg and I put the vibrator to the tube and HOLY VIBROGASM!! The vibrations went straight throught the tube, through my penis, through the chair I was sitting on, through my entire underside. I have put a vibrator to my penis befor, but it was nothing like this. How am I supposed to not masturbate after I pump now??? How do you just decide not to have the best orgasm you know how to have?? I guess I’ll have to do this only every other session or so. Crap, that was better than the best sex I have ever had. Today too.

Pumping might be different than jelqing and stretching, I don’t know, but you can’t do what I did yesterday and today unless you are in your tube.

Last edited by Vegeto : 11-09-2004 at . Reason: Gnomes steal underpants as often as elves

Masturbate on your rest days.

Originally Posted by ford390
Is it okay to masturbate after you PE?

I think that for every time someone ask “this question” without looking up the answer, the poster should have to pay Thunders $20.

There you go Thunder, that ought to get you at lest a million.

Westla are you sure about that? I don’t know.


Why would masturbating or having sex before, during or after PE make any difference? Ejaculating signals to the body that playtime is over and chemicals are released that cause the smooth muscle cells within the trabecular network (inside the corpora cavernosa) to contract. This empties the CC of blood and causes the penis to shrink. That’s normal. If you’re doing jelqs or stretches, hanging or pumping, or any other PE exercise that moves tissues and causes the breakdown and repair of tissue, why would a little constriction and contraction of the unit now and then make a difference? It won’t reverse the work you’ve done.

There are two negatives associated with masturbating and PE. One, if you do it before your exercises you’re less likely to do a full session or even start. If you do it in the middle, you may quit early. Two, the normal shrinking that occurs after ejaculation can make your dick look smaller for a while. If that bothers you, then don’t jerk off. But it won’t reduce your gains or make the gains you have go away.

Right westla but if you are not all hung up on size like me then not masturbating is important. I am after harder erections and ejaculation control. Both of this objectives are lost if I go over the edge during PE.

I think multiple has the right idea. Masturbate on your rest day. Then you can just sit back and enjoy your big new dick. The fruits of your labor so to speak.

Originally Posted by westla90069

Why would masturbating or having sex before, during or after PE make any difference? Ejaculating signals to the body that playtime is over and chemicals are released that cause the smooth muscle cells within the trabecular network (inside the corpora cavernosa) to contract. This empties the CC of blood and causes the penis to shrink. That’s normal. If you’re doing jelqs or stretches, hanging or pumping, or any other PE exercise that moves tissues and causes the breakdown and repair of tissue, why would a little constriction and contraction of the unit now and then make a difference? It won’t reverse the work you’ve done.

There are two negatives associated with masturbating and PE. One, if you do it before your exercises you’re less likely to do a full session or even start. If you do it in the middle, you may quit early. Two, the normal shrinking that occurs after ejaculation can make your dick look smaller for a while. If that bothers you, then don’t jerk off. But it won’t reduce your gains or make the gains you have go away.

I agree

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