Thunder's Place

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Measuring: Position DOES matter

Measuring: Position DOES matter

I know this may be a beaten-to-death-and-return dog, but.. Is there an official measuring position? Because I always measured sitting down, and I now reach bone-pressing 18,5cm lenght, 19cm on a good day (stands for +- 7.5”), but today I tried measuring standing up and it went down to 17cm +-, which is a very big loss. So, do people take for granted that you’re measuring standing up? Sitting down? Or maybe this whole issue which in my opinion is major for measuring accuracy is unconsidered? If everyone here is measuring standing up, I’ll be so friggin disappointed, I mean, sitting down I almost reach 20cm, that means, the golden 8 inches!

I measure standing up… and i beleive the rule is to do it standing up or laying down with your legs stretched out

I might be wrong though..

I think when you’re talking about BP measurements, it doesn’t really matter too much. I measure either stand up or laying down. But when you’re pressing that ruler to the pubic bone, what difference could it make?

10/2008 BPEL= 6.5" NBPEL= 6" EG= 5"

6 month goal: NBPEL= 6.75" EG= 5.25"

Main Goal: NBPEL= 8" EG= 6"

I’m thinking that the main difference could be the erection and observation angle, tho I find it hard to believe that that only could cause almost 3/4” shortening.

The standard measurement is standing up, both penis and ruler going straight out, parallel to the ground. The thing is, when sitting down, most people are leaning back, therefore giving them an inaccurate measurement by pulling their midsection away from the base of the penis.

Originally Posted by James00
The standard measurement is standing up, both penis and ruler going straight out, parallel to the ground. The thing is, when sitting down, most people are leaning back, therefore giving them an inaccurate measurement by pulling their midsection away from the base of the penis.

Yes but that would apply only if you’re cheating when measuring by placing the ruler above the pubic bone.

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

Originally Posted by Fantom
Yes but that would apply only if you’re cheating when measuring by placing the ruler above the pubic bone.

I was thinking about nbp, it seems too easy to get extra length from just sitting down, where you measure seems to inevitably move away from your base.

The standard is standing up, but it’s not a must. The important thing is to measure in the same way every time, so that you can record your gain. If you loss or gain some length in one position or another, it actually doesn’t matter.

I always measured while sitting, haha, guess I should redo that :)

I am a newbie, but I think standing up would be the logical way to measure & I measure mine that way. If man to man comparison is being made, standing up would probably be used.

This was discussed in other threads but it bears repeating. For the purposes of tracking progress, it doesn’t matter one way or another which way you measure it, as long as you do it consistently the same way.
I happen to think that standing up makes the most sense. When we look at a picture and say “that guy has a 7.5 inch dick” we would generally be saying that with a “standing-up” measure in mind. That’s why I measure standing up.

The next question is whether to use BPEL or NBPEL. Again, for the purpose of assessing progress, BPEL is clearly the way to go because it is really the only way to measure “just the dick” independent of the fat pad. That said, it makes sense to also track NBPEL because that is what our sex partners see and it probably keeps us focused on the reduction of our respective fat pads. That is why I measure both BPEL and NBPEL standing up …

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

Checking BP measurements for progress is a lot easier sitting down since you’ve basically “cheated” as much as you can at that point to get the biggest possible measurement. When measuring to check for progress, cheating as much as you possibly can is good since you know you’ll be able to measure exactly the same every time.

I always sit down when measuring for progress, but when it comes to my “official” BPEL measurements, I take them standing up.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

To accurately measure, you must arch over backwards and crab walk to a ruler you suspended from the ceiling by a single silken thread.

Or just take a ruler and measure it the same way every time so you know what you are measuring compares with previous measurements. Don’t overthink simple stuff people! You’re not going to the weights and measures department coming around to criticise your technique you know.

Originally Posted by pegain
The standard is standing up, but it’s not a must. The important thing is to measure in the same way every time, so that you can record your gain. If you loss or gain some length in one position or another, it actually doesn’t matter.

This. I don’t measure standing up and have ALWAYS measured sitting down. It just needs to be the same every time.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

I measure standing up but to the side

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