Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

W/ measuring does it matter................

W/ measuring does it matter................

With measuring does it matter wjether you are standing up or lying flat on your back on your bed? Will this make a difference you think? Is all figures for everyone under the assumed standing only figure?

Just wanted to know as this may mess any and all of my calculations and base assumptions up. Thanks in advance. TT

Hey TT!

I’m not sure there is a “standard” on this one. You can do it either way or even sitting down if you like - everyone seems to have their own preference. Just remember to keep it consistent. So, if you started measuring standing up, then keep it that way - less chance of inconsistencies. I personally feel that standing measurements give the most accurate readings.

lil1 :littleguy

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

I do standing myself. It’s too easy to fudge when sitting, even non-intentionally. I put the penis at a 90 degree angle to my body (perpendicular) and measure that way. I find that if you push it down farther than that you distort the readings quite a bit, which isn’t accurate.

One other thing - and this is a definite surveyor comment. Make sure you crane your neck so you are looking straight down on top of the mark on the ruler that matches the end of your penis. If you look at it as you would normally, which is at an angle, you actually shortchange yourself at least 1/16” or even more (for you 18”ers out there, and you know who you are - hehe).

Standing measurements

I can “gain” another .5” when sitting….makes me feel good but I consider it cheating. As someone suggested (was it Tom Hubbard?), when taking the measurement try looking in the mirror. This gives you the assurance that i) your penis is perpendicular with the floor and not slightly bent downwards (which gives more length for obvious reasons) and ii) reading the measurement from the side eliminates that optical variance of glancing at an angle from.

If you don’t have a mirror, do ‘crane’ your neck, perhaps even tilt the ruler slightly upwards to ensure a more HONEST reading.

That said, I rarely use the mirror. ;) makes it look too short :chuckle:


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