Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mission Underway

Mission Underway

I have been surfing this site and for about two weeks and since my mission is now fully underway, I figured it was time to get my stats into the open. I measure:
6.4 BPEL
5.0 EG
3.75 FL

My routine right now consists of primarily stretching, the bulk of which being straight down. Two weeks of about 30min. per day and I am already enjoying a better “hang”, though I know I would return to normal if I quit now. I also include 15 min. of jelqing at 50%-60%. I go 2 on, 1 off with jelqing and stretch every day. I have begun trying to incorporate blasters into my routine as well as A stretches. I have not really set any measurement goals yet because I am not sure how much I can gain in the beginning period. I am hoping that since I have an extremely high erection angle and relatively high LOT (9:00), my tight ligs can be loosened and I can be a quick early gainer. I guess I’ll know in a few months.

I came across the boards researching a problem that has plagued me for several years: my penis, when erect is almost vertical. When really, really excited, it is practically useless other than careful missionary position. I have never had a formal complaint from a woman, but I KNOW they think its a little odd. Having said that, anyone who who knows how or has had success in reducing erection angle, their advice would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to the forum Dan.

As to your “problem” I think that it is probably the fundiform ligament that is giving you such a high erection angle. Westla will hopefully correct if I’m wrong.

Either way it should be fixable.

Welcome to Thunder’s Place dantheman. I Think a lot of stretching and erect bends will help solve your erection angle situation. Hopefully some of the vets here will chime in and give more advice too. Good luck on your PE endevors. Happy gaining dude!

The Plumber Starting @ 6.5x5 bpe 12/20/03 Now 7.0"x5-1/8" bpel 1/20/04 Goal @ 8.5x6.5 bpe

Is the high erection angle from a bend in your penis or does your penis exit your body at a high angle?

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Thanks for the warm welcome, guys.

ICM, is the fundiform ligament attacked the same way as the suspensory?

Tube, it just exits at a high angle. If it were bent, I think I would be in a worse state.

I read something on this forum a month or two ago that stated the higher the erection angle the better the orgasm for the woman. Maybe it isn’t such a bad thing? Or maybe you just want to lower it a little bit.. I want to raise my erection level. Is that possible? Can I have some of yours :D ?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by remek
I read something on this forum a month or two ago that stated the higher the erection angle the better the orgasm for the woman. Maybe it isn’t such a bad thing? Or maybe you just want to lower it a little bit.. I want to raise my erection level. Is that possible? Can I have some of yours :D ?

I’d agree with that, both from a common sense point of view and from personal experience. If your penis is naturally curved upwards, direct clitoris stimulation for your partner will be increased as your penis is constantly pushing up towards it, especially in the missionary and girl on top positions.

When my wife rides me she usually finishes within 2 minutes with little/no foreplay, and I’m only average in terms of length/girth.(that’s why I’m here) Gotta be the curve!

Remek, believe me, if it were possible, I’d gladly transfer some angle to you, hehehe.

You actually raise a good point. I actually see a lot of members posting that the angle decreases with age and in the back of my head I wonder if changing it will ever come back to haunt me. In the end, though, I always come to the conclusion that I need to act to change the situation. I mean, I literally cannot screw a woman in a doggie-style position. Phyisiologically, it is not possible for me. If the girl is on top and leans back, we are talking about pain and potential damage. Maybe a slightly higher angle is a blessing, but this is too much.

Originally Posted by danthemann
ICM, is the fundiform ligament attacked the same way as the suspensory?

I would say so, stretchting straight down particularly.

I’m trying to find you the best thread for showing this. Does anybody have the link for the thread with three attachments showing the different ligaments and the tunica, shaded in various colours? If so please post here or PM me with the link.


It looks to me that hanging is inevitable. I’ll give manual stretching another week or two and then I am going to seriously pursue hanging.

I’m now a few weeks into PEing. In two more weeks, I will take my first measurement. I am happy with the way things are going and am excited to continue. I do have a question: Should all jelqing be done at once? I ask this because I have seen some veterans post that their routines are often pieced together during the day. This, for me, seems like an okay way to stretch, but intuitively, I feel like jelqing should be done once and then followed by a full 24hours rest. I have been a weight lifter for many years, so I am trying to figure out how that philosophy needs to be different from PE. Any advice here is greatly appreciated.


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