Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Model Cast of Your Penis

Hah I think a penis clay statue is more awkward then a dildo.

Really? I am a guy, I am single, and I live by myself. What reason would I have for a dildo just laying around the house?


I think that sentence speaks for itself.

It was supposed to read

“Yeah…" But this message board is being weird at editing for me. I can’t seem to make an ellipsis. And what is with these backward slashes?

Good tip. The stuff I got of ebay that I linked was just add water. Was going to try the dick impression thing but ended up casting my year old neice’s hand print in it to make a stepping stone. The little sucker never screamed. ;) I just bought more. Maybe I’ll try it again when I have nothing else to do. :lisa2:

Dental alginate is what the original “Plaster Casters” used. Do you have an estimate for what the cost would be per diy plaster penis replica using this dental stuff for mold?

Old thread, but a pretty good idea. I just finished making the alginate mould. Plaster is setting in it as I type. :) Wish I’d come across this thread before my first (albeit modest) girth gains.

Makes for great Christmas gifts!

Get the kelp based alginate, mix it in a vacuum cylinder that your erect dick will fit in, quickly, before it sets up place your dick inside, suck out the excess alginate. Pull your unit out, fill it with candle wax or chocolate or plaster or whatever that will harden, and there you have it. I’ve made many this way, and it is a great way to see the change over time. The vacuum is necessary because of the difficulties in maintaining an erection while doing such a un-erotic task. It is also an excellent way of accurately determining erect volume. And by-the-way, as an inspiration to those starting out with P.E. Over that last thirty years I have more than tripled my volume, to where I am now measuring a little over 30 cubic inches.

I should probably consider doing this. It might help my BDD.

4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

Originally Posted by swaffel
Get the kelp based alginate, mix it in a vacuum cylinder that your erect dick will fit in, quickly, before it sets up place your dick inside, suck out the excess alginate. Pull your unit out, fill it with candle wax or chocolate or plaster or whatever that will harden, and there you have it. I’ve made many this way, and it is a great way to see the change over time. The vacuum is necessary because of the difficulties in maintaining an erection while doing such a un-erotic task. It is also an excellent way of accurately determining erect volume. And by-the-way, as an inspiration to those starting out with P.E. Over that last thirty years I have more than tripled my volume, to where I am now measuring a little over 30 cubic inches.

I just used a cock ring to maintain the erection. Girth was a bit more than usual as a result, but I’ll just repeat the same process next time I do it so the difference will be consistent either way.

As a container I used a kitchen towel roll, about 6” circumference, got a well enough working seal at the base of my dick, then poured the alginate in there.

It’s really too bad it’s too awkward to show to anyone, because the level of detail is amazing. :D


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