Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Moist Heat Warmup

Moist Heat Warmup

I’ve read numerous threads that speak about the need to do warm-ups and warm-downs before starting a PE exercise. Not doing so can cause injury.

So what I have taken to doing is:

(1) Heat a microwavable heating pad in , of all thing, a microwave oven.

(2) Run a THICK washcloth under hot water and then squeeze out maybe half of it.

(3) Sit on the bed, with a towel underneath, stretch the flaccid penis and wrap it in the very warm / mildly hot wash cloth.

(4) Cover the washcloth with a sandwich baggie to protect the heating pad. (Some of you better endowed guys may need to use a quart size plastic food storage bag. Hopefully, I’ll be one of you in a year or so.)

(5) Wrap the plastic bag / washcloth combination with the heating pad.

(6) Place both hands under this contraption to keep the heat off my balls.

(7) Warm up for at least 10 minutes (It turns out to be more like 20 because I usually fall asleep.)

Heat is very important,twenty minutes is great.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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