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Warmup Is Infra-Red Heat dangerous

Warmup Is Infra-Red Heat dangerous

I was wondering if infra-red heat it at all dangerous because it is a form of radiation and I wouldn’t have thought you should mix your balls and radiation.?

Any help would be most appreciated


First, :rolling:

Now that that’s out of the way. No, the only effect that Infrared Radiation has on the human body is purely of thermal nature. In other words heat.

Old thread but I came looking info about infra red dangers. Found something that it is indeed not healthy to skin. Using infra red so strong that it heats deeper in penis could cause some negative effects? I must dig deeper into this before buying infra red lamp and change my electric heating pad to it. Has anyone info is it safe to use IR lamp long term for heating penis for hours?

New light shed on damaging impact of infrared | EurekAlert!

Individual and combined effects of the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light components of solar radiation on damage biomarkers in human skin cells - PMC

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