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Infra red wrist strap


Infra red wrist strap

I don’t know if it is any good but I am considering purchasing it for hanging. I am looking for a product like this that I can use to heat collagen to the plastic state while hanging. Infra red and other types of radiant heat are among the best ways to heat deep tissue.

http://www.prwe … /prweb89019.htm

http://www.comp … d=THERMAL-WRIST

I don’t like that you have to plug it into you usb.

Any thoughts?

That looks like it would fit nicely around a tube too. I’m sure a wall-wart 5 volt dc supply could be rigged up to fit it. A 9 volt battery could be made to work too.

I don’t see how the slight amount of available amperage out of a USB port would provide enough heat energy to accomplish anything.

Move a little closer, Honey.

I've got a big prick for you.

According to the table pointed to below, USB is rated to produce 2.25 W of continuous power:

Here’s the full article:

If applied over a small area, 2.25 W will produce quite a noticeable rise in temperature. I remember burning the tip of my finger on a 1 W transistor in the old days. Spread over the area of an entire penis, it might not feel like much, however. Also, depending on the radiation pattern, it might not effeciently transfer through a pump cylinder or hanger.

But for $12.95, I think it’s certainly worth a try!

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
According to the table pointed to below, USB is rated to produce 2.25 W of continuous power:

Here’s the full article:

If applied over a small area, 2.25 W will produce quite a noticeable rise in temperature. I remember burning the tip of my finger on a 1 W transistor in the old days. Spread over the area of an entire penis, it might not feel like much, however. Also, depending on the radiation pattern, it might not effeciently transfer through a pump cylinder or hanger.

But for $12.95, I think it’s certainly worth a try!

Yes, I agree with this.

I am skeptical because of the price. Is there just one wire or does all of the area under the wrap get heated? I would love to make a product like this that could heat Oscar up fast.

Any ideas?

oops. Submitted twice. See post below.

I think the IR pads use IR-emitting diodes (essentially, LEDs that emit at IR wavelengths). They don’t use heating elements, like the wires you may be thinking of.

The nice thing about these items is you can boost the power by wrapping 2 or 3 of them around your unit at the same time (through different USB ports).

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I think the IR pads use IR-emitting diodes (essentially, LEDs that emit at IR wavelengths). They don’t use heating elements, like the wires you may be thinking of.

The nice thing about these items is you can boost the power by wrapping 2 or 3 of them around your unit at the same time (through different USB ports).

“The non-metallic heating wire made of pure carbon fiber emits FIR heat that is beneficial and suitable to human body.”

It is in the second link I posted.

I just don’t know of the penis, um I mean wrist surface actually gets heated.

Nice catch, Penismith!

The wire must be what distinguishes these cheapo IR heaters from the much more expensive Thermotex ones. Thermotex uses diodes.

So, it looks like we’re back to Wein’s Law. Based on what they’re saying (and assuming it’s true), the carbon fiber must be heated to a sufficient temperature to make it “glow” in far IR.

Since the wristband is neoprene, I suspect it may absorb at least a little IR (like silicone, mentioned above). This makes me wonder whether the heating is primarily due to conduction rather than radiation. Remember that the primary benefit of IR pads is that they use radiation, which actually penetrates into the body.

Still, for the price, I think it’s worth a try. Worse comes to worse, you’ll have a nice wrist warmer :) .

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Nice catch, Penismith!

The wire must be what distinguishes these cheapo IR heaters from the much more expensive Thermotex ones. Thermotex uses diodes.

So, it looks like we’re back to Wein’s Law. Based on what they’re saying (and assuming it’s true), the carbon fiber must be heated to a sufficient temperature to make it “glow” in far IR.

Since the wristband is neoprene, I suspect it may absorb at least a little IR (like silicone, mentioned above). This makes me wonder whether the heating is primarily due to conduction rather than radiation. Remember that the primary benefit of IR pads is that they use radiation, which actually penetrates into the body.

Still, for the price, I think it’s worth a try. Worse comes to worse, you’ll have a nice wrist warmer :) .

I am drooling over a thermotex and will probably get one. In terms of these, if the neoprene is thin enough, a fair amount of the radiation might penetrate through like it does through the top layers of our tissue to warm the bottom layers. If not, I wonder if we could modify them to meet our purposes. We might be able to make a big circuit from several of these?

I am imagining an IR cock sock with an opening at the head so that we could hang at 104F!

You know, I thought I was sure that the Thermotex units used IR LEDs. But I just went back to double check, and their web site does not say this explicitly. Now, I can’t remember where I saw it. So, please don’t take as gospel that Thermotex uses LEDs. For all I know, they may use carbon fibers as well.

You could try using a TV remote control rather than being tied to your computer.

The thermotex uses an impregnated cloth that looks like regular woven carbon fibre matting. I can say this for sure only because the very first thing I did when I got mine was to take it to pieces and id all the part numbers. It is carbon for its electrical properties, but the powder that it’s impregnated with is what does the IR emmitting.

My thinking at the time was to create a vacuum cylinder heating device as an all in one stretcher, which for reasons I won’t bore you with, was not a viable idea.

Originally Posted by Shiver
The thermotex uses an impregnated cloth that looks like regular woven carbon fibre matting. I can say this for sure only because the very first thing I did when I got mine was to take it to pieces and id all the part numbers. It is carbon for its electrical properties, but the powder that it’s impregnated with is what does the IR emmitting.

My thinking at the time was to create a vacuum cylinder heating device as an all in one stretcher, which for reasons I won’t bore you with, was not a viable idea.

Shiver is the Batman of PE tool modification.

Originally Posted by Shiver
My thinking at the time was to create a vacuum cylinder heating device as an all in one stretcher, which for reasons I won’t bore you with, was not a viable idea.

Funny that you mention this. I’ve been thinking about how to attach some hi-power wide-angle infrared leds to a tube. I’m thinking that the leds should be pulsed in order to not go over the 20 minute exposure recommendation. This would be for multiple pumping sessions.

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