More Living Proof...
I started PE on April 11, 2006 with the following stats:
BPEL 7” EG (Base) 5”
The fact that I recorded base girth only was perhaps out of denial that I was not 5” mid-shaft. I was probably closer to 4.75”, but did not take official (nor repeated) measurements; I simply used the base shaft stat just because. Over the past couple months, however, when I did measure, I always checked the mid-shaft girth as well. About 2 weeks ago I was nearly 5” mid-shaft. Tonight I took official measurements, numerous times. Here are the results:
BPEL 7.25” EG (MS) 5” EG (Base) 5.20”.
These results are 100% accurate. There were times I actually hit close to 7.5” BPEL with a throbbing erection and the ruler firmly into my (minimal) fat pad, but the average result over repeated measurements was 7.25”. As for girth, this is very encouraging for me and should be for anyone who reads this post. Not only does my dick look and feel heavier, but the veins are more pronounced which adds to the girthy look in my opinion. This is all from the Newbie Routine, nothing more, sometimes even less.
In conclusion, I will say that I have always taken steps to error on the side of caution when doing PE. I cannot stress this enough. As I mentioned above, at times I wouldn’t even do the whole Newbie Routine - I would abbreviate and customize and see how my dick responded. And while my consistency has been good since April 11th, if my dick ever felt tired or overtrained I’ve taken up to 3 days off to let it “regroup”. The plan now is to employ J123’s “Linear routine”, which I think is a wonderfully intelligent approach because it falls directly in line with my PE mantra of “safety first”. Next month I hope to take on more advanced girth exercises, within reason. Also interested in pumping and will gladly seek the advice of gprent and others. Thanks to Thunder for creating this Place - I trust he knows what a positive experience this all is.
Once again, for the record…
4/11/06: BPEL 7” EG (Base) 5”
6/26/06: BPEL 7.25” EG (MS) 5” EG (Base) 5.20”
"I don't understand how America doesn't understand Thug Life... America IS Thug Life!"
- Tupac Shakur