Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More Than Happy With Results

More Than Happy With Results


Im new to this site and thought it was great to stumble across so many people discussing PE.

I recently purchased the “SizeGenetics” system and took delivery in early november.

I officiall started using the system on the 12th of November 2004 with a starting measurement of 5.12inches which i was obviously very unhappy with. the site states up to 3-4inches growth based on there system so 1 month on how have i gone you ask?..well better then i could have imagined!!! :)

my measurement taken on the 11th of December 2004 came in at 5.8inches

latest measurement taken on the 19th was 6inches erect!.. thats almost a whole inch in 1 month!!.. i couldnt be more happier..

im aiming at 8inches, any of you guys use this system yet? is 8inches too ambitious?, and any advice you may have would really help.

Im currently wearing my device between 6-8hrs a day, during and after work as well as taking 3 Prosollution pills each day which is part of this system.

i have also adjusted the extender with my own custom wrap for the glan, i found as the traction grew there was more slippage and pain in the glan from trying to keep it on so now i can wear it 2-3hrs at a time with no problem.


Sounds like an infomercial to me


Congrats on your recent gains. You’ll find that this place is a virtual library of PE, and a wonderful online neighborhood (low crime rates, too) in which you’ll find many friends.

About your device: The particular traction device you’re using uses a noose to hold your unit in place. Be very careful with this, as nooses tend to cut off circulation, which very well may result in tissue death and premanent injury. You may want to consider saving up to buy a penimaster, a device much like what you’re using now (in fact, the device you’re using now, I believe, is a rip-off version of the penimaster), but does not have the same risks associated with a noose (as far as I know; I’ve personally never used one—yet).

The pills? Eh …

Eight inches being too ambitious? Shoot for your heart’s desire, but remain realistic. Despite the fantastic claims made by companies that want you to give them your money, gains of that type are really quite rare. But don’t despair, because they have happened, and maybe you’ll be one of them. The name of the game is to keep your eagerness in check and to be safe. PE is a long-term committment.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Thanks for info


thanks for the advice, so the andro is a rip off of the peni-master?.. what does the peni-master use instead of the silicone noose?.. what is the cost of the peni-master?..looking at the website it looks like the same device as the andro-penis?..
its true that the noose does “choke” and can cause discomfort and at one stage it was unbearable that is why i designed my own wrap instead of using the foam/soft rubber one supplies with the device.

Also the pills i guess are just part of the system so taking them to keep it all on track, have you had any experience with pills?, all honesty do they work?…


Hi Thunder,

Sorry for that link, wasnt sure of the reg’s on links so just added the one i had an affilate with, anyways as mentioned in my first post im using the sizegenetics program so im not being prejudice as to which “brands” to use..

I’ve never used pills. I was fortunate enough to find Thunder’s Place, where the consensus from other people’s experience seems to be that pills aren’t worth the money you spend on them, before I bought any.

You’ll find some pictures of a penimaster on this website: Click Me . Notice that it does not use a noose.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Hi Thunder,

No problem i understand, what do you mean when you say “I” instead of i?..


Checked out the site, i notice the difference, its more like a clamp instead of a noose, il keep going with what i have and if there is any more discomfort after this modification ive made then il look into purchasing the peni-master, thanks for the advice.

Yeh im sceptical of the pills but i guess since iv invested in them then i mite as well use them. See how i go il keep you updated on my results..

how have you fared with your PE program?, what one are you using?



Thunder is referring to the word “I,” as in, “I notice the difference.” You have a habit of writing a lower case letter for a word that should be upper case. We have a lot of international members (notice that I’m in the US and you’re in one of those other places—you know, over one of those silly little oceans); it is not only bad form to neglect what we learned going to school all those years in English class, but it may confuse some of our members whose native language is not English. You don’t need to write like a pro, but it’s respectful to other members, this website, and the image that others will develop of you from what you write to try and write as well as you can. We’re all adults, and we should be able to use periods, commas, and upper case letters. ;)

I’m a slow gainer, unfortunately, so my PEing hasn’t gone as well as some others. However, I’m happy that I’m getting a bigger unit. I’d rather get bigger slowly than to not get bigger at all. I’m using my hands. I have a pump and a hanging device (the bib starter), but I’m not able to use them at the moment. I’m thinking about getting a penimaster.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Where can you order the penimaster and how much is it?

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