Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

first results but then.......


first results but then.......

Hello guys!

i’ve been PEeing for over a year with no results at all. Then at the end of that year i had an injury “blood from peehole” and stopped for a month.

i started again 3 month ago. some days ago i measured the first time since then and finally i gained something

.6 inch EBPL
1 inch FSBPL

i really am very happy and i thank everyone here for his valuable info.

my routine was:

2 days on 1 off

morning: 60 JAI stretches
afternoon: 50 DLD blasters
evening: 250 Reps jelquing

before anything i do a 10 min warm-up with hot towel

all seems nice till now


today when i started to do some JAI stretches A G A I N blood came out exactly like the first injury.

i really got pissed off. because i really warm up EVERY time and i start all excercises with light intensity at the beginning so i dont hurt anything.

and now as soon i see results i have to stop again and that’s really hard

-what could i be doing wrong to cause this injury???
-do you think it comes from too hard stretching or from jelquing?
and how can i get results without doing these excersises hard??
-how long should i stop PE now(i don’t feel any pain)?

i’m really confused and don’t want this to happen EVER again but how??

Was it a little blood or were you hemorraging and having to run to the ER? Maybe youre getting blood in your glands and somehow squeezing your glands too hard when stretching. If there wasnt that much blood, I’d say not to worry about it and just keep on.

thanx for the quick reply

it was about 2-3 drops when i first noticed but every time when i start to stretch again blood drops come out.

and you are right there was blood in the glans while stretching but how else would i get a good grip??

5point5, Congratulations on the gains I see your bitter sweet feelings now. I can relate to the same situation. My advice is to experiment with different stretch positions to find one that works without the side-effect.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Somtimes people are more prone to easy bruising or easier nosebleeds than other people. This might be one of those instances, but urethral. Often it’s a minor vitamin deficiency. Bruising may indicate a Vitamin C deficiency and nose bleeds might be a Vitamin K deficiency. Either may be an analog to easy urethral bleeding. Is your diet healthy and do you take a vitamin? Just a possibility to consider.

sorry for the late reply

“I can relate to the same situation. My advice is to experiment with different stretch positions to find one that works without the side-effect.”

that exactly is the problem. when i find out that the stretching technique is not good for me i would already be injured. when i was stretching the last 3 month i didn’t feel anything uncomfortable but then it proved now to be bad.
so how can i know from the beginning that i’m doing it wrong??

“Is your diet healthy and do you take a vitamin? Just a possibility to consider.”

actually i used to take vitamins daily but i stopped 2 weeks ago. but as you say minor vitamin deficiency can lead to bruising so i’ll start taking them again.

i’ll rest for 3 or 4 days then i’ll give it a try

Originally posted by 5point5
that exactly is the problem. when i find out that the stretching technique is not good for me i would already be injured. when i was stretching the last 3 month i didn't feel anything uncomfortable but then it proved now to be bad.
so how can i know from the beginning that i'm doing it wrong??

5point5, this is a tough question. I think a visit to the urologist is in order. If every position you have tried during flaccid stretching is resulting in the same injury then I think the injury may need medical attention. If you see no point of damage on the outside than it is safe to assume your injury is internal. Without being a medical profession I would not feel comfortable giving this kind of advice. Maybe Luvdadus or Westla can chime in with some opinion.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


i started taking my vitamins again. maybe what rakishly said about vitamins and bruising is true for my case.

today i tried jelquing and no blood came out.
i didn’t dare to stretch.

i think i’ll jelq only for some weeks and then i’ll take 2 weeks complete rest.
i hope to see some gains without stretching.

when i start stretching again i’ll try not to fill the head with so much blood like i used to do before.

Originally posted by 5point5
when i start stretching again i'll try not to fill the head with so much blood like i used to do before.

When stretching 5point5 your penis should be in it’s most flaccid state. What were you doing before that there was blood in your head?

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Originally posted by 5point5
when i start stretching again i'll try not to fill the head with so much blood like i used to do before.

I couldn’t have blood in my glans if I wanted to, while stretching. I use baby powder to help me with my grip when stretching. If you can’t get a grip that’s tight enough while TOTALLY flaccid and still get a good stretch, maybe you should invest in or make your own hanger. My wrists are begging to hurt, so I’m seriously considering getting a hanger myself.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

I bleed sometimes out of my peehole, but it only happens when im on JUICE. But when I get off, it stops. Wondering if juice thins the blood.

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

thanks for your replies

DLD:”When stretching 5point5 your penis should be in it’s most flaccid state. What were you doing before that there was blood in your head?”

i cannot grip my head well when i’m totally flaccid. so i used to make it about 30% erect and then grasp firmly right under the head. then when i pull the blood held in the head prevents my fingers from slipping away.

fauven:”maybe you should invest in or make your own hanger. “

i’ll consider the hanger idea, but this won’t be easy because i really don’t have enough privacy as i still live with my parents.
one of the reasons which made me split up my routine was that i can workout 3x10 min. rather than once 30 min. so nobody wonders why i take so long in the bathroom.
the idea of baby powder sounds good.

sorry, but i don’t understand what you mean with JUICE

Last edited by 5point5 : 05-15-2003 at .


1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

Originally posted by 5point5

sorry, but i don't understand what you mean with JUICE

Juice = Steroids

Edit: sorry kkevinj beat me to it.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Originally posted by 5point5
the idea of baby powder sounds good.

5point5 the first thing I suggest is the Baby Powder when men are having trouble with grip. It usually rectifies the situation.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

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