Thanks everyone, your feedback has been appreciated and some of it gave me a good laugh. Everyone seems pretty cool around here. Sure my friends could be full of shit, and to some degree I am sure they are. Just after living and hanging out with them for years, seeing all those Trojan magnum wrappers starts to grind on ya. And I fully realize that there are probably a bunch of chicks out there that would be perfectly happy with my size, just haven’t found any yet (haven’t been with hardly anyone nor have I talked to hundreds of women about it, really could just be dumb luck that the 20 or so times I have a truthfully discussion about size I was running into drunk size queens). Thinking in a Glass is Half Full kind of way would probably benefit me more than anything, I just not that type. For instance I have very low sensitivity in my penis, which basically means with or without a condom I feel almost nothing. So while sex is less pleasurable (not that I have a frame of reference to measure it against, just assuming) for me I can easily and have gone consistently for 45-60 mins. So that’s a plus. As for the treatment of women I guess I just been in the wrong crowd and around the wrong women. The women I know, dated, friends and peers have dated, etc… have been incredible more receptive being treated like shit then been treated with respect and love. I am a very nice guy, maybe to the point of being a doormat (working on that) and I have found that the more caring, thoughtful, and respectful I am to women, the more they push me away or treat me in a platonic manner, were as if I ignore them and general treat them like shit they come a running. I am sure there’s a perfect balance somewhere and realize treating women like shit is not the way to go, it just seems until most women mature, the insensitive asshole will always win out. Thanks again, everyone seems to know there shit here and I appreciate the advice. Peace