Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Motivation Problems


Hey Expand,
The answer to your question: No, you need to stop the current routine.

You have gotten great advice above, from a number of people that have taught me about PE, so I cannot encourage you enough to take their outstanding, knowledgeable advice.
I can 100% assure you they know their shit.

That said, how do you make the change because although you may or may not see a ‘spurt’ you should be able to see a measurable gain every 4-6 weeks - since based on what I have read about you, you have never seen yet, correct?

So what is missing? You have done pulling/stretching, jelqs, Ulis, etc… and the combo hasn’t produced yet.

Let’s take a step back and understand that you are conditioned and it sounds like you have a decent understanding about all this, great stuff!

Like it or not, seven days isn’t the answer. So based on your schedule figure out if you are going back to 3 on / 1 off or 5 on / 2 off.

I would recommend an 80% focus on length to start.
A couple of twist tho: Back your stretching session down to 30 minutes focusing on bundled stretches and BTC taking up about 20 and then mix it up with the other 10 minutes.
Now, you are going to end the session with 10-15 minutes of edging, work on getting and holding a rock hard erection.
Session done!

This can be done for 4-6 weeks and let’s see what happens.

If you want a bit of girth included (not necessary but an option) then one day… two max a week.
10 minutes of bundled stretches
2x 8 minutes squeezes
10-15 edging

Prolly wouldn’t be the worst idea to take a week or two off before starting this.

Good luck!

First redneck to say the phrase, “hold my beer while I go and microwave my unit for a bit”

Mike first of all thank you, this is kind of answer I was looking for.

I have definitely gained since starting PE this summer, but my BPFSL is not improving much for some time now. I tried bundled stretches before but found them uncomfortable, that said I will give them another try.

I also tried squeezes but had some problems with keeping erection while doing them so I switched to uli’s which were natural for me.

This 8 min squeeze looks pretty demanding but I will try to do it. I also wanted to ask you what is the optimal erection level for doing squeeze?

My bad, I worded that totally incorrect.
8 minutes of squeezes, not an 8 minute squeeze, feck that would be messed up, lol.

Do 30 sec squeeze with 30 sec rest for two eight minute sets.

Erection level needs to be enough so that when you squeeze you are getting more then erection level expansion. Ballpark would be 60-80% and alter your squeeze pressure accordingly.

Sorry about not being more specific.

This is just done one or max two days a week to throw a curve at your system so it doesn’t adapt as fast to the routine.

First redneck to say the phrase, “hold my beer while I go and microwave my unit for a bit”

Last edited by Mike03016 : 03-05-2020 at .

Originally Posted by expand123
So for length I am doing manual stretching.
For girth I am doing dry jelqs with V grip in combination with uli’s.

I was on 5/2 schedual before but now I try to stretch every day and I do girth+length every other day. Basically I have one rest day between girth workouts and I stretch everyday following the theory more time under tension means more length gains.

One of the hardest things about PE I think is to not over do it.

During my first PE journey, even with the most aggressive PE technique, clamping and hard manual stretches whenever I went to the bathroom, I eventually hit a brick wall for gains and my penis was like a baseball glove. This time around I’m using the paradigm that collagenization through high force exercises is counter productive and that there is a sweet spot for PE parameters where the tissue is expanded, but not to the degree that it causes collagenization.

It sounds like your penis has been significantly collagenized, possibly to the degree that nothing you do will produce gains without an unknown period of down time needed for the tissue to remodel and recover its pliability. I know at the end of my first PE journey a penis pump, or anything else I tried, was incapable of causing any more expansion because of the toughness of the penis tissue. In my case I stopped PE for many many years, and this time around using exclusively low force exercises my penis is now bigger than it’s ever been before despite the significant shrinkage that occurred after my first PE journey.

My preferred method right now is low weight hanging with .5lb. and light penis pumping at 5 inHg for 20 minutes every other day. I’m not certain these are the best parameters, but they’re the best parameters I’ve tested so far. I think possibly an even lower weight hanger would be better, but I’ve yet to put that to the test.

I can say with 100% confidence that PE can be used to increase the size of the penis, most of the regular user of this forum can. The question is now, what are the best parameters for PE exercises? We have a hobby where there are still a lot of unknowns, so we have to be objective about what’s working for us. I think the majority of people here have already come to the conclusion that there is such a thing as too much PE within a given time frame because we pretty much all have experience with doing too much and having our gains suffer. Our work ethic to do more and more until the job is finished, which is an excellent trait, doesn’t serve us in this endeavor.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.


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