Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mum knows!?

Its too long to type with just one hand :p

My old man is one of those distinguished professor types. He’s a PHD in theoretical physics, and I happen to have an enormous amount of respect for him. But we don’t have one of those cuddly buddy-buddy relationships, if you get my picture. He’s sort aloof and preoccupied.

I know that he knows that I used to scan porn on the home computer. After helping me set up my own computer at my place, he realized he’d forgotten to give me some protection from the spyware crap. So he told me to wait for a couple a days until he got some before I started surfing. He then qualified himself, saying it would be okay to surf, but that I had to be wary of the sites I get into. He turned to me severely and with classical understatement said:

“Don’t stray from the beaten path. You know what I’m talking about.”

Last edited by huff : 01-17-2005 at .

I think that surfing the web at a net cafe while logging on thunders and taking down notes at the tuts section and getting caught by nearly half the cheerleading team and thier football player boyfriends that go to that rival school with your crush who happens to be the cheerleader who’s mother is a close friend of your mothers belonging to an anti internet porn group and she probably she will tell your mom what she saw.

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

Porn is a natural actitude of humans. Balrog, very hot avatar you got man.

BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)

Originally Posted by huff

“Don’t stray from the beaten path. You know what I’m talking about.”


Never thought that there would be alot of guys who also having an embarassing moment of being caught with porn for the first time by their parents:) . Now I know that I’m not alone:) .

It happened a few months back, I was kinda horny so there I was sitting nude infront of my pc, j/o at a small porn clips from the net while suddenly my dad busting into my room to asked me what would I like to have for lunch-there’s only two of us in the house that day. You wont believe what I did at that time, I was so surprised, I just try to cover my cock with my left hand and grab the desk with my right hand so my body is close to the desk. My face was sooo RED, and I’m looking like an idiot and naked too. I suddenly lost my erection:) ). I can’t came out from my room until a few hours later.
I just pretend that it just a normal thing as he also acted like nothing happened. From that moment, he always talk from out side of my room and wait there until I open the door:) )-oh ya I also has teached my self to ALWAYS locked my room:) ).

LOL occa, I haven’t been caught in the ‘act’ yet. It’s bound to happen sooner or later :)

I’ve had a few horribly embarrassing moments. I remember about 5 years ago I used to play the piano, I thought it would be a great place to stash my bundle of porn mags, well anyway my piano teacher came round to give me a lesson, half way through the lesson my teacher (woman) got a real shock, a few magazines started to fall out from underneath! I stoped playing the piano after that.

Also few years back I used to have a briefcase which I locked a magazine (do I really need to explain), and measurements of my penis in. We where having our family over for the weekend and for some reason my sister and cousins decided to go through all my stuff which turned out to be very embarrassing. Jokes where being made with a ruler and the handle of a tennis racket at the dinner table, I had no idea what was going on until a few weeks later when I found a note in my briefcase off my cousin!

Originally Posted by megalomax
I think that surfing the web at a net cafe while logging on thunders and taking down notes at the tuts section and getting caught by nearly half the cheerleading team and thier football player boyfriends that go to that rival school with your crush who happens to be the cheerleader who’s mother is a close friend of your mothers belonging to an anti internet porn group and she probably she will tell your mom what she saw.

Did you mean to end this post ‘…,is worse.’ It certainly is. Did that really happen to you?

Woah, good posts all, made me feel better. I haven’t been on lately to save further embarrassment, my mum has hardly spoken to me, lol!

SiamGuy, I have no idea about my dads size - he is my height though (5ft3 - 5ft4). I quite like being small in height, shame I dont have a big dick (it would look huge on me, lol.)

Anyway, my mum is always in the room while I search this site so I had the change the skin colour, hopefully she won’t realise what it is - although I am sure she aint THAT dumb! lol.

Once again - thanks for all your stories, makes me feel a lot better!

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

I had the misfortune of my mom entering by bedroom while I was in the act with my new girlfriend.

I spent some days trying to imagine what would it be like to see my son’s white ass making some moves.

I did research on penis size about 4-5 years ago. My mom found one of the sites I went to and she told my dad. They sat me down and had a discussion with me about how size doesn’t matter. It was the most awkward experience ever!! I just told them I didn’t really care, but I was curious about the average size. Hopefully they’ll never find the link to this site.

Recently, someone posted a link to “How to Hypnotize a Man” with a girl’s ass that wiggled when you clicked on it. Highly amusing!! So I sent it to my buddy’s and somehow it went to Thunder’s place first and then linked to the site. My friends never said anything. Thunder’s never actually states penis enlargement unless your on a thread talking about it. Anyways, those are my stories. Enjoy!

Then: 6.5" x 5"

Now: 8.75" x 6.125"

I don’t ever recall my mom or dad catching me at much of anything, but my wife caught me jerking it one day and asked me wtf was I doing. I just looked at her and without missing a beat I explained to her that if she gave me some when I wanted it I would not have to resort to such actions. ;)


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