Thunder's Place

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My gains in just a month.

My gains in just a month.

Hi guys I m a very happy PE’r now as I just measured myself and I gained .6” in just one month. Thats not bad as all I did was about 10 mins of stretching and 20-30 mins of jelqing just once a day. My stats are as follows

BPEL 5.25”-5.5”( used to vary)
EG 4”

BPFL 4.25”
BPEL 5.85( solid )
EG 4”

I want to reach 6.5” with jelqing and stretching and then I want to really concentrate on girth as you can see from the stats it is really skinny. My final goal is 7.5X5.5( for now). I just don’t know if 1.5” increase in girth is asking for too much. Also thinking about starting pumping soon. So I hope this gives some inspiration to all the newbies out there.

Hey man good gains, yes I have heard going for length first is definitely the way to go then girth. I only hang and have cut out jelqs for now, I also have a pump and it defintely will make you dick plumper than you ever have seen it in your life.


BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

Way to go bro!….. Ive only put on .25” in a months time

Current:3/31/2004 NBPEL----7.0" Base EG---5.25 Midshaft 4.8125

Start: 10/15/2004 NBPEL----5.9375" Base EG--5.0625" Midshaft 4.625


Great gains!

Keep up the good work.

Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G

Great news, and Welcome Aboard!!

Your first goal will not take long at all - keep up the good work:)

Whats up guys,

This is my second week, Im hoping I can get at least some of the gains you guys are getting by the end of this month. Good Job guys
I am Currently
As of right now im shooting for an 1” in length and girth.

Originally Posted by pumped02
Whats up guys,

This is my second week, Im hoping I can get at least some of the gains you guys are getting by the end of this month. Good Job guys
I am Currently
As of right now im shooting for an 1” in length and girth.

Be diligent. And sometimes gains may not come for a couple of months.

So if you don’t see results in month, keep at it and don’t get discouraged.


Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G

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