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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question about when gains start


Question about when gains start

I’m just wondering if anyone out there has found no gains in the first month or so and then suddenly made gains further along the road. I’ve been at it for a month now and am pretty sure that at 100% erect i am bigger, flacid is definately much bigger than before and no shrinkage is rare now. The only problem is that I was a newbie in the measuring department when i first started out so now I can’t accurately measure possible gains. In most of the logs/progress reports i’ve noticed people claiming their biggest gains in the first month or so, i know everyones experience is different and i dont expect quick gains. I’m in it for the long term… just trying to gather more info.

So Tricky, you noticed some gains but you are not sure how much exactly you’ve gained. Who cares, the main thing is that you have gained and are still going to gain if you keep on exercising.

Write down your exact size at this point and measure accurately your future gains. You can always add to that figure an estimated initial gain.

Oh, and…

Welcome aboard :)

ù ì å í


When they start?

When you send in your gains fee of $100 per half-inch.

Just kidding.

It’s different for everyone. Some have a hard time getting the ball rolling, others don’t. But rarely do people not gain (usually non-gainers have given up too early). So just stick in there and edumacate yerself and make sure you’re doing it correctly (whatever technique).

Buster - yup I agree with your analysis, it seems for me that the first month was more of a learning experience. Figuring out what works well, finding the proper techniques. For example I just noticed a problem with my manual stretching. I wasn’t pulling my foreskin back properly, i actually thought the stretches were working okay. Then I stumbled on a genius idea that conveyed to me how to achieve proper grip behind the glans (using a piece of toilet paper)… Definately a learning process. Anyways props to Thunder and everyone else contributing its become my favorite place on the net =)

tricky can you explain the grip behind the glans idea you got?

anyone else know a way to get a better grip behind the glans, i have this problem my grip always goes over i have a small flaccid.

just take a couple pieces of toilet paper, retract foreskin (if uncut), wrap the paper around the head and behind glans then grip and pull… works well for me. however things get a little dry afterwards, so you might want to moisturize when done. Me I go into the jelqing phase with a bit of baby oil afterwards so its not a prob. hope this helps

When I started, I didn’t know how to measure it, and it looked small when I looked at how big is 7inch. I was about 6.125”, my girth is always thick.
Honestly, I do see a big difference in the 3rd week, but I was consistent in working out one day on and one day off for 45 minutes, but I can do stretching may be 5 times a week. It helps my ligs, and I think that’s where my gain came from. The 29th will be my first month, and I am already happy with the gains I reached. It worked for me just as when I workout my body. I get back muscles very easy. So always they are things that will work for me, but won’t work for someone else, and also the power and strength when you pull can make a difference and how you pull it. And also if you work out all the areas equally so the gains in different sides will go proportional. That’s just my opinion :) take care all

Good luck all

When I started feb-6 2005.. I was 6 1/4 BP.. 4 1/2 girth.I’ve been doing good jelqs and a little stretching .I didn’t see lots of gains .I did feel then in my hand.. But it took 3 month’s to measure gains.. I’m now 6 7/8 BP and all most 5 in girth..

Girth has been going slow but I can fell the difference.. W week ago I’ve been doing some easy clamping .


I am also not sure whether I correctly measured at the beginning, but, who the f*** cares. I have figured out my way of measuring 2-3 weeks into PE and now measure my progress against that.

In the end, its for your own sake and nobody elses.

Originally Posted by BusterHymes

When you send in your gains fee of $100 per half-inch.

Man do I wish it worked like that….I’d send $500, maybe even $100 per half inch of girth as well.

Hahahaha.. I’d pay too for lenght and girth..

But the work one has to do himself I’m afraid.

I’ve been at it since the 7th and maybe 2 days ago I looked at my cock and was like damn am I imagining things or am I getting bigger. I was very seckptical when I first started PEing and I can already tell a diffrence. I’m also in it for the long run. I havent taken any mesurments yet but I can tell I’m growing.


P.S.. Thats only 11 days.

I only have been at it 3 weeks also. Won’t measure until a month or 2 is done. But have noticed about 4 ringed stretch marks on the shaft. So I’m hoping that is good. Lol. Also am wondering about down time and rest. I usually do it 6 on 1 off is this to much? Is resting more, better?

Originally Posted by toobanoon
I only have been at it 3 weeks also. Won’t measure until a month or 2 is done. But have noticed about 4 ringed stretch marks on the shaft. So I’m hoping that is good. Lol. Also am wondering about down time and rest. I usually do it 6 on 1 off is this to much? Is resting more, better?

6 on 1 off?

Everyone varies so you need to find what works for YOU.

Some people gain better doing it every day, some gain better 1 day on, 2 days off.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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