Thunder's Place

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Important question - I want to start again but I have a problem

Important question - I want to start again but I have a problem

Hello everybody, first my starting measurements are 5.9 BPEL and 4.8 EG I feel that I have a small penis and it really gets me down sometimes.
Maybe I wouldn’t even have that problem if it wasn’t so small when flaccid.
I have done the newbie routine for 2 months without results a year ago, I was really motivated in the beginning but when I saw no results after 2 months I stopped believing.

I want to start again and this time stick to it for at least 3 months and I’m also considering the vac extender for extra help.
The problem is that in 5 weeks from now I’m gonna be going away for a trip for a month and a half and I wont be able to do any exercises besides maybe a few stretches in bed.
I am wondering if I should even start now or if i should wait until I get back from the trip.

if anyone has any suggestions or comments I would love to hear them.
Thanks allot.

Hello bentsi. Two months are little time to see results for many guys.

About your question, I believe that a little is better than nothing; the actual trend is “less is more for PE”. So: start whenever you want.

Don’t be tempted to trade time for intensity, however : PE should be done always in a gentle way.

You can do some stretches and jelqs near in any place; maybe you could try wrapping, also.

Good luck :) .

Last edited by marinera : 05-04-2008 at .

Thanks allot for the quick response :) .
The thing is - since I haven’t gained the last time after 2 months I find it hard to believe I will gain now after 5 weeks.
I know I wont get to jelq on my trip and I think that starting again just to stop with no results might get me unmotivated again.
But I’m sure you all know the feeling: I cant wait to start my way for a bigger dick again.


What erection lvl are you jelqing at?

I was jelqing at too low a lvl at first about 40/50% and saw no gains

But one I moved up to 70/80% it worked alot better

The first thing too change for me was flacid girth.I have the same probs as you my erect size is ok . But soft there isnt much there . Plus everyone in my gym seems to be circus freak’s lol the showers are all open =(

I can say your not small but it won’t help as long as YOU! Think your small


I was jelqing at about 70% - 80% I also think I had good form.
I must say that when I was doing PE I was feeling allot better my dick would hang under my balls and I had some temporary gains due to harder erections so I felt like I had something in my pants.

I think I’m going to start again tomorrow I just cant wait and Ive been feeling bad about it the last days because a friend made a joke about it.


grockuk, could you read the Forum Guidelines, please?

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