Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question for an unusual start

Question for an unusual start

Hi guys;

First I’d like to say how impressed I am with the site and its content. It’s great to see.

But now, to my question. I’m 23; I need to lose a little weight but otherwise I’m in pretty good shape. I’ve recently decided to start jelqing…but here’s where my problem surfaces.

I have, as I’m told, an unusually small penis. It can stretch to a little over 4” flaccid, and 4” exactly when hard. I’d like to get up to 6 inches - not extremely impressive length, but it’ll be just fine for me.

I read some of these threads on simple jelqing and tried it for a few weeks, but it’s just not working. I have big hands, and with the above-mentioned size…well, it’s rather difficult to ‘get things going’, as it were.

There are a lot of techniques listed on these forums, but they all seem to be geared toward larger starting-out penises than mine. Should I go straight to hanging, try this Blaster technique, or something else? If there’s an answer buried in the archives, please tell me where to look. I’ve done a little searching, but I can’t seem to find much for my case.

I better get to bed (3 am here!), but I want to say thanks in advance for any recommendations anyone can give. Best of luck to us all!


There was a guy who started at your size ish and gained up to 7inches, dammit I forgot who it was… Maybe someone will know and post who it is, so you can look up their routine in the progress section.

OK, so if jelqing doesnt work (yet) I would say start with stretching exercises before hanging, in fact I just read a thread you might like:

What Manual Excerise…

Look at DarkTrick’s post, its got links to all the best manual exercises to do, have a read of them and then we can help you make an effective routine.

Good Luck I’m sure you can reach your goals!

When I was starting out, I didn’t know about Thunder’s Place and just tried figuring out jelquing on my own. I couldn’t get much of a stretch until I tried gripping with my thumbs closest to the body — sort of a backhand grip. Once I started working out regularly, the gains came refreshingly quickly.

Good luck with it!

I do truly believe that bigger is better!


You may want to concentrate more effort on stretching untill you gain enough length to do a proper ok grip. If you are having trouble jelqing due to big hands and or overweight combined with short length, you may find some success using a “pinch jelq” technique, concentrating your efforts on the corpora cavernosa rather than all three chambers with the ok grip.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

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