Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What Manual Excerise...

What Manual Excerise...

im new here.
im around 8.0” long and 5.75-6” in girth presently.
i’ve been using the jelq technique for quite a while and noticed
great gains at first. i gained around 0.7” in length and around 0.25 in girth.
jelqing is all i do and i dont use any other excercise.
i was just wondering what other manual excercises can i do to increase length. i want
to get to 9”. my girth is fine. i want an inch more in length.
can you please tell me how to do the techniques aswell.
i dont want to go out and buy any devices or lubes etc.
just a few notes:
my present workout plan: 30 minutes of jelqing daily
length: 8”
girth: 5.75-6
goal: 9” by 6”

and one other note: when i jelq, since im uncut, i dont use any lubricants or anything. i just pull the skin
over the head with each stroke. sort of like masterbating, but with lots of pressure and overhand. it works great. does anyone else do this? your results/opinions on this technique?

popp, your gains so far with only a jelq routine are amazing. I think that if you incorporated some stretching into your routine you could realize these goals very quickly. There are some very good manual stretching routines in this forum. My favorites are:

JAI stretches
DLD Blasters.

Good luck

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


Greetings Popp -

First I would suggest reading the
Forum Guidelines
and the PE FAQ.

After that, looking at
lil12big1’s Most Excellent Quick Start Guide To PE
and reading these
Comprehensive PE/jelq instructions
would be of benefit.

Since you are uncut, look at
Memento’s jelqing w/ uncut unit

Other techniques that may interest you, jelqing or otherwise:


HorseShoe bends


DLD’s Blasters

Pan Squeeze

Stretching is also popular:



Really, you have to educate yourself here. Some people will point you in the proper direction and suggest techniques, but it’s you who has to do the grunt work of finding what works for you and what does not.

Best of luck -

Last edited by DarkTrick : 01-24-2003 at .

Re: popp

Originally posted by DarkTrick
Really, you have to educate yourself here. Some people will point you in the proper direction and suggest techniques, but it's you who has to do the grunt work of finding what works for you and what does not.

Very good point DT

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

DT, are DLD Blasters a jelq technique?

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!



You slipped your post in before I finished mine, so to clarify - that

Some people will point you in the proper direction and suggest techniques…

observation had nothing to do with your post’s content. When I read it after posting, it looked like I was referring to your post, which is not the case at all.

Was just making a point in general that he needs to do some research for himself and not rely purely on what others suggest to him.

Sorry for the confusion - I need to learn to type faster or something.

And no, Blasters are not a jelq technique, placed that link poorly, my fault.

I will correct it, thanks for pointing that out Cascade. I should be more careful.

Originally posted by cascade
DT, are DLD Blasters a jelq technique?

No a stretch

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

thanks dudes.

i guess i’ll start the stretching. looks simple, and seems like it works!

wish me luck!

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