Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Horse 440 Squeezes

The MegaSqueeze

Hi folks!

Long time since I participated in a PE forum!
This is mainly due to the fact that I used to hang at the Big-Penis site and I could go there, click a link and see all the posts since the last time I had been there. That feature has since been changed to “see all active posts”, meaning that if I stay away for 3 days I’ll miss stuff.

So in a word or two: it sucks now.

But then I remembered that Thunder had a place of it’s own and here I am.

And I’m here to tell you about my new exercise, that I call the MegaSqueeze. It’s working wonders for my girth, it’s easy to learn, although not very easy to do for maximum effect. It’s also NOT for beginners.

Ok, here we go:

Start out with your fave warm up - I do it in the shower.
Get an erection, medium hard (you’ll have to make it harder as you go along)

Right, now use a milking/jelqing exercise, basically one you like doing and that pumps blood into your head. I do a simple one hand dry jelq, very tight and very slow for 20 reps.

After the set of milking/jelqing you do the MegaSqueeze:

Pump as much blood as possible into you penis (don’t worry if it’s not TOO hard at this stage, you only want it REALLY hard at the very last set).

Grasp with one hand at the base, doing a torniquet, as tight as humanly possible.

Wait a second, let go ever so slightly of the torniquet hand - kegel hard - close the torniquet hard again.

Ok, now the squeeze… if you’re uncut, as me, just do this using your foreskin (be sure to leave it covering the head before doing the torniquet), if not then just use PLENTY of lube.

Make a tiny little ok sign with your index and thumb. I mean TINY - half a centimeter or less.

Now star at the very tip of the head and slide that tight ok sign down your penis until it’s past the head. Hold it there for ten seconds.

Obviously your tiny ok sign is going to have to loosen up a bit to be able to slide down the head, but keep it as tight as you can, thus moving all the blood you pumped into the head down to the shaft.

Your shaft will thicken up considerably.

Let go of the torniquet hand first, slowly, then the hand at the head.

Repeat the milking/jelqing.

Repeat! I do 10 sets of 20 jelqs and 10 sets of 10 sec MegaSqueeze at random day intervals and it’s working wonders for my girth.


Do at your own risk.



I perform the same exercise, only I call it a jelq-squeeze. You are right it is great for girth.


Hi Horse and Quest,

What sort of girth gains have you seen from using this exercise?
How long did it take?


See Ya,


same exercise?

1quest, do you do the tiny ok sign slide from the head?

It’s also fun to do this without the torniquet hand… your head will turn miniscule and completely white, it’s almost scary :)

But then you let go and it fills up, it’s pretty fun to watch.


Last edited by Horse440 : 03-12-2002 at .


I tried this today figuring that because I do fully erect squeezes I could handle it. You are correct; this is NOT for beginners and is potentially dangerous. I’m going to work up slowly to these myself and I consider myself a vet.

That having been said, I got more feeling of girth stretch from a few of these than from most of the exercises I do combined and I still feel it. What do we call them: “Horses”?



Yes I do it from the head back, and in front of the torniquet grip moving towards the head. Works good both ways for me. Really ballons up.



I have went from 4.5” to 5.75” in girth in about 7 months. Most of my girth gains come later when I started using the more intense squeeze’s. My length has not been as good , only .75” in gains.


Horse Squeezes

Hey Horse, Good to have you here with us, hope you like it and stay.
Your Horse Squeezes sound interesting and I’ll give them a go - I love new things.Thanks for sharing it with us.

Why dont’ you tell us your PE history and stats, we’re curious here.

ù ì å í


Holy crap this sounds wicked. Wicked cool…

Remember, some of us may hve to start by doing only one of these—those of us who are using our dicks on a regular basis have a tough time explaining all the red splotches :)

Work slow, but work hard, and progress.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

I also have a similar technique that I customized, jelquing, squeezing , and stretching all in 1. If you think its tough on your member, try it standing up. Much more effective this way. I agreee, you dick will feel like its about to explode.


Describe your technique, if different from Horse’s. Thanks.



I am very freelance when it comes to PE, but I always use a combination of techniques. The one I am speaking about involves one hand.

First , do a PC flex and hold it,”very important”, now make an OK sign ,”overhand” around your shaft near the base, and squeeze as hard as possible. Push foreward as hard as you can for the stretch, towards the head to about halfway up the shaft. From the tip of your head to midshaft should be engorged at this point “understatement”. Now slowly close your hand as if to grasp it closing one finger at a time. It is necessary to do this standing up for the maximum results. It will make a big difference.

This is my last exercise for the session besides the final hotwrap or shower. I do this exercise last because it is much easier to get you penis swollen enough to make this exercise really work if youve already done some Jelquing or squeezes. This is the perfect finishing touch to your session. I normally do this exercise very slowly. Maybe 4-5 seconds per rep.

I would not suggest anything like this for a beginner. though I myself could be considered a beginner after 1 1/2 months, I know what my penis can handle and what it cant. Pumpers will see even more of an effect from this exercise. I would suggest pumping or using PJ for 20 min prior.

Something important that I forgot to mention is that you will want to do this exercise while 60%-80% erect… or whatever you normally do non-erect Jelques with.


Holy shit!

Tried these horse squeezes last night and my shaft expanded tremendously, it looked like that Boa Constrictor after swallowing an elephant (remember the drawing from “the little prince” by St Exuperry?). Although I repeated them only 3 times my johnson looked unusually pumped and remained so long after the workout - it was amazing. Can’t wate to do some more tonight, I just loved that sight of my big swallen johnny.

ù ì å í


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