Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Horse 440 Squeezes

Originally Posted by Stixman

They popped the balloon

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”

Originally Posted by thegoat
After trying for a long time, I finally gained 0.3 ” of girth doing set of Ulis, Horse Squeezes and Slow Squash Jelqs. 5 sets of each exercises to be honest. I feel the Horse squeezes along with the SSJ contributed to my gains the most

How many days and week and how long each hold?

Originally Posted by Edubrsurf

Yes I’ve read somewhere that someone’s got permanent deflated glans for over two years from this squeeze.

😳 Could that be from damage to the CS?

Started: BPEL 6.5", EG 4.5"

Current: BPEL 8.0", EG 5.3"

Goal: BPEL 8.5", EG 5.5"

I have a baseball bat look so this is a perfect addition. Thanks

Starting NBPEL 6.8 -7.3

BPEL 7.5-7.7 (based on EQ) (2018)

Current - same. Goal NBPEL 8

I am trying these out carefully, the instant visual effect, much like pumping, needs to be respected. Don’t go nuts here.

One question guys, after doing these I get a slight sensation, mostly in the gland. It is like a slight humming sensation in the gland and sometimes in the base as well. Anyone else has this experience? Happened twice now. The package is slightly more puffed up the next day, and no change in EQ from what I can tell. I rarely get red spots, perhaps three in total from 5 tests, 3x10 seconds x 3 with a clamp and 1 min rests in between without clamp.

Regarding post above. I think it is some smaller nerve damage that gives that tingeling feeling. The head has lots of nerves and it is soft so I can see how you can cause some damage there.

Is There a Video Guide For This?

Can someone please provide a video of the best method for this?

People have discussed their own variations, but some of us would benefit from a demonstration of the method most agreed upon, yes?

I searched for this but couldn’t find it.

Originally Posted by jimboree
Can someone please provide a video of the best method for this?
People have discussed their own variations, but some of us would benefit from a demonstration of the method most agreed upon, yes?
I searched for this but couldn’t find it.

Agreed. I cannot seem to find great video demonstrations. If anyone else knows where to go please let us know.

Is it possible to do it and have gains without the torniquet at the base? I did some and I feel like it was working. Of course the pressure would be much higher with the torniquet grip at the base.

I am now doing what I call a squeeze bend jelq tug, followed by a Horse 440. At semi or almost erect, I squeeze my dick from the bottom up with one hand, starting with my pinky closest to the base and ending up with my forefinger - each finger in order. I also bend my dick away from my hand over the squeezing fingers at the same time, so to the left with my right hand or to the right with my left. Essentially I do O bends while squeeze jelqing.

After 10-20 of these, I tug my dick just under the glans upward toward my belly button and relax into the stretch and hold it. Then I do a Horse 440 for about 30 seconds, and then repeat the process with the other hand.

I do this in bed for 5-30 minutes when I first wake up and my package is warm. It has been amazing!

Started: BPEL 6.5", EG 4.5"

Current: BPEL 8.0", EG 5.3"

Goal: BPEL 8.5", EG 5.5"

Guys,how many times did you do this in a week?

Before 6.5"-Now 8.1"

To be continued~

My goal is 8.7" ~When I achieve my goal,I will release a thread to share it.

Reminding newbies and lurkers that this is a VERY advanced exercise. Do not attempt before you can comfortably do some aggressive jelqs without any negative PI at the very least.


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