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Jelq Squeezes / Horse 440's: How Many, how long?

Jelq Squeezes / Horse 440's: How Many, how long?

I’m incorporating some Jelq Squeezes in my 10 minute Wet Jelqing session before I do 10 Uli’s. After 5 minutes of wet Jelqing I do some Jelq squeezes with my left hand, then with my right hand for a total of about 2 minutes. I guess that are about 20 Jelq Squeezes.

Am I overdoing it on the Jelq Squeezes? Or should I do another 20 after my 10 minute wet Jelqing session? It’s the first time I ever did Jelq Squeezes but I have been PE’ing for over a year so my dick seems conditioned enough. Thi s morning I got those tiny red spots on the shaft. It could be from the Jelq squeezes, or maybe because I did just 1 Horse440 at the end of my workout but maybe too long. Is it right you can only do this about 10 seconds? I did it for about half a minute because I liked the visual too much. :) So my main question is:

How many Jelq Squeezes to start with, and work up to how many in time? Same with Horse 440’s.

Thx in advance!

Motivations: - The smile on your girlfriends face when she pulls it out - You never have to hear "DEEPER!" (and if you can) - Getting to see a mouth stretched around your cock and 2 hands req to work it - All of your girlfriends girlfriends knowing your big - Knowing you're the biggest she's been with and she'll always remember you in her life - Watching pornos and being so unimpressed

10x15 sec each

I just kind of just go with the flow I never count

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Whats a horse 440? What’s a jelq squeeze. I think for the purposes of this post and me not having to research again would be greatly appreciated!


There are people here doing 20 times what you describe, so I don’t think you should worry about it being too much. If you don’t see gains, it is not enough, and if you hurt yourself, it is too much.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by d_sut
Whats a horse 440? What’s a jelq squeeze. I think for the purposes of this post and me not having to research again would be greatly appreciated!

It are both advanced exercises. Here’s how Horse440 himself describes the Horse440:

Horse 440 Squeezes

Here’s another description of Horse440 and Jelq Squeeze:

A Quickstart Guide to Manual Exercises

It seems that very few people know about these exercises, yet they seem to have a great impact on girth. I heard of them, but I didn’t know what they were untill a few weeks ago. These exercises are great, my dick feels already bigger girthwise! I’ve never seen my dick so fat in the morning. And I just started doing just 2 Horse440’s a day and some Jelq Squeezes into my routine.

Motivations: - The smile on your girlfriends face when she pulls it out - You never have to hear "DEEPER!" (and if you can) - Getting to see a mouth stretched around your cock and 2 hands req to work it - All of your girlfriends girlfriends knowing your big - Knowing you're the biggest she's been with and she'll always remember you in her life - Watching pornos and being so unimpressed

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