Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why is hanging heavy from the start bad

Why is hanging heavy from the start bad

Hey guys,
Long time lurker and have decided to get serious recently. I made a bib hanger a while back and can comfortably (no pinching sensations) keep it on with 12lbs for the full 15 minute sets. I made it over 4 years ago and fooled around with it then, and decided now that YES I do want a bigger dick (I now have a thing for rihanna and kind of want to show that non black guys can pack some firepower too ;) . Her “rude boy” music video inspired me of all things! LOL.). Like today was my first day and I had no problem doing 3 15 minute sets with 12lbs and doing golf weights for 4 hours afterwards.

So my question is, why not start heavy instead of at 5lbs the first month, 7lbs the second month, and so on?

Is it solely to prevent injury? I mean, the ligs themselves are never going to rip unless there is some underlying condition. And if they do rip, even better! (But not going to happen unless you go into the excess of 100+ lbs or add the component of sudden acceleration)

I am also aware of the fear that the ligs will become too strong with heavy weights at the get go, thus, requiring a herculean effort to stretch the ligs later on, but this simply doesn’t make sense to me for what we are trying to achieve. Why not just gain from the start and continue gaining by never letting it fully heal? I am currently a med school student who has taken anatomy too many times and I know 1. Ligaments heal very slowly, and 2. Ligaments suffer from plastic deformation (that is, once they are stretched past a certain point, they are permanently deformed). So my argument for heavy weight from the start in regards to the 2 points above is:

1. If ligs heal slowly, and you are constantly applying a stressor daily (essentially nullifying healing that is going on), then why be so concerned with this idea that your ligs in your penis will become super ligs? (Btw, they won’t. It’ll just become a small percentage stronger. Pitchers in the major leagues can’t pitch faster than approx 100 miles per hour because their ligs will snap at that high end force. Even with “strengthening exercises” these ligs can only support 3-5 mph increase max for especially talented throwers. It’s the intrinsic quality of the ligament that can hardly be changed. Sprinters on the other hand get faster every year because the intrinsic strength of their ligaments are hardly challenged by the forces their leg muscles generate, which is why if you give a sprinter steroids his or her times will improve with no danger of ligs snapping. Their muscles can “grow into” their ligs. On the other hand, if you give steroids to a pitcher, his fastball will still be 100mph) My point with that example is that ligs are as strong as they are ever going to be (do not confuse them with tendons), plus or minus a few percentage points. Ligs are not like muscles where they get stronger from working out or weaker from zero gravity. Ligaments simply provide a framework (mostly bone to bone). If you shoot a man into space, his ligs will largely remain the same. Aging weakens ligaments. You keep them healthy with exercise NOT because of the forces that cause it to re-heal over and over again BUT because of the CIRCULATION of the blood around it that brings fresh nutrients to the ligaments.

2. About plastic deformation: so if a ligament requires a certain force to exceed the ligament’s elastic potential, that means anything under that “certain force” will have null effect as the ligament will simply return to it’s original length. So my thinking is: “why not just start out at 12 lbs (instead of 5lbs) and do an ADS for 4 hours after to cement the micro tears somewhat and do this daily?” Won’t this result in gains? If it DOESN’T result in gains, didn’t I just save myself several months of hanging 5,7,10lb weights off my member by doing it hard from the start?

So I don’t mean to be critical of the accumulated knowledge on this forum (cause sometimes experience does trump all else), but, honestly, I’ve read a couple posts where new hangers don’t gain anything at all in their months of hanging (!) and I’d rather find out in month 1-2 than 5-6 by starting off heavy.

I only want 1-1.5 inches added to my length. Hanging seems to be the sure way. I haven’t looked into jelqing too much cause it seems like a lot of work, but if I can gain an easy 1-1.5 inches doing other things, let me know as well. Thanks guys!


Last edited by HUNGry : 03-04-2010 at . Reason: grammar mistake

Well apart from injury, there is the conditioning factor. Regardless of the weight, if you don’t injure yourself, your dick gets accustomed to the weight pretty quickly. Some hang 40lbs and say it feels like nothing. There is no point in unnecessarily toughening up the ligs. Also, many have gained hanging with light to moderate weight.

Would you run a marathon without doing any training?

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
Would you run a marathon without doing any training?


Oh wait… No?

Damn it, is that a trick question? I wouldn’t run a marathon, especially while hanging!

So sure, it has a lot to do with safety and conditioning. Also hanging has a bit of a learning curve. Screw up with 5lbs hanging off of your unit and tell us all about it. Screw up with 15lbs hanging off of your unit and tell the folks in the ER all about it.

If hanging 10lbs is all that you need for gains why would you want to hang 20lbs? The trick is to find the lowest weight that gives you gains, IMO.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Take it to the limits, past the point of no return

The thing is, if you were able to gain at 5 lbs, why not gain at 5. Then move up to 7, gain a little more…10lbs…etc.

If you start at 12 and you gain 1/4 of an inch, you’ll eventually max out your gains at 12lbs. Then you’ll be at 15 and so on.

Basically, you want to use the least amount of force possible to yield gains so that when you hit a plateau, you’ll have somewhere to go.

A forum is a resource. Use it however you want. As I see it, the community has tried a lot of different approaches over the years. Things that worked for people got adopted. Thongs that didn’t work, or worse, injured people, did not. Ask yourself if you’re likely the first person to come up with the idea of going straight to the big guns, and if it worked out well, why the community would advise you to waste your time building up slowly when there is a better, faster way.

Then make up your own mind, and let us know how it works out.

Thanks for the replies. Very good points. And lol at iamaru

As for the marathon analogy, I think it applies to jelqing but not hanging.

Jelqing = ACCLIMATING vascular tissue to greater capacity. Like a marathon, a conditioning/acclimation period is needed because you are dealing with soft tissues: vascular/smooth muscle tissues. These things we are conditioning to greater lengths, quite literally, like we condition our hearts, circulatory systems, and skeletal muscles for a marathon. Too much is definitely not good here!

However, with hanging, I’m not sure if that analogy applies. The lig is more of a collagenous brick wall that you are trying to break down rather than a tissue that we are trying to build up. In that sense, would you rather take a chisel to the brick wall to “condition” it, or would you rather take a sledgehammer? Even the sledgehammer is barely going to make a dent!! Both will get the job done, but one of these is literally going to take forever.

Originally Posted by rolly2121
The thing is, if you were able to gain at 5 lbs, why not gain at 5. Then move up to 7, gain a little more.10lbs.etc.

If you start at 12 and you gain 1/4 of an inch, you’ll eventually max out your gains at 12lbs. Then you’ll be at 15 and so on.

Basically, you want to use the least amount of force possible to yield gains so that when you hit a plateau, you’ll have somewhere to go.

Very interesting point, but the part of “least amount of force possible” is what bothers me.

Here is my thinking: what if these successive plateaus actually hamper your progress? For example, have you noticed that when you push a big wooden block across the floor that it takes a huge effort to get it moving and then, once it’s moving, it becomes much easier to push? My idea is instead of doing 3 successive pushes (that may not get the block moving at all in the first place!), to do one push that is BIG enough to get the block (cock?) moving and coast the rest of the day with ADS. True, maybe I will gain with the 5lbs but by the time I realize I’ve plateau-ed a month later, I’ve already healed potentially making the next plateau a bit more difficult. I’d like to plateau as few times as possible.

Here is why I think this from a physiology standpoint: Ligaments are made of collagen fibers. These collagen “fibers” are actually not fibers at all but act more like springs. What happens with small forces is maybe 50% of these coils are stretched out while the other 50% are still coiled up (think of hanging a weight off of a spring and letting it hang). Plastic deformation occurs when a majority of these springs are stretched out and some of the coils start snapping or becoming permanently uncoiled.

Here is what I gathered from last night: My erection was .3 inch longer right after I posted my thread. This is after one day of hanging. When I hung with 5 lbs for a week over 4 years ago I saw no such increase and decided to stop (though I did see a temporary increase in flaccid length).

Originally Posted by northmiamitop
A forum is a resource. Use it however you want. As I see it, the community has tried a lot of different approaches over the years. Things that worked for people got adopted. Thongs that didn’t work, or worse, injured people, did not. Ask yourself if you’re likely the first person to come up with the idea of going straight to the big guns, and if it worked out well, why the community would advise you to waste your time building up slowly when there is a better, faster way.

Then make up your own mind, and let us know how it works out.

Northmiamitop, you are very wise (and tactful!). You could have made me look like an idiot here, but didn’t. Thank you :) You’re absolutely right. I am not some brilliant outside-the-box thinker who has come up with this “novel” idea of hanging bigger weights from the start. In fact the idea may be sophomoric and naive. BUT I think I will try it in the name of research.

Hopefully I can look back on this thread and be like “this was the best decision EVER” rather than ending up in the ER as iamaru said :)

I agree with your basic premise regarding ligament deformation and I suspect (from what I have read) that most guys don’t start to gain length from hanging until they get up over 10 lbs.

I think there are good reasons for most guys to start out at lower weights, however. Many guys need to stretch the skin before they can effectively apply enough weight to deform the ligaments. Skin stretch can more comfortably be accomplished at low weight levels.

It takes many guys quite a while to figure out how to optimally wrap and adjust the hanger. You can cause discoloration, desensitisation, and injury if you wrap improperly or have the hanger poorly applied. It is much safer to go through this learning curve at lower weight levels.

Most of the veteran hangers claim that 10 hours per week or more is often required for sustained gains. You might be able to tolerate 1.5 or 2 hrs of hanging at 15 lbs for a day or two without ecessive soreness, or loss of EQ, but can you do it 7 days a week for week after week?

On the other hand, I would say that if you hang 15 lbs for 10 hours a week for two weeks straight and don’t notice any ill effects (other than some ligament soreness which you should feel if you are effectively deforming the ligs) then go for it.

I don’t know that I would describe hanging as an “easy” way to gain an inch or inch and a half, however. Hanging usually is quite time-consuming and has requirements for long periods of privacy and requires one to be sedentary while practicing it.

Last edited by redbear52 : 03-05-2010 at .

HUNGry I’m surprised at your philosophy, You’ve been around here for a long time. The mindless sense that you just add weight because time has passed is just the wrong way to go. Sorry for being so blunt but there have many members here that ended up in the 40 lb range and no where to go. iamaru and rolly2121are right. it just doesn’t make any sense to start off so heavy. One of the things that will happen is regression. Your going to find that your dick will rebel at that kind of assault. The ligs will retract and then just try to prevent toughening. Your body will attack that area with vengeance and try to restore it to what it was. If not handled properly you will plateau. This is all unnecessary.

When you can establish at what weight your getting gains that is where you should stay until they slow down. Now, does that mean your plateauing? perhaps but the point here is that there are other things that will get them moving again besides weight increase. Those other techniques will keep you from moving into unnecessary high weight territory. High weights are a negative option because of the regression the ligs go through when over worked or trained. That’s why the “less is more” principle became popular because the gains from that activity were so clear.

Impatience is our enemy. It causes us to make mistakes that set us back instead of accomplishing. Do as you will but be careful.

I’ve been through these mistakes so I’m coming from a place of experience.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Although I don’t know anything about hanging, I am surprised that nobody has mentioned this:

When you hang, are you not stretching the shaft as a whole? If so, then there are far more precious “parts” than your ligs that you should be careful with. If you suddenly start with heavy weights, will you not greatly increase the chances of injuring your urethra for example, since it hasn’t toughened up from using lighter weights?

I am probably completely wrong (like I said, I know nothing about hanging), but still- just in case.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Unless you are looking more for flaccid gains I wouldn’t be in the least be concerned about the ligs. You could cut them and still wouldn’t see any erect gains. Erect gains come form lengthening the tunica, not the ligs. For some reason, depsite all the evidence (from PE surgery) people in the manual PE community still talk about how to target the ligs, when it’s not going to get you erect length. Flaccid is different as the by stretching the ligs, the penis will hang lower and more penis will become visible, but as soon as it gets erect and the angle of the penis rises, the gains will disappear.

Ligs are what determines overall length. If the ligs remain the same the erect length will remain the same. Ligs are the structure upon which all other tissues are supported. The tunica stretches to reach the limits of the ligs length. Flaccid length is determined by how much the ligs are able to retract when cold or relax when hot. Flaccid length is very fluid and changes all the time. Watch what happens to your flaccid length when you urinate. It pulls up shorter then when you first start.

The evidence for lig length being the controlling factor here is this: Hang a significant weight on your penis and then take your fingers and place them on the top of your penis near the pelvis. What you will feel there is a banjo tight string. Those are the ligs. They are tight because they are the backbone of the penis. Cut those you won’t be able to have a stiff erection.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by joey999
Unless you are looking more for flaccid gains I wouldn’t be in the least be concerned about the ligs. You could cut them and still wouldn’t see any erect gains. Erect gains come form lengthening the tunica, not the ligs. For some reason, depsite all the evidence (from PE surgery) people in the manual PE community still talk about how to target the ligs, when it’s not going to get you erect length. Flaccid is different as the by stretching the ligs, the penis will hang lower and more penis will become visible, but as soon as it gets erect and the angle of the penis rises, the gains will disappear.

Right. Penis lengthening surgery, based on ligs cut, gives just 1/4” more EL, on average, due to the change in erection angle. This simple fact is enough to stop all the nonsense about ‘pulling out the inner penis’ and all related naive ideas about lenghtening your ligs: you are just gonig to earn a penis that points to the ground when erect lengthening too much your ligs.

If someone says to you that he gained several inches in EL lengthening his ligs he’s probably lying.


09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

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