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When to start hanging

When to start hanging

Ok I’m on day 2 of my newbie routine as well as edging.. Which means I have a one day downtime.. I definitely feel like my wang has been worked. Now I have been doing tons of reading on these forums.. Maybe I havnt come across the thread for this yet.. But I do have a question on when to start hanging or perhaps purchasing a penis extender thing.. Seems to be the new fad.. Should I just do nothin else until I have run my course with the newbie routine. I find the the potential of increasing the size of my wang exciting and wanna do what ever I can start doing w/o hurting myself.

Oh and one question on Kegels and PC muscle exercies.. I read this article (below) about how Exercising ur PC muscles is bad.. Causes premature ejeaculation. Now ill admit I’m not a stud in bed.. And my girlfriend that I have currently takes a quite a long time to cum much longer then I can hold out so I end up doin a combination of different thigns to get her on the right path.. If ya know what I mean. But if kegels will help me when would I use my PC muscles during sex? Thanks again!
http://www.herb … cle.asp?Art=432

I can’t give any sort of advice about hanging because it’s not something I do. One of the hanging vets will be able to help you here.

As for herballove:
Don't go there!
Everything I’ve read there is complete and utter BS. Often most of the time a question is asked they try and sell you one of their products claiming it’s the ONLY way to fix the problem. If kegels are bad then Dr. Kegel has alot of explaining to do.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

You should start think to hanging when manual exercises aren’t working anymore.

Ah ok ty very much.. One question though.. I guess I never really used my PC muscles during sex before.. If I had I did it it with out knowing.. Should I be clenching them the whole time to avoid blowin? Or like when I feel like I’m gonna blow?


BPEL: 6.5

EG: 5

I’m not sure I’ve understood your last question; to learn how to Kegel’, you just have to trye to stop your flush while urinating. Doing Kegel’ will aid your stamina, and should help with premature ejaculation; jelqs go hand in hand with that, and you could try edging for a while.

Kegel’ involves BC muscles, not PC muscles. With a bit of practice, and efforting using the search button, you’ll find the answers to most of your questions.

Good luck :) .

PS: avoiding reading stuff on crap sites will help, also.

Sorry I meant BC muscles.. Sorry for being confusing.. I’m just so thankful for all the help.. I was just curious to how to utilize my BC muscles during sex.. I mean you can clench them so.. While having sex.. Should I be clenching them? If I’m still being confusing I’m sorry I don’t think I know another way to ask the question but ill continue to search with the search function! TY!


BPEL: 6.5

EG: 5

I think you shouldn’t use you BC during sex, which mean you shouldn’t clench it.

Here you can find a good description on the subject of bad and good kegels, and how to last longer using BC muscle.

Originally Posted by pegain

I think you shouldn’t use you BC during sex, which mean you shouldn’t clench it.

Here you can find a good description on the subject of bad and good kegels, and how to last longer using BC muscle.

That’s a good thread! I tend to last too long in bed and after reading that I think I might try just doing short kegels.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Nice ty everyone


BPEL: 6.5

EG: 5

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