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Considerations on fighting Premature Ejaculation


Considerations on fighting Premature Ejaculation

This is a broad subject, and covers psychology as much, if not more than, physiology. But still, as I’m no psychologist, I’ll try to address some things that I can.

1) The causes of PE
As far as I’ve gathered, PE is caused by:
-Too much sensation - unhandleable level
-Trigger-happy PC muscle
-Chemical problems, such as high Hystamine level.

I wouldn’t go far into chemistry in this post, there is some information lying around on the forum, I’ll probably try to assemble it. I’m no master about dealing with anxiety, but I’d guess, that by fighting PE solo for some time you can get sure enough that you’ll show proper performance because you’ve been training, and that would reduce anxiety. You’ll just think “I’m well prepared.”. Two other issues I’ll addres here.

2) Who suffer from PE?
Next, as far as I see, there are generally 2.5 categories of people who suffer from PE.
The first category just can’t stay as long as they want.
The second cum on first few strokes.
Inbetween is an category of people who cum in about 1-3 minutes.
I believe that these 3 categories have different _primary_ causes of PE - I mean that there are other causes for each category, but they are less prevalent.
The main problem of the first category is just not being used to it/not enough willpower and moderate level of Anxiety.
Primary method of curing - self-conditioning through edging. Will add somewhat more on that.
The main problem of second category is too much sensation on entrance. High level of anxiety can be caused by that, but as well, I believe that it is cureable.
Primary medhod of curing - again, conditioning. But not through edging. Again, more will follow.
The third category is normal with sensation, but I believe it’s likely that their PC/BC muscles are trigger happy.
Cure - Kegels done the _proper_ way.

3) Cures
3.1) Edging and conditioning
You should really get conditioned not to cum quick. You should do some effort to cum, when you really, voluntarily want to. Edging should help you. An aggressive edging routine, combined with Semen Retention, would be good - I do it myself. Edge every day for half an hour, and don’t cum. It’s actually easier than edging for 15 minutes AND cumming in the end - just because you know you aren’t going to cum. Once in 4-5 days, have an 1.5 hour edging session, cumming in the end. If you have an Fleshlight, it’s even better - because that way, you can move your body, not just jerk with hand - and it’s important, because when you;re humping, it’s harder to control yourself. Also, with Fleshlight, you can condition yourself not to ejaculate inside pussy - just don’t ejaculate within fleshlight. Also, there, Porn would be good - because it’ll abb some sensation, and make it harder to control.
With a woman, if you feel like you’re close and it’s too early, you SHOULD hawe willpower to stop. Try to go VVC’s Wild Root method - stick your dick as deep as you can, and press further with varying pressure. Use what you use during edging to reduce level of arousal - reverse kegel, breath, visualisation, whatever. Then continue. :)

3.2) Conditioning against too much sensation
This is different. I don’t have such a problem myself, so I can only guess. Without a Fleshlight, it’s problematic. Get a tightest one you can, lube it up, heat it up, get an erection, and stick your cock inside. Go as long as you can before you feel the urge - I guess, that if you can’t stang a woman, you shouldn’t be able to stand Fleshlight as well, so it should be just few strokes. Stop it, pull your cock out, lose an erection. Get it up again - either right after that, or some other time in a day, stick in, approach PONR, pull out. Do it several times a day. If you can go for longer, go. That way, I persume, you can get used to tighness. I think you may clean FL only once in a day that way, as you don’t leave smelly cum inside. Lube it in the morning, clean in the evening.
Without FL, you have to resort to your hand. After getting an erection, pull cock skin with your ‘non-work’ hand, near the base, so if you’re uncircumsized, you’ll pull your foreskin as much as possible, and if circumsized, there’ll just be tension. I think that skin under the glans, hid by foreskin, is the most sensitive, and you should expose it maximally. Cover your cock in plenty of lube - I think in that case, EVO would be best - cover your “working” palm in lube, and slide it upon your cock, like you’re trying to put a sleeve on it. Use STRONG grip. Your cock should be really stimulated. The other parts are the same.

3.3) Kegels done right
Kegels should get rid of PE. But some people report the opposite: they’ve become trigger happy due to Kegels. I believe these people have done someting wrong. I have noticed it myself, and have seemingly found the way to avert it.

1) Short kegels are bad.
Make your kegels long! And strong as well. It’s not the number of repetitions, it’s time*force, which develop BC muscle. By doing a lot of fast kegels, you are making yourself trigger-happy. There’s a good routine for Kegels I’ve found on one book:
Novice level: do 50 short kegels, 10 4-second ones, 50 short again.
Beginner: 100 short - 10 4-second, 5 10-second, 100 short.
Intermediate: 100 short - 20 4-second, 5 20-second, 100 short.
Advanced: 100 short, 10 10-second, 1 30-second, 50 short, 1 30-second, 100 short.
Highly advanced: 100 short, 5 20-second, 1 30-second, 50 short, 1 60-second, 50 short, 1 30-second, 100 short.
Do them every day, ONCE per day, each level for two weeks. After 2 weeks of Highly Advanced, it’d be time for serious Erect Kegeling in addition.
During long kegels, you may feel that BC muscle stutters. Chench it harder! And if you can’t, better release it.
Furthermore, I think that a long kegel should be added at the end of a session - 5 to 20 seconds, proportionally to routine.

2) Relax after workout!
BC muscle doesn’t ache and seem to fully regain strength in a hour - but it isn’t so. Don’t do routine more than once in a day. If it’s overworked, it’s trigger happy. Also, don’t Kegel before sex, it’ll make you come fast. Try to separate sex and Kegel as much, as possible. Sex in evening? Kegel at morning. Sex at morning? Kegel in evening. Or just Kegel about an hour after sex.
Plus, do reverse Kegels aftew workout. Few short ones, one - two long, a few more short ones. You want PC/BC muscles relaxed during the day.

3) Learn reverse Kegels well.
Don’t really have to say anything here.

4) Not covered before
4.1) Control while humping
When you jerk with your hand, you’re relaxed. You can easily feel and control what happens inside you. When humping, it’s much harder, but that is waht you should learn. How? Well, you have to hump! Again, Fleshlight would come handy.

4.2) Sensations from other sources
As for me, I seem to be triggered mostly not by my dick, but ty balls and pube slapping against partner. I don’t really know what to do with this, probably just concentrating on other things, changing tempo so you balls don’t slap hard, and changing position to reduce pressure to pube.
Testicle massage also may help.

4.3) Willpower and control during intercourse.
You have to have willpower to do something if you are approacing PONR during sex, and have do be in control to actually be able to perform that successfully. Changing tempo isn’t bad. Tease her while you handle yourself.

4.4) Relax my friend, relax
Yes, really relax and sit there. Being calm is good. :)

I’ll add something else later.

Ah yes, I’ve missed a point I wanted to make.

In our country, most drugs are only sold on prescription. I know that SSRI antidepressants help, but any antidepressant is only sold on prescription, and to be prescribed with them, you have to be in REAL trouble.
So, I wanted to make up a more or less comprehensive system to fight premature, which should be to some degree ‘clean’.

Drugs without scripts can be easily obtained. I was able to get a drug not even EVER AVAILABLE OR APPROVED in this shit hole excuse of a country from France so fast I heard a sonic boom in my mailbox. Just say you feel SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

Nevertheless, One could swap SSRIs out for things the methylate; methionine, SAMe, calcium, magnesium, omega-3 essential oils (DHA & EPA), B-6, inositol, and vitamins A, C, and E. They should avoid supplements containing folic acid. Of course this is following a protocol of high histamine relief.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

That is already better! Supplements are good.
By the way, I think a survey has to be made on people who suffer from premature ejaculation. People should also test themselves for high Histamine levels, and describe what it is like when they approach PONR.

I imagine, and just imagine, that a chemistry-caused Premature Ejaculation would feel as if PONR comes out of nowhere, without any accompanying sensations, high stimulation, etc. While in a non-chemical cause, one would feel PC/BC involuntary contractions, high amount of sensations coming from dick/balls/pube etc.

Also, one point I’ve forgot to mention. Today I’ve done edging session _before_ Kegels, for the first time. Also, I’ve not jumpstarted my erection as I’ve did last few times, which caused me real troubles with control. It was a short session, only 22 minutes, but I’ve never have approached PONR! SO it comes in support for _proper_ Kegeling concept.

Do not jumpstart your erection!
Some people would jumpstart erection using Kegels. I think it’s rare in case of sex, but more often in case of masturbation/edging.
It is bad! It makes PC/BC muscles real trigger happy! Don’t jumpstart it, let it build on its own, even if it would take some time. With your partner, you can spend this time making foreplay, if you’re masturbating - just relax, don’t haste.
It will be much easier the natural way.

Nevod, I like your post. I find your ideas very sound.

This part really resonated with me:

“As for me, I seem to be triggered mostly not by my dick, but ty balls and pube slapping against partner.”

I have the same exact thing. What I’ve realized through masturbation is that if I focus on shorter thrusts (I.E. not going balls deep), that I can control things better.

I think that the longer your penis is, the easier this is to control.

Also, when ever my erection was flagging (not at 90% or better), I found myself squeezing my pc muscle to try to get harder or maintain erection. Guess what this did to me? Yep. Made me cum super fast.

When I was younger and in much better shape, I could last for at least 30 minutes. Now that I’m older and much fatter, things are more difficult. Penis health is in large part determined by your overall physical health. As I continue to get leaner and eat healthier, I find my penis getting healthier as well.

Originally Posted by Nevod

1) Short kegels are bad.
Make your kegels long! And strong as well. It’s not the number of repetitions, it’s time*force, which develop BC muscle. By doing a lot of fast kegels, you are making yourself trigger-happy. There’s a good routine for Kegels I’ve found on one book:
Novice level: do 50 short kegels, 10 4-second ones, 50 short again.
Beginner: 100 short - 10 4-second, 5 10-second, 100 short.
Intermediate: 100 short - 20 4-second, 5 20-second, 100 short.
Advanced: 100 short, 10 10-second, 1 30-second, 50 short, 1 30-second, 100 short.
Highly advanced: 100 short, 5 20-second, 1 30-second, 50 short, 1 60-second, 50 short, 1 30-second, 100 short.
Do them every day, ONCE per day, each level for two weeks. After 2 weeks of Highly Advanced, it’d be time for serious Erect Kegeling in addition.
During long kegels, you may feel that BC muscle stutters. Chench it harder! And if you can’t, better release it.
Furthermore, I think that a long kegel should be added at the end of a session - 5 to 20 seconds, proportionally to routine.

Thanks for the info in your original post. I’m a little confused, though, by the above advice. Since the premise is that “short kegels are bad”, why would there be so many short kegels in the posted kegel routine? Would it be better to substitute longer kegels for the short kegels?

start 1/20/08: 6.0 nbpel, 5.5 eg, 4 fl, 5 fg

now 6/30/12: 6.75 nbpel, 5.875 eg, 5.0 fl, 5.125 fg

It’s been stated that they are for burn-in and burn-out, in that book. I think, that long kegel after the routine and a few reverse kegel would be more than enough to completely counter the negative effect of fast kegels.

Plus, even the fast ones shouldn’t be done too fast. Quickly, but gradually get clenching effort to maximun, and, withoud holding it, just reduce it to zero. Not just release, but reduce. This is good for control, I think. And in all the weightlifting and similar books it is stated that you shouldn’t just release your muscles.


start 1/20/08: 6.0 nbpel, 5.5 eg, 4 fl, 5 fg

now 6/30/12: 6.75 nbpel, 5.875 eg, 5.0 fl, 5.125 fg

Some more info gathered around, and also discovered by myself:

Lower Body Relaxation
In women, clenching their thighs can help them orgasm. Same goes for men. If your buttocks, thighs, other pelvic muscles are clenched, you are prone to oversensetization and can cum uncontrollably. Watch it and relax. I occassionally clench my buttocks when sitting, and fighting it.
During thrusting, also try not to clench any really not needed muscle. It’s not hard and helps greatly.

Breath Control and Visualisation
Excitement controls breath, and breath controls excitement. Usually, men breath with their belly, but during sex, one might unconsciously clench some abs muscles and breath only with chest. Also, if you breath quick, you breath with chest. That makes you close!

1) Breath with your belly.
Just that. Breath slowly as well. You can also count your breath if you need to shift your concentration form something too exciting. But if you count and cound, that doesn’t work well, you have to shift few times to different things. Reverse kegel, count some, reverse again, think aout your little finger on left leg, count some again..

2) Watch it when expelling.
Orgasms usually happen during expelling, and almost never - on inhaling. Exhale slowly, it takes some attention to it. So, if you are close, try to hold your breath, and do something. But that’s if you are too close. If not so, try next one instead.

3) Holding breath.
Particularly, inhale slowly and deep with your belly. Hold it, you may load your abs somewhat when holding with a full belly. That is almost a miracle for me. I’m not circumsized, and when I edge, I sometimes hit a particular area of inner foreskin, which is really sensitive. It gets hard to control without slowing down and I have to fall back to reverse kegels. But holding breath that way just kind of ‘turns off’ that sensitive point for a really long time, and that’s while not reducing erection. Just don’t spoil it, and exhale slowly and thoughtfully.

4) Visualisation.
I’m not into Taoism, even though I’m interested a bit, but visualisation isn’t hard. Particularly, what I visualise is that when I’m inhaling, I suck energy out of penis and store it in my lungs. Then, when I exhale, I just expel that energy out. Works well too, though I combine that with reverse kegels. With holding breath and other tips, that should be really used in case you’re generally very excited and anxious and time form PONR to PONR is really small. With hard reverse kegels and visualisation, I can get rid of anxiety and be in good control. Though that really reduces erection, be careful, not in the sense it’s dangerous, but in the sense you could unwantingly fell out of whatever hole you stuck it in.

Great Tips!

Really good thread and good points.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Recently, had sex without a condom and hadn’t lasted shit. With condom, there is much less sensation and more control. Made some notes:
Not good erection.
Not easy pose - too much tension
A little too fast
Not stopping on first sign of PONR.

Also decided to modify my program somewhat. A problem is ocassional hypersensetization of glans and hidden foreskin, in some cases, after not ejaculating for first few days. Masturbated to induce that - really really hard grip and fast stroking sends dick into that state, not always though. I’ve noticed, however, that way I hit my balls with hand, and it’s actually the most powerful stimulus. Guess I’m also clenching PC muscle that way.

After getting into that state, I’ve made notes:
Sensitivity is really, really high, glans is full. Usually it’s not very sensitive, but that way, it’s uber. Slowing down doesn’t help, actually it intensifies sensation - the slower, the more sensation. Full stop, though, is more or less controllable. But PC is flexing uncontrollably about every second.

I’ve done the breath hold wrong way, though. It occured to me that it’s easier to reverse kegel that way - hold breath, and kind of push out your belly - but that way, I can’t get to max intensity of reverse kegel, so it’s only useful for reverse kegel training. And holding breath seems to be better done next way: inhale with belly, hold breath ‘inside the throat’, and relax belly - some air would move into chest. That way, there’s actually little air inside, and in just 5 seconds, heartbeat gets very heavy, and some choking is felt. That’s the more proper way, that’s how I did it before.

I’ve come during that experiment, so only tomorrow I’ll get sensitive enough again. But I’ll edge now using that as well, though I think it would be hard to get hyper-sensitive, and so, it would be hard to beat it.

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