Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PREMATURE Ejaculation and medication (the other PE)


PREMATURE Ejaculation and medication (the other PE)

Well I figure it’s time I start a thread for this as the reason I came across Thunders is I was searching the web for Premature Ejaculation.

I have read a number of the posts on premature ejaculation and they are mostly about exercises. My experience with exercises is that they do help- but not consistently. Right now I am at a point where I can go anywhere from 1-15 minutes- usually I hit 1-3 minutes. When I am in the 10-15 minute zone it is because of lack of sensation due to condoms and I end up with a partial erection for the last 5 or so minutes.

I’m very concerned about this and would be happy to consistently hit the 5-10 minute mark. To add to my concern I talked to my girlfriend about getting on the pill and it looks like she finally will so I’m afraid with all that extra sensation from no condom things are going to get worse.

So down to my questions

Has anyone here ever tried using any of the prescriptions out there for premature ejaculation? specifically I’m wondering inf anyone has tried Paxil or any other SSRI inhibitors. If so what was your dosage, how did it help and did you have any negative side effects?

Has anyone tried vasodialators? This is what Boston Medical Group pushes and is VERY expensive (at least for there proprietary version). If so what did you use? how did it help and did you have any negative side effects?

It seems to me the Vasodialators would be the best bet- as they allow you to keep an erection after ejaculating which is supposed to help reduce oversensitive glans problems. Also this treatment is supposedly just a temporary thing and once you get over the Premature ejaculation you can stop using the medicine and you will not revert to premature ejaculation. I believe with SSRI’s once you stop the medication you go back to premature ejaculating.


PS- I know they are working on a drug specifically for this (WebMD - Better information. Better health.) but it won’t be on the market for at least another few years (2007 is what I heard) and if you are like me and think this would be a great drug company to invest in now… don’t bother I already checked and they are not a publicly traded company.

Last edited by stubby : 03-15-2004 at . Reason: forgot to spell check


ssri’s work, so does alcohol and pain meds for me. In fact sometimes they works so well I have had to fake it.

I don’t think pills or booze is the answer.

talk to your gf about your concern. get her to help you do some edging or get Barbara Keesler’s book “How to make love all night and drive your woman wild”. Cheaper and more fun than pills.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Hi Stubbs,

I’m taking Fluoxetine (generic Prozac) and it hasn’t really affected me sexually in any way. I was hoping it would reduce my drive a bit since the wife is busy with two little ones all day and rarely feels amorous. A couple things I’ve notice do help. Don’t masturbate too often. I find if I’m masturbating a lot more than I’m having sex, I cum premature during sex. If the opposite is true, and I’m having intercourse fairly often and not masturbating, I build up some tolerance and can consistently go for longer periods of time. You can also buy a creme I think, that desensitizes the penis a bit. Toothpaste (minty kind) will have the same effect. Just make sure you wash is off good before intercourse, otherwise she will be desensitised too.


If you are looking for a vasodialator why not try NOx2 or NO2. Its not cheap but it does work. Also try the desensitising creams

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

SSRI’s do often cause delayed orgasm. However, sometimes the effect wears off somewhat after a few months of continued use. They still work though.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

A good manual exercise program will most certaintly help… I know it did for me and I had one hell of a premature ejac problem…

Oddly enough, Viagra can delay orgasm in some men to the point that they can’t get there at all. Might be worth a try. Best of both worlds, so to speak.

Also, it has been suggested that any over-the-counter antihistamine can delay orgasm.

I found the sprays to be worthless, think I tried them all… Accupunture helped me ***ALERT**** The Chinese woman who helped me left the office where I met her… The doctor who is still there is finding out where she went as I’m told she is still in the area.. To the person who PM’d me reference this issue I let you down by not getting her information to you prior to her move.. I’m on it now and will post it…

Premature ejaculation can be beat, I did it and so can you…


Thanks for all the replies… a few more questions.

RWG- when you got acupuncture did you specifically go for Premature ejaculation? what did you tell the person when you went in? how often do you have to go now to maintain the benefits?

789- with the NOX2 does your erection subside after ejaculation? How much longer can you last now? did you have issues before this or did it just help your already enviable times get better :) one thing that seems promising about the BMG (Boston Medical Group) treatment is that it keeps you hard even after ejaculation- one of the supposed benefits of this is it helps you be able to better deal with the heightened sensation which in turn helps you last longer (they say it’s like building up tolerance on your feet by walking around barefoot).

Luvdadus- I will definitely be picking up the book- I’ve tried the booze and it works sometimes but sometimes it decreases the quality of my erection.

I have talked to my girlfriend about this as if I did go with the injectable vasodialator she would definitely know. At first she was against it as we seem to mesh so well that even in the abbreviated sessions she is usually able to reach at least one orgasm, but when I explained I’d like to be able to have the intimacy of penetration for longer she agreed that she would not object.

As far as getting her help edging- I’d consider doing that during actual intercourse and think I do (having her stop before I come) but can’t do it consistently enough to see results… and for me it makes the lovemaking a little odd with all the starting and stopping.

As far as the creams/sprays- I’m with RWG.


PS- I have to thank Thunders for helping me get up the courage to talk to the girl friend about this, and a few other things (not PE though of course) . Even if I never see any growth (which I will) this community has been very helpful for me mentally.


If I remember correctly it took five visits and yes, I went in for “only” that.. I was happy with the results…

Hey Stubbs,

Premature Ejaculation; The other PE. So very true. From my own personal experience, and from reading others’ stories on these boards, premature ejaculation seems to be almost as worrisome as a small penis. And having both is a double whammy, trust me I know.

Two things finally broke the spell for me. First off, we’ve all heard the old “think about baseball or your grandmother” methodology for delaying ejaculation. I think Ike even posted a thread about it recently. Well, this concept worked great for me, except I didn’t like thinking about poor old granny while I was having sex. I wanted to think about - and enjoy - what I was experiencing. Problem is when I thought about the sensations I was feeling is when I wanted to bust. This extremely frustrating paradox is what finally made me realize that I control when I orgasm. I spent months practicing “willing” myself to hold back. It became almost like taking a step back and directing the action. Instead of just thinking about my dick and the sensations I was feeling, I tried to concentrate on the overall euphoria the experience was providing, and more importantly I concentrated on the pleasure my partner was experiencing. As I continued to condition this mindset, I was able to last longer and longer, eventually outpacing my partner two or three times in a session. The most important thing to remember is that you control the action. It’s all in your mind. At least that’s what worked for me. :)

The second thing that helped me last a lot longer is strengthening my BC muscle through kegels and physically holding back. It has eventually evolved into allowing me to experience multiple orgasms without ejaculating, but was pivotal in the beginning to help me sustain just that first one.

This other PE is a tough one to overcome, but with enough time and dedication, you can and will.

Good luck!

Paxil worked great for me. I once made it through 4 hours of sweat dripping, penis chaffing, vagina swelling sex when I was on paxil. Testosterone is also really good….you last a little longer and you don’t go down.

Luv, what type of pain pills are you referring to?

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Stubby you mentioned that you have done exercises if that is the case have you done this?

Originally Posted by xlhorsman
Personally, I’ve had little luck with Kegels in controlling my ejac. They are however a good tool for erectile function. For PMEJ, I have found that you have to desensitize the frenulum in a technique called “cognitive-affective consonance” or matching how you think with how you feel.

The steps are as follows:
a) solo- get good, hard erection erection, put down the porn , if using, laydown in a dark room and stroke yourself for 15 uninterrupted minute. Concentrate what you are feeling, NOT what you’re seeing. Do this 3 days straight in a row with a dry hand and without failure (ejac.) The upstoke should be with your full hand around your dick using a LOOSE GRIP. DO NOT SQUEEZE while you slide your hand up the shaft. As your first two fingers approach the head of your dick, close your grip slightly, allow the first three fingers ONLY to go over the top of your dick. Your thumb and pinkie finger remains touching your shaft! The downstroke is a simple reverse in motion of the upstroke. Make sure you release your grip as you reach the bottom of the shaft. Concentrate on the feeling. If you are about to “GO” at any time, stop and release, resume when ready ‘till the 15 minutes is completed. YOU HAVE to complete 3 consecutive days. IF you loose it on day three for example, you are back to day one of the program.

b) solo- same as “a” except you do it wet. Vasaline workes best.

c) solo- wet but you do not stop stroking yourself at any time during the 15 minutes! You can slow down to almost a stop, but you must be stroking up or down at all times! You know you are getting control when you can begin hip thrusting on the upstoke. Practice, practice, practice. The more days you can string together, the better.

d) with partner- start with partner on top mounting you for brief thrusts- one or two, then off, foreplay in between for control, the repeat mount. and extend thrusts as able for 15 minutes.

e) change position to you rear mounting (doggie style) go slow, rest, thrust when you can, stop when you are about to “GO”. Your partner should work her clit while you are mounting her from the back. Most women get “off” knowing they are being of theraputic help; it’s their mother instinct. If your partner is not wanting to help- DITCH THE BITCH! Some women have found this as a time to masturbate themselves freely to an orgasm. Try to wait ‘til she cums (or about to- mine will even tell me “I’m cumming, I’m…cummming), then thrust away to orgasm. Do this daily if possible or at least on a regular schedule. Before you know it, you will be changing positions and thrusting away to your and your partner’s content!!!

I’ve just started fallowing it and its working for me, I’m on day 3 of a. Before I used to cum in about 5 min from imagination and 3 minutes with porn. Now I can go 15+ minutes from imagination without stopping and the same amount of time with porn but I need to take frequent breaks. I stop, count down from 20 and resume. Unfortunately I don’t have a partner to practice with but I hope I won’t finish in less then 5 min my first time.


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