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Paxil and SSRI's delay orgasms


Paxil and SSRI's delay orgasms

Before I started taking Paxil I remember reading somewhere that it delays orgasms. I was then put on it for other reasons and found this to be very very true. If me and my girlfriend are un able to have sex for about a week or two, my sex drive use to build up and I would blow my first load in the first 30 seconds. However I can now last much much longer because of the paxil and other techniques that delay orgasm, in which I am trying to learn. However most of these techniques take masturbation to learn them correct way. Due to the paxil I realized I can not blow my load by myself. It is impossible. This sucks for masturbation but is great for sex. Atleast until I blow my load. Once I blow my load during intercourse, its all over, My libido is to low to keep on going, and my unit falls rather quickly.

I wanted to make sure that what I read before was true and so I did some reasearch on SSRI’s and other drugs like paxil and came across this :

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Sex

SO basically hey if your having premature ejac problems.. Paxil COULD help. However for an 18 yr old guy like myself I want to be able to blow 1-2-3- or maybe even 4 loads before I am done… not just one.

Does anyone else here take paxil and have the same side effects? I am guessing that if anyone here does or has in the past came across this before.

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TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Remek I was on Paxil from November 1993 through June 1996….that’s some bad shit. Helped depression and crushed anxiety but also gave me anorgasmia- I couldn’t come. It got a little better over time but the only way I found to work around it and have anything like real sex was to take a pill holiday, i.e., if you want to get laid on Saturday take your usual Friday dose (unless it’s at bedtime then skip it) but don’t take one Saturday morning. Then I used Yohimbe and even then it was a poor imitation…but it worked.

Paxil is also a bitch to get off of. If you quit cold turkey you’ll get all kinds of weird ass mental shit- a feeling of “doubling” in and out of your body on occasion which somepeople say makes them nauseous but I just rode it out. Found that it got triggered by stress mostly. I finally had to take a pill every other day for a couple weeks, then one every third day…and so on. It took months to wean off completely and I still occasionally (like once every couple of months) have one of those weird shuddery sensations.

It might be a good treatment for premature ejac but the cost is too high I think.

It's better to think you're doing something than to sit back and wonder what might have been Start: 12/2003 EBPL: 7 15/16 EG: 5 1/4 Now: 12/2004 EBPL: 8 1/2 EG: 5 5/8 (pumped is 5 7/8 mid, 6.25 base) FL: 6.25

SRRIs can help premature ejaculation but the dosage used for that purpose is far lower than that used to treat depression.



Numerous SSRI’s are available, and I’d suggest you work with your doctor and find one that dosen’t have unwanted side effects. Celexa and Wellbutrin come to mind as two of the ones that seem to have less effect (at least in my case) than Paxil, Prozac, etc….. (Better living through Chemisty)

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

I might be wrong but I don’t believe Wellbutrin is an SSRI. I believe it’s action of primarily on dopamine (spelling?) not sereton. I know wellbutrin is actually known to increase libido and it defiantly had that effect of me.

I have never heard of wellbutrin, I will have to look into that one.

Mrp. I am hoping to get off of it soon. I only take 25 mg so it’s not a lot, but it is horrible for some quickie action. On the other hand It can be good a ttimes. But I really dont think I need it, I will talk to my doctor soon enough. Thanks for the warning though. Did you have any other side effects?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Yes. See your doc about this, but if he/she doesn’t, bring up wellburtrin. I was perscribed Celexa back in August, and found I couldn’t cum — or couldn’t without at least a half hour of focused whacking and hardcore porn. So, my doctor added wellbutrin. I don’t know that it’s added to my libido, but at least I have one again. It still takes me a while to cum, but I maintain very hard erections when I’m having sex with a woman, and when I do cum, it’s long and explosive. (However, a big part of that is from doing my dick-ups [kegels] for a few years now.)

Ike, I am sorry I was unable to read your post because I was to busy focused on your avatar. Gimme a few minutes then I will read what you said

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

I will ask my doctor about it, thanks for the advice Ike! btw nice advatar :D

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

In certain doses Wellbutrin (marketed as Zyban) is used to help smokers kick the habit. In the dosage for treatment of stress or depression in some persons it has helped with libido.

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

Last edited by Cajun : 03-19-2004 at .

Remek- the only additional side effect besides no orgasms (now wouldn’t that cause depression in most men?) and then the weird mental stuff was I became a fat lazy slob and quit working out. Oh, and I couldnt sneeze either. Weird- just like cumming I’d get to the launch point and then abort.

It's better to think you're doing something than to sit back and wonder what might have been Start: 12/2003 EBPL: 7 15/16 EG: 5 1/4 Now: 12/2004 EBPL: 8 1/2 EG: 5 5/8 (pumped is 5 7/8 mid, 6.25 base) FL: 6.25

Originally Posted by Cajun

Wellbutrin (marketed as Zyban)

Brings up a good point: Wellbutrin SR (sustained release) is available as a generic for about half the cost.

Yep I had all those symptoms. Plus my erection was less rigid. It was the same size but it habd a spnogier quality. I was also taking another medication to go along with it and I didnt realize what it really was for until my pharmacist told me it was for seizures- Because Paxil and withdrawal from Paxil can apparently casue seizures.

I switched to Celexa, which had a much lower half-life and less effects.

I am glad to say I have not used any of that shit in almost 3 years now.

Good for you Bigbut!

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Prozac was my killer. It messed with everything. My sex drive was completely gone, whats worse was I didnt really care either. Paxil is good, but it takes a few days for everything to get back to normal when I start/stop taking it.

I am going to have to ask about Zyban.


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