Thunder's Place

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Paxil and SSRI's delay orgasms



How much wellbutrin would you take just for the premature ejaculation. Cuz I have it bad. It makes me not want to have sex with my girlfriend. I feel as though I’m just gonna screw up and blow a 10 second load. I’m pretty desperate for some kind of treatment. I would talk to a doctor about but, my family members are very strong Roman Catholics, and would pretty much disown me if they knew I was having sex before marriage. If ya’ll could give me some advice that would be great.


>>I would talk to a doctor about but, my family members are very strong Roman Catholics, and would pretty much disown me if they knew I was having sex before marriage.>>

Do you really think so. I’m a traditional Roman Catholic (latin mass, traditional approach to morality, etc). I know my son and his GF are not celebate (but they don’t live together or parade the sexual aspect of their relatioinship before others). I don’t disown him, I love him. He knows our position on morality, but he is an adult. I have to extend him the same respect I would anyone in terms of their self determination. He knows that we will not approve of fornication, but overall its between them two their priest and God.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

W Grow-

I totally understand your concerns about not wanting your parents to know, and what it’s like to be a “rapid ejaculator” (that’s the new PC term) I am the same way. But as far as talking to your Dr about it I don’t think that should deter you- remember your Dr should not be giving any information about what you see him for to anyone else- though that may be different if you are a minor. I go to the same Dr as my parents and he would never share anything like that with my parents. Perhaps feel your Dr out about it? Or save up your $ and go to a specialist on your own without your parents knowledge.


W Grow

You do NOT want Wellbutrin if you are looking to last longer. Wellbutrin is one of the few antidepressants that does not have sexual side effects and is even prescribed to people on SSRI’s who are looking to INCREASE their ability to orgasm sooner.

If you are too embarassed to tell your doc about your problem, tell him you are feeling really blue lately and a friend of yours has been using a low dose of Paxil(20 mgs) and doing great and that you wanted to try it. If he gives you a prescription, do not take it every day, just take 20 mgs about 1-4 hours before sex and it should help you last considerably longer.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"


Great suggestion, one question though- everything I’ve read said to take the Paxil 7 hours before sex- where did you find the info saying 1-4 hours?

Another thought W Grow is to order generic Paxil online at … eric_paxil.html . I’ve recently done that myself but haven’t had a chance to try it out. I’ll be visiting my Girlfriend next week so I’ll post back here with how it works.

As I’ve been told on this site- it’s much better to solve this through exercise- so for me the Paxil is just a stop gap till the exercises pay off and/or I get in for some acupuncture.

One thing that is really good is talking about it- whether it is here or with your GF. Thunders is probably the best therapy I could ever ask for for all my sexuality insecurities. Not only do I feel relieved knowing there are so many others like me I have great how knowing they have solved there problems- both with size and stamina.



I’m sure exercises can help for some and it’s probably the best long term solution. The SSRI’s could be used, as you suggested, for a small period of time until you gain more control.

Do a search on Google about Paxil and premature ejacualtion and you’ll find alot of info. Most of the articles I read(including an actual study or 2 performed) said to take it 1-4 hours before sex. Maybe do a compromise and take it 3 hours before?

FYI, I would be hesitant to order SSRI’s over the internet. Besides, if you get it through your doc and you have health insurance it would be a HELL of alot cheaper.

Good luck.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

wow- I had researched through google and that’s where I got 7 hours but looking nwo I find 1-4. I’ll start at 4 and see how that works.

Yeah it is a little risky ordering drugs off the Internet but I figure if the companies are smart they’d be more afraid of getting busted for mail fraud than making an extra buck. But then again that might be why after taking what I thought were “big penis” pills my boobs grew from a no cup to a nice B cup. I’d complain but I’m too busy feeling myself up. :P

I took Paxil specifically for Prem Ejac. I’m on 10mg per day. I was less than 2 mins, but now I’m a 15 min man. I can last longer too, if I pace myself. Sometimes I have to concentrate really hard in order to cum.
It has totally worked for me with some added bonuses. I have a shorter refractory period. I can cum and then have sex again almost immediately afterwards. One time, I came, then without ever losing my errection I just carried on and came again 10 mins later. So it’s been great for me.

However my Doc said he didn’t want me taking if for more than 6 months. So we’ll have to see what happens when I wean off. The Dr thinks that the Prem ejac may be related to performance anxiety, which will be cured now that I have proved to myself that I can have sex for as long as I want. I’m sceptical but we’ll see what happens. If neccessary I wouldn’t mind taking the low dose for a few more years until my age helps the prem ejac.

If you want the full story read my thread I’ve cured my premature ejaculation

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

St. John’s Wort should do that same, right?

Originally Posted by King_G
I took Paxil specifically for Prem Ejac. I’m on 10mg per day. I was less than 2 mins, but now I’m a 15 min man. I can last longer too, if I pace myself. Sometimes I have to concentrate really hard in order to cum.
It has totally worked for me with some added bonuses. I have a shorter refractory period. I can cum and then have sex again almost immediately afterwards. One time, I came, then without ever losing my errection I just carried on and came again 10 mins later. So it’s been great for me.

However my Doc said he didn’t want me taking if for more than 6 months. So we’ll have to see what happens when I wean off. The Dr thinks that the Prem ejac may be related to performance anxiety, which will be cured now that I have proved to myself that I can have sex for as long as I want. I’m sceptical but we’ll see what happens. If neccessary I wouldn’t mind taking the low dose for a few more years until my age helps the prem ejac.

If you want the full story read my thread I’ve cured my premature ejaculation

How has the SSRI’S helped flaccid size at all?


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