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I've cured my premature ejaculation

I've cured my premature ejaculation

If you have ever suffered from Premature Ejaculation or would like to last a lot lot longer listen up!!

Well I had tried just about everything you can think of:-
Hypnosis, acupuncture, kegels, thinking of something else, etc… and they all kind of worked a little bit but nothing substantial.
I then heard of people who had taken SSRI’s having delayed ejaculation as a side effect and I researched. I went to my doctor and based on the evidence I showed him from the web, he prescribed Seroxat (Paxil) off licence.
This basically meant that he was prescribing a drug to treat a problem that it is not licenced to treat.
When treating depression the smallest dose they use is 20mg per day.

He prescribed me 10mg per day.
Normally I would last 2 minutes on a good day.

The first week I didn’t have any sex at all. (the wife was surfing the crimson wave)
Day 8 - Had sex and lasted 3 mins.
Day 10 - Had sex and lasted 4 mins.
Day 12 - Had sex and lasted 6 mins.
Day 14 - Had sex lasted 10 mins.
Day 16 - Had sex lasted 15 mins.
Day 18 - Masturbated and took 15 mins to cum. I almost gave up several times.
Day 21 - Shagged fast and hard from the outset, for at least 20 mins. I had to focus as hard as I could to cum. Afterward I almost puked because the exercise was so vigorous.
If I hadn’t focused hard I could have kept going and going and going… I was miles away from cumming.

At this point I was completely satisfied with my performance. I know that I can have sex as long as I want before I cum. I know that if I paced myself I could literally have sex all day long and literally cum when I wanted to (or 10 mins after I decided I wanted to). I have found a miracle cure!!!

The effects of the drug take time to become effective. (3 weeks for me and it is getting more effective every day). So you need to stay on the same dosage for at least 3-4 weeks to see it’s full effect.

My goal is now to wean off as far as I can without losing the performance. After all who wants to take anti depressants for the rest of their lives? (even if it is an ultra low dose) The Doctor thinks weaning off, whilst maintaining performance is very achievable. He believes that prem ejac is psychological and closely associated with confidence. He says after regaining confidence I should be able to wean off completely and maintain performance. I’m optimistic and willing to give it a try.
I am now taking 10mg every other day. I will do this for 4 weeks and see how it pans out. I will keep you posted….
I’m also happy to answer all questions you may have.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Congrats, K_G! I’m sure your wife is happier, too! :D


Anything that raises serotonin and not dopamine will have this effect. You might try Deferol when you decide to quit pharmaceuticals.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Can you say… Placebo?

Thats my bet anyway

Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

Thanks for the tip Zane, I will bear that in mind.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by Kesman
Can you say… Placebo?

Thats my bet anyway

Yeah placebo might get me an extra minute or two, like I had with the accupuncture (which I think was purely placebo), but not 20 mins. Double blind studies have been done with SSRI’s and have found to have been far more effective than the placebo in treating prem ejac.

Here’s a link to one such study. There are more out there if you search for them.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Sorry didn’t mean to sound negative. But its good that you have it sorted, and congratulations.
Nice to see you weaning your way off of them.


Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

Originally Posted by zaneblue
Anything that raises serotonin and not dopamine will have this effect. You might try Deferol when you decide to quit pharmaceuticals.

I’ve had success with 5-HTP as well.

But I thought SSRI’s would kill sex drive. I’ve kind of got the double whammy of having no sex drive and when I can get it up with tons of ED drugs I only last about 2 minutes or so. I tried Wellbutrin XL for about 2 months but couldn’t tell any difference. Would Paxil make any difference? I’ve got a doctors appointment Friday.

Yes, serotonin enhancers kill sex drive. For guys with sex drive to spare who are bothered by premature ejaculation, antidepressants are a solution. But they aren’t for men with premature ejaculation and low sex drive.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

I don’t know if I’d be willing to sacrifice my sex drive. I’ve always found PE to be a very effective solution when losing sensitivity. I am also circumcised, so that may also add to the overall loss of sensation.

Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

I think the key sound technique for male multiple orgasms might also help with premature ejaculation, although I don’t have enough data to know for sure. And of course it would require an understanding partner who wouldn’t mind you making funny noises during sex.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

I tried Viagra a few times with my wife’s knowledge, not for ED but to attempt shorter recovery time to the next erection. I last a lot longer with Viagra. Is the biochemical mechanism similar?

That question aside, my wife didn’t like Viagra and I learned quite a bit about her sexual response to intercourse at the same time. It turns out her multiple orgasms from intercourse are typically the internal CDS and/or G-spot types, but her clitoral orgasm is more intense than those and she typically needs to feel my ejaculation to set off the big one. In short, she prefers I ejaculate in about 3-5 mins, 10 mins tops. At 15-20 minutes she will complain of next day soreness too. So not all gals are into this long lasting stuff.

Well, m8w, if you’re in the CDS, and she’s sore the next day, then you’re probably larger than most guys. Does your wife simply prefer oral or foreplay to intercourse?


Yes, Viagra raises serotonin. That’s why Viagra, Cialis, Levitra don’t work for women, because they slow down orgasm.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

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