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Premature Ejaculation - a search for a cause / remedy

Premature Ejaculation - a search for a cause / remedy


I started getting premature ejaculation after a lowgrade untreated penile fracture (sex accident ;) ) which subsequently pretty much ruined the fun of guy to gal sex for me.. for years to come.
Now this may sound kind of funny, but I think I finally found the (physiological) cause for my premature ejaculation problem.
Back in those days ;) my dick got a pretty sharp downward curve after this sex accident happened (untreated!).
And today, about 5 years or so later, I finally noticed that the reason for this bent is that the Corpora Spongiosum (?) only gets really hard in the area right before the bent..
Everything is still kinda logical.. No pressure to hold the CC => Bent.

Now the funky part, the (possible) premature ejaculation relation:
The nerves sending signales from the (ejaculation) trigger zones below the glans are getting there atop the urethra which is happening to be seated in the Corpora Spongiosum. This means that the urethra itself is a trigger zone (of a lower extent, but still) as well.

Now imagine if the CS surrounding the urethra (and finally the nerves atop the urethra) is really weak (as in “not hard during an erection”).. eg. caused by scar tissue blocking the blood from fully engorging the CS (hint: the bent I got _then_).

My reasoning is: Less engorgement of the CS due to scar tissue => Bent; less protection of the nerves responsible for the main trigger zones => Way more signals from the physical impulses received by the nerves => Premature ejaculation.


Anyways: Does anybody have some ideas / comments on this “theory” ? (I feel it’s certainly gonna be right though)

And most importantly:
Does anyone have any good advice to get the blood to engorge my CS fully again WITHOUT hurting the urethra or nerves ?
(BTW:This rules out kind of a dry jelq mainly focusing on the CS)

Thanks for your comments and advice :)


She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

Have you tried pumping?


Hm I always refrained from getting myself a pump.. Too much bad publicity I guess.
I don’t mean to offend anyone, but if I ever get a pump it’ll be my last choice.. sort of.
I’ll keep that in mind though, just in case that everything else fails. :)


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