Thunder's Place

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I've cured my premature ejaculation

Thanks zane.

GM, I’m not huge and don’t “hit bottom” in every position, but my wife often asks me to “go deep” . The think the soreness is a time and friction phenomenon alone, not a size one. To answer your question, intercourse (after foreplay of course) is her favorite. She’s not big on receiving oral, and direct clitoral contact is usually a big no-no in any event. Sometimes she’ll request anal, which I’m not into, particularly because she wants it without a condom. She says it gives her a special orgasm. Fortunately, it’s an infrequent request, so I’ve never told her how uncomfortable I am with it. Every women is different; I’m happy with mine.


That’s great news. Congrats! Please comment on the loss of libido issue, if you could. Has your sex drive suffered at all? What about your energy levels generally? And have you noticed any weight gain? I guess on 10 mg every other day, you may very well avoid all of these unpleasant side effects. That would be great.

PE (premature ejaculation) is psychological, to a point. But it’s also physical. These two are very hard to separate, in fact. If one is prone to not lasting as long as one would like, the psychological kicks in and worsens the problem (often). When I am masturbating, I can last as long as I like. The same is true if I’m getting a blow job or a hand job from a woman. But when I enter the holy of holies, damn, I just want to cum! I can control this if I slow things down a lot. But often the woman (and I) want to go at it fast and furiously. I have a hard time lasting at that velocity. Alcohol helps a lot. But I don’t want to have to be liquored up every time I have sex.

Originally Posted by northof60
I’ve had success with 5-HTP as well.

Tell us more, please.

Motivated, have you tried the Stamina Training Unit Fleshlight?

And man8worm, perhaps you could suggest a dildo for anal while you penetrate her vagina next time she asks—talk about your special orgasms!

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Thanks again zane. She kind of has a general hang-up about toys, but she might very well go for the toy-natural activity you suggest. Is their a particular dildo you suggest for this?

Originally Posted by zaneblue
Motivated, have you tried the Stamina Training Unit Fleshlight?

I confess to having one of those things. A “tight” one but not the “super tight.” Again, in most cases, I can last as long as I want with it. It’s just different with a woman. And like I said, even hand jobs and blow jobs are no problem. For me, it’s definitely an arousal/excitement/anxiety thing. So I’m thinking the serotonin/dopamine connection may be the issue for me. I am very prone to anxiety generally. And I’ve always had a super high libido. Even in my mid 40s, I get erections just being near a woman I’m attracted to. When I was younger, this was downright embarrassing in its frequency.

As I said, if I really slow things down, I can often maintain control. Sometimes, I just fall into a groove and I have no problem at all, at any speed or intensity. I don’t know exactly why this happens; perhaps it’s simply because the performance anxiety passes.

So what exactly have you heard about Deferol? Do you know any men who’ve had success with it?

Originally Posted by zaneblue
Yes, serotonin enhancers kill sex drive. For guys with sex drive to spare who are bothered by premature ejaculation, antidepressants are a solution. But they aren’t for men with premature ejaculation and low sex drive.

That’s what I thought. That means I don’t want to go near SSRI’s.

Actually I don’t think in your case it is a physiological problem, sounds like a psychological problem. I think men with physiological problems blow their load fast all the time. Of course I might be wrong about that.

Deferol I believe has passed a double-blind placebo-controlled trial.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

[Originally Posted by zaneblue
Yes, serotonin enhancers kill sex drive. For guys with sex drive to spare who are bothered by premature ejaculation, antidepressants are a solution. But they aren’t for men with premature ejaculation and low sex drive.]

Formula: “That’s what I thought. That means I don’t want to go near SSRI’s.”

Don’t leap to conclusions. The SSRI doses prescribed for premature ejaculation are very low usually and do not interfere with libido.



Originally Posted by Formula1
But I thought SSRI’s would kill sex drive. I’ve kind of got the double whammy of having no sex drive and when I can get it up with tons of ED drugs I only last about 2 minutes or so. I tried Wellbutrin XL for about 2 months but couldn’t tell any difference. Would Paxil make any difference? I’ve got a doctors appointment Friday.

It hasn’t effected my sex drive that much. But
a) I would say I had a fairly high sex drive anyway.
b) It’s a very low dose. 10mg is tiny in comparison to people taking SSRI’s for depression.

I have no problem getting errections and will have sex at every opportunity. But I have noticed that if my wife isn’t in the mood I don’t feel quite so furious as I used to. I can accept it and move on, which is great for me because it used to really make me mad. I think that qualifies as a slightly lower sex drive. But a plus for me.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by man8worm
I tried Viagra a few times with my wife’s knowledge, not for ED but to attempt shorter recovery time to the next erection. I last a lot longer with Viagra. Is the biochemical mechanism similar?

That question aside, my wife didn’t like Viagra and I learned quite a bit about her sexual response to intercourse at the same time. It turns out her multiple orgasms from intercourse are typically the internal CDS and/or G-spot types, but her clitoral orgasm is more intense than those and she typically needs to feel my ejaculation to set off the big one. In short, she prefers I ejaculate in about 3-5 mins, 10 mins tops. At 15-20 minutes she will complain of next day soreness too. So not all gals are into this long lasting stuff.

Dude my wife is the same. I was expecting her to be loving the 20 mins of power shafting that she’s never had until now and begging for more the next day. But like your wife she was really sore and could barely walk the next day. (I did truly punish her, got a bit carried away with the new abilities.) She said she would prefer me to ejaculate quicker. So… interesting feedback there…

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by zaneblue
Yes, Viagra raises serotonin. That’s why Viagra, Cialis, Levitra don’t work for women, because they slow down orgasm.

I had tried Cialis previously and it had very little effect on my prem ejac. Also had some nasty aches as a side effect. I would never take that stuff again.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by man8worm
Thanks zane.

GM, I’m not huge and don’t “hit bottom” in every position, but my wife often asks me to “go deep” . The think the soreness is a time and friction phenomenon alone, not a size one. To answer your question, intercourse (after foreplay of course) is her favorite. She’s not big on receiving oral, and direct clitoral contact is usually a big no-no in any event. Sometimes she’ll request anal, which I’m not into, particularly because she wants it without a condom. She says it gives her a special orgasm. Fortunately, it’s an infrequent request, so I’ve never told her how uncomfortable I am with it. Every women is different; I’m happy with mine.

Snap again!! my wife also doesn’t like oral or direct clitoral stimulation. She likes the deep sex CDS and G-Spot stuff. If it weren’t for your wife liking anal I would say they were one and the same person!
Yeah I’m not sure I’d like to give my wife anal without a condom… Anal is one of those things that sounds great but if it came down to it, I’m not sure if I’d be comfortable sticking my dick into a shitty hole or not… I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens when the opportunity arises.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by motivated

That’s great news. Congrats! Please comment on the loss of libido issue, if you could. Has your sex drive suffered at all? What about your energy levels generally? And have you noticed any weight gain? I guess on 10 mg every other day, you may very well avoid all of these unpleasant side effects. That would be great.

PE (premature ejaculation) is psychological, to a point. But it’s also physical. These two are very hard to separate, in fact. If one is prone to not lasting as long as one would like, the psychological kicks in and worsens the problem (often). When I am masturbating, I can last as long as I like. The same is true if I’m getting a blow job or a hand job from a woman. But when I enter the holy of holies, damn, I just want to cum! I can control this if I slow things down a lot. But often the woman (and I) want to go at it fast and furiously. I have a hard time lasting at that velocity. Alcohol helps a lot. But I don’t want to have to be liquored up every time I have sex.

See one of my previous quotes for comments on sex drive.
I’ve gained about 4 lbs but I’m weight training, drinking high calorie shakes and trying to gain weight so I wouldn’t read into that too much.
I felt strange the first week or so, I can only describe it as the initial feelings after having taken ecstasy but before the drug kicks in. A strange feeling in your stomach where you can’t tell if you are full or empty. I also felt very slightly sedated and calm. The strange feeling in the stomach went away and slightly sedated feeling either went or I’ve gotten used to it.

I suffered the same symptoms as you. I literally could not cum from a blow-job. I could cum from a hand job but it took a long time compared to sex and I had to really focus to help the process along.
But stick my dick in the pussy and I would cum within a couple of minutes even if I was going slow. So I tended to go fast and hard anyway.

Yeah you can’t always have sex slow. I would strongly recommend that you give this drug a go. It sounds like you would benefit. All the other fixes just didn’t work for me. Taking medication once a day is the most convenient way of fixing the problem. Hopefully even after weaning off the psychological effect we suffer from will have been cured, because you’ll be used to having sex for 20 mins instead of 2. When 20 mins becomes a deeply ingrained habit, it should stick psychologically providing you wean off slowly…. Well that’s the theory, watch this space for progress reports.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by avocet8
[Originally Posted by zaneblue
Yes, serotonin enhancers kill sex drive. For guys with sex drive to spare who are bothered by premature ejaculation, antidepressants are a solution. But they aren’t for men with premature ejaculation and low sex drive.]

Formula: “That’s what I thought. That means I don’t want to go near SSRI’s.”

Don’t leap to conclusions. The SSRI doses prescribed for premature ejaculation are very low usually and do not interfere with libido.

Avocet and Formula1 do you both have very low sex drives?

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6


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