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I've cured my premature ejaculation

King G , did you experience any of the side effects, such as dizziness or restlessness - lack of sleep etc and are you still taking the medication.

I just did some surfing, and it turned out that the effect of paroxetine on delaying ejaculation is already well known.

The interesting part, however, is that ALZA Corporation and its parent company, Johnson & Johnson, have developed a new drug, Dapoxetine, specifically for treatment of premature ejaculation. The bad news, however, is that the FDA rejected the drug late last year. The company will now try to get the drug approved in India or something like that if I understood correctly.

Either way, in the near future, this drug or an another one similar to it, will become available.

What surprises me, however, is that King G had success with very small doses of paroxetine (only 10 mg per day), while dapoxetine was tested in doses of 30, 60 and even 100 mg per day.


Would you please stop reading things into this that I am not saying? I did not take low doses, I took normal dosage. Not everyone experiences the sideeffect of difficulty to reach orgasm - according to the information from FASS (Swedish Apothecary medicine information) it is very common to experience “Change in sexdrive and function, for instance loss of orgasm and for men loss of erection and ejaculation”.

To sum it up, low doses may help, but sideeffects are individual and might be contraproductive.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I don’t think that I made such a big mistake in what I wrote, I would say that you and me simply tend to emphasize different sides of an issue. What you wrote gave some hope to me, and at this point, I am not so concerned with the sideeffects. Or do you think that someone with a heavy prem. ejac. problem shouldn’t try this medicine at all, only because there is a possibility of side effects? So what, if a patient experiences strong negative sideeffects, he’ll stop taking the drug. Big deal.

And I also don’t see the need to overemphasize the fact that not everyone with premature ejaculation will benefit from this drug. Not everyone with ED benefits from Viagra or Cialis, yet doctors still prescribe them, and people take them expecting they will help, and usually they do.

I guess premature ejaculation is enough to make anyone depressed… :)

Seriously, I do hope it can be of help. I just don’t want you - or someone else - to say “hey, a miracle drug, the solution to all my problems!” It might be of use, it might not. As I said, if I ever get depressed again, I wouldn’t hesitate a second. But it is a mind-altering drug, and should be treated with due respect.

Having said that, I wish you best of luck and do keep us posted.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Since I don’t have a girl right now, I don’t even intend to try this drug now. I only wanted to get as much info as possible so that I can easily get it once I decide to. And as for side effects, we’ll get updates from King G, I presume. I also hope that this new drug I mentioned, Dapoxetine, will be approved in the near future and will hit the shelves in pharmacies in the next year or so.

Well, if I were you I’d actually start taking it prior to meeting a girl. If you only just meet a girl and then decide to start eating SSRIs and start having sideeffects such as excessive yawning, nighttime sweating, change of body odor… not sexy, you know? You might want to try SSRIs just to know how they affect you. Also, if you get the negative sideeffects and not the one you’re after, how do you explain that? “Yeah, I thought you were so nice and that we'd get close, so I decided to start eating anti-depressant medicine to last longer in bed. *yawn* Sorry about that, no I don't find you boring.”

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


Thanx for the advice, I’ll see what I’ll do.

Originally Posted by gram40
King G , did you experience any of the side effects, such as dizziness or restlessness - lack of sleep etc and are you still taking the medication.

Hi there, Yes I have experienced some side effects. The Yawning and the restlessness, but this was only really for the first week couple of weeks. It then calmed down and seemed to just go away. They were never really intense just occasionally I would feel very restless. The yawning was like every half hour I’d yawn. But eventually those side effects stopped. Another side effect I had was that I was very tired in the evening and would go to bed an hour early every night for the first couple of weeks, but that went away too. I had no problems with sleep.

I am still taking the medication but now at an even lower dose. My wife was getting too sore with me pumping away at top speed for 20 mins and she asked me to lower the dose. So I halved the dose again, my performance dropped and I was only lasting 5-10 mins max so I increased the dose slightly. I now take on average 7.5mg per day and this seems just about right for me. I can last 20 mins if I want to, but I can also cum at will at any point after about 5-10 mins by just keggling a lot.
I feel that I now have ‘control’. I can have a quicky if I want to (5 mins), or I can go for 20 mins if I feel like it. I will stay on this dose for about 4 months. I am hoping at the end of the 4 months I will have rewired my brain to expect and last longer. Then I can wean off completely and maintain the performance.

ps. You should also expect side effects when weaning off as well as when you begin taking it. When I first cut the dose in half from 10mg to 5mg, I became relatively hyper active until I increased the dose to 7.5mg then I calmed down.
The hyper activity was good because I had a lot of work on at the time and my productivity and drive was amazing. I was also looking to change jobs and I applied for tons of jobs during that time. I even applied for a job in Malaysia, lol. So be careful when you first start taking SSRI’s and when coming off them. But it’s been worth it for me.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6


I’d imagine that most women would not like an aggressive rutting lasting over five or ten minutes or so, or fifteen minutes max—depending on just how aggressive we are talking about. Ten minutes is a long time, for that kind of friction-generating activity. This is where the slow sex comes in. Try slowing things down and getting into a meditative mood with your woman; incense and relaxing music help a lot. In this kind of mindset, you’d be surprised how quickly twenty minutes, or an hour, goes by. You’d also be surprised how enjoyable it can be for all involved. If your wife needs more speed as she gets close to an orgasm, then you’re prepared for that. And if you need more speed to come, then when the time is right you can do that too!

Glad to hear the Paxil is still working for you.

Hey Motivated,

Thanks for the tip. The strange thing is that she likes to start slow but within a couple of minutes she is trying to speed my up and go harder and harder. I would like to go slower myself but she forces up the pace.
Then 15 mins later she’s saying she’s too sore and can I hurry up and cum.

I suppose years of premature ejaculation taught her to get maximum pleasure from two mins and we need to re-learn sex with my new abilities. She is quite sensetive about sex generally so I have to tread carefully when suggesting new things. Our trouble is 3 young kids. So at night she’s too tired and in the morning we can steal 15 mins without interuption, but no longer.

I really want to have the hour long slow meditative steamy sessions, it’s just really hard finding the time when you’ve got young kids. If I try to schedule/plan it, she seems to dislike it because it’s not spontanious. I will find a way, it’s just a matter of time.

I think I could try harder on setting the scene with music, aroma’s etc…

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

King G,

I see you’re referring to 5 minutes as “quickly” now. I believe that’s much longer than most guys last(3 minutes according to a German study). ;) Congratulations on your success!

Originally Posted by MDC
King G,
I see you’re referring to 5 minutes as “quickly” now. I believe that’s much longer than most guys last(3 minutes according to a German study). ;) Congratulations on your success!

Thanks MDC, I’m glad I bit the bullet and did something about it.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by King_G
The strange thing is that she likes to start slow but within a couple of minutes she is trying to speed my up and go harder and harder. I would like to go slower myself but she forces up the pace.
Then 15 mins later she’s saying she’s too sore and can I hurry up and cum.

I suspect that this is fairly common. I presume that what is happening is she is getting close to an orgasm and thus wants the energetic thrusting. It makes sense.

Sometimes, what I like to do is bring a woman to the brink of an orgasm but don’t let her go over this edge. Then I try to keep her in this heightened state, just about to orgasm. They will literally start begging for it. When they do then orgasm, it’s usually very intense.

I’ve also known women who are like the stereotype of men, they have their one orgasm and are finished with the sex; they just want to roll over and go to sleep. They don’t want to keep going. Is your wife like this at all? If so, it may be reason to delay her orgasm some. Just a thought. Experiment.

Originally Posted by King_G
I really want to have the hour long slow meditative steamy sessions, it’s just really hard finding the time when you’ve got young kids. If I try to schedule/plan it, she seems to dislike it because it’s not spontanious. I will find a way, it’s just a matter of time.

Yea, I’m certain that makes things tough. I don’t know if going to bed a little earlier would help, or perhaps waking up a bit earlier. Are there any times during the day or early evening when the two of you can steal an hour or so away? Or are your three children at an age where they pretty much need constant supervision?

Originally Posted by King_G
Hey Motivated,

Thanks for the tip. The strange thing is that she likes to start slow but within a couple of minutes she is trying to speed my up and go harder and harder. I would like to go slower myself but she forces up the pace.
Then 15 mins later she’s saying she’s too sore and can I hurry up and cum.

I suppose years of premature ejaculation taught her to get maximum pleasure from two mins and we need to re-learn sex with my new abilities. She is quite sensetive about sex generally so I have to tread carefully when suggesting new things. Our trouble is 3 young kids. So at night she’s too tired and in the morning we can steal 15 mins without interuption, but no longer.

I have the exact same problem with my girlfriend. We try to start off slow but she wants to increase the speed plus she likes those long deep strokes and that just makes me even more sensitive and it’s all over in about 3 minutes (if I’m lucky).


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