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I've cured my premature ejaculation

It’s a disassociative - it separates you from your emotions.

You can get a similar response by taking some cough syrup with DXM. If you drink a whole lot it will take you FOREVER to come. Not recommended unless you want to get REALLY fucked up.


As I mentioned earlier, my prolonged sex-ability went back to normal once I weaned myself off Seroxat. I guess that isn’t necessarily the case for everyone, though. I tried taking the pills in the morning, I guess this is so that there will plenty food to bolster the pill while it slowly dissolves, but sometimes I forgot and took it in the evening. Sometimes I forgot until late night and skipped till the next morning. As for side effects - you’ll see if they affect you. Concerning long-term use, psychiatrists are divided on the matter. Peter Kramer has written books about long term changing your personality (Listening to Prozac) and whole-heatedly supports peoples right to change themselves - and to the best of my knowledge, there are no documented longterm problems. Although we don’t know. My guess though, is that you’ll only need to take a very low dose, like King, to get what you want.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mike42
It’s a disassociative - it separates you from your emotions.

Exactly what are you talking about? Seroxat? SSRI’s in general?

And what is your experience of them, if I may ask?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

King G

Two questions please:

1)Have you experienced any weight gain while using Paxil?

2)Since you are taking smaller doses, are you using a pill cutter?

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

Originally Posted by Nemanja

at what time of the day are you taking Seroxat? I have bought two boxes of 20 mg pills (they didn’t have those of 10 mg), so if I cut them in two, I’ll have enough for four months of daily intake. The local pharmaceutical company instructs that Seroxat should be taken once a day, with a breakfast, but that is not very convenient for me. I’d rather take it when I come home from work, but I don’t know if that’ ok.
And I have to be honest with all of you - I am quite afraid of the side effects. King_G, have you thought about what I wrote above, that if Seroxat only helps as long as you regularly take it, that means that one has to continue to take it for as long as you intend to remain sexually active? Doesn’t that mean that we premature ejaculators are going to continue to take it for decades to come? It doesn’t sound very healthy to me.

I take Seroxat in the morning with my breakfast. I believe the reason they encourage you to do this is 1. To maximise it’s effects during waking hours.
2. Some people have had trouble sleeping if they take it just before they go to bed. One of the occasional side effects is feeling slightly restless, not good if you’re trying to go to sleep, but bearable if you are going about your daily work.

If the side effect are really bad, then stop taking the pills. But I think you will find on the low dosage that the side effects are tiny and go away after a week or so.

I don’t know the answer as to whether we’d need to take seroxat for ever, or if you can wean off and be permanently cured. My doc says that having long sex regularly for about 6 months will help to condition my mind into continuing such behaviour. I am doubtful based on MGUS’s comments. But I’m also hopeful as I know that drugs can effect us in different ways and I may have a slightly different experience to MGUS. I guess we’ll have to wait and see on that one.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by mgus

As I mentioned earlier, my prolonged sex-ability went back to normal once I weaned myself off Seroxat. I guess that isn’t necessarily the case for everyone, though. I tried taking the pills in the morning, I guess this is so that there will plenty food to bolster the pill while it slowly dissolves, but sometimes I forgot and took it in the evening. Sometimes I forgot until late night and skipped till the next morning. As for side effects - you’ll see if they affect you. Concerning long-term use, psychiatrists are divided on the matter. Peter Kramer has written books about long term changing your personality (Listening to Prozac) and whole-heatedly supports peoples right to change themselves - and to the best of my knowledge, there are no documented longterm problems. Although we don’t know. My guess though, is that you’ll only need to take a very low dose, like King, to get what you want.

I do wonder about the long term effects of this drug. I would agree that this drug has effectively changed my behaviour so much that it has changed my relationships with other people, especially those close to me. My wife and kids. I expect that they may think my personality has changed.

Although Seroxat has helped with the premature ejaculation, that has not been the best thing about the whole experience. The best thing about taking seroxat has been.
1. The lowering of my sex drive. (you may be puzzled as to why this is viewed as a good thing). Allow me to explain. My wife was clearly finding sex to be a chore, avoiding it and not enjoying it and was just doing it for me. This was getting worse on a continual downward spiral, our sexual relationship was dying a death. We were having sex maybe 3 times a week.
Seroxat eventually lowered my sex drive to the point where I stopped trying to get sex all the time and just had sex when my wife initiated it. Since that point, sex has been less frequent but the quality has been getting better and better. My wife now totally enjoys the sex and engages in several sexual acts that she said she hated before. The frequency of sex is very slowly increasing too. It was twice last month. This monthly cycle we’ve had sex twice in the already in the first week and there’s another 2 weeks before her period, so will probably be about 6 times… Hopefully will continue onward and upward.

2. Increase in patience with my kids. I have been more patient with my kids since taking seroxat. I’ve noticed it and I’m liking it. It’s improved my relationship with them.

3. The helping with premature ejaculation ranks here, 3rd place.

I’m very surprised by the whole experience. A very powerful and interesting drug.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by Leatherface
King G

Two questions please:

1)Have you experienced any weight gain while using Paxil?

2)Since you are taking smaller doses, are you using a pill cutter?

1. I have experienced very little weight gain, but I’m actually working out and trying to bulk up, so gaining a few pounds is a plus for me. I’ve gained about 3lbs in 2 months, which I’m pleased about. But that’s with drinking high calorie shakes, eating extra meals etc…
I don’t put on weight very easily, so I’m not the best person to ask that question.

2. I am not using a pill cutter. I use the Seroxat liquid. 5ml = 10mg.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

You make me want to go back on Seroxat…

Haidt and a bunch of others studying positive psychology claim that there seems to be a happiness baseline, that stays pretty much the same. The baseline can be effectively altered by three things, he says - SSRI’s, meditation and cognitive therapy. There are a couple of examples of people who go on SSRI’s for their depression but never get off it - why should they? They have transformed into a happier person!

There is a lot of aggressive “thou shalt not change thyself” directed against this - personally I don’t agree with this, nobody in their right mind would deny a person suffering from Crohn’s disease a medicine that would allow the person to not have stomach pains all the time for instance. There is something very scary about changing one’s persona - that is holy, shalt not be meddled with. But what if the persona is handicapped? Not all that it was meant to be, due to a genetic failure somewhere in the complex endochrine system? I guess there is a major problem with people taking drugs for the wrong reasons - like anticholesterol drugs instead of changing diets first. But as a principle, I find it unacceptable that people say “thou shalt not change thyself”.

Cool that you are starting to have effects that are beneficial, and unexpected such. Do you consider yourself more complete, more like what you are meant to be, a better version of yourself so to speak?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I think there is one more thing that effects happiness that you missed out and that is Exercise. I would describe the effects of Seroxat as a mix of an Aarobic rush after exercise and the spiritual feeling of well-being that I get when uplifted at church or studying the bible.

I personally feel that it is our desitiny to improve ourselves to our full potential. As a Christian I beieve that we are Gods children and our destiny is to progress and learn until we become as God is. I think we don’t realise just how truly massive our potential for change/improvement actually is.

I think we should be happy withourselves but have an underlying theme to try to improve ourselves continually. “Don’t beat yourself up about it, but never give up the quest” kind of thing.

I think taking Seroxat could be viewed as ‘cheating’ or doing it the easy way. Improving yourself by taking a pill rather than blood, sweat and tears. On the other hand yes, we should use medication to compensate for a genetic failing that means your particular endochrine system is effecting your ability to enjoy life.
The questions are;
1. Where to draw the line? Who should have SSRI’s and who should struggle on without it?
2. I did not think I suffered from any kind of depression, yet it has improved my quality of life.
Does this mean I was depressed and didn’t know it?
3. Does it mean that Seroxat would improve anyone’s quality of life?

I do feel more complete and a better person, but only because it has improved the relationships I have with my family. It hasn’t improved everything: my chess playing took a nose dive when I first started taking it, but has slowly been improving. I felt that at first my ability to concentrate was badly effected. But gradually my brain has learned to compensate or something because over the weeks, I have gotten my concentration levels back to where they were. I’m winning at Chess again, hurrah!

I am expecting that when I wean off Seroxat, I will suffer the lower concentration span and stuff again until my brain gets used to the chemical changes.

MGUS I’m very interested to know what your experience was like. Did it improve any aspects of your life and what happened to those aspects of your life after you weaned off Seroxat? Did anything stick, as it were, or did you lose the benefits you’d had while on the medication?

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6


I am afraid I lost most of the benefits after going off. I took Seroxat to deal with a severe burnout/depression/workaholic thing (major project going to the pits at the same time as a long-term relationship finally crashed = perceived failure = loss of self-worth). So for me, I clearly remember how I lost geist to do stuff, how I needed a long walk to work to kind of work myself up to tempo, how all kinds of sensations kind of went gray. I also remember how after about 10-14 days of going on Seroxat, I was driving home and suddenly smiled and enjoyed the beauty of the sunset - and how I realized that I was enjoying it!

The main positives of Seroxat were that I became quite outgoing, can-do and “hungry” for experiences. The negative part was that - since I just now was single again - I hit the bars and tried to make up for lost time with females. So I went overboard on booze and started loosing perspective on taking care of my job properly. I’m not sure what was pent-up self-destructive traits trying to come out, and what was Seroxat (I think hyperactivity is a sideeffect for some?).

When I weaned myself off of Seroxat (which I did because it was meant to be only for 6 months - but I was so scared of becoming depressed again that it took me another two months to dare try to stop), I had met my wife - falling in love was probably replacing Seroxat as a anti-depressant - but I have a reminiscence of feeling frustrated that I didn’t enjoy things as much anymore. At times, my wife has complained that I am not what I was when we met. Then when I got depressed the second time around, I was given Efexor, since it was supposed to be anti-anxiety also, as well as not have as many sexual side-effects. Efexor was OK for the anxiety, kind of OK for depression I guess, but it did affect the sexual side more than Seroxat did - my libido (interest) dropped, although the capacities remained the same (not really delaying ejaculation or anything). With Seroxat, my libido stayed the same only the ejaculation/orgasm became difficult. When I weaned myself off Efexor - my wife said she noticed no difference before and during taking Efexor, I was still depressed accoring to her - I started taking Omega3 to combat the depression.

Now I’m mentally feeling like I did before my first depression - no anxiety (except natural such, I think), no problems with laughing or enjoying things, sensations are full, I feel sharp and creative and just simply mentally fit. What hasn't changed is my happiness level - or rather, I think it’s back to the level it was before all of this started. I was hoping I’d feel more like I did when on Seroxat, a bit more “HAH! Devil may care!”.

I think there are two slightly different scenarios here - I suffered from depression, which damages areas of the brain. Going on Seroxat helped me, but didn’t allow all of that to rebuild. You are pretty much OK from the start - Seroxat helps you up, and when you go off it, my guess is you’ll go back to the baseline (maybe not with premature ejac, if your doc is right that it is a question of retraining - I went from normal to extremely difficult to orgasm). Might be that certain hormonal systems will readjust at a different level than they were before you embarked on this adventure - after all, I was brought out of my depression, so I was better off - it’s just that I still had some damage (that I believe now is taken care of thanks to Omega3).

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Thanks MGUS, that was interesting.
When you mentioned suddenly smiling at the sight of a beautiful sunset, I laughed out loud. I totally did the exact same thing. A few days after taking Seroxat I was just slowing down and enjoying the moment so much more. The sunsets, the night air, the smell of wet grass… everything. It probably sounds really gay to most people, but I’m sure you can empathise with me.

I am a little afraid at losing this outlook. But I also look at this experience as a learning curve. I hope that even if I don’t spontaniously think how beautiful the sunsets are, I will remind myself on a regular basis when ever I get stressed, to slow down, and just enjoy the moments. I hope I will have got into habits in the way I interact with my family, that stick. So even after the medication stops, the good habits will not.

Before I tried Seroxat, there were people online who were warning that it’s addictive and if I didn’t beleive them to look around on the web for Paxil addict support groups. I’m worried that I might like this too much to give it up. But I suppose that’s why the docs only prescribe it for 6 months and then wean you off.

I guess I’ll soon find out, since I’m about half way.

Our experiences were quite different. It would seem that you went a little wild! whereas I have had no inclination to go wild at all. I wonder if the drug just enables you to take steps in the direction you subconsciously want to go.

I don’t know if you ever tried LSD. But I remember LSD opening my mind in a very similar way. But to a much greater degree. With LSD you could spend half an hour admiring the beauty of a cloud in the sky. Seroxat is a lot less powerful but in a similar vein.

MGUS are you on any SSRI medication now?

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

King G

Where do you buy a liquid Seroxat? Is that something only found in Europe?

"Look what your brother did to the door!"


So would you say that Seroxat was more effective than Effexor for your anxiety and depression?

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

King_G and mgus,

at first, I enjoyed your conversation and became more willing and eager to try this drug. Then I read this

Before I tried Seroxat, there were people online who were warning that it’s addictive and if I didn’t believe them to look around on the web for Paxil addict support groups. I’m worried that I might like this too much to give it up. But I suppose that’s why the docs only prescribe it for 6 months and then wean you off.

Then I did some of my own searching and found this: and this: : Paxil Withdrawal Information | Symptoms and this: and finally this: My Paxil Nightmare | The Tyee I became scared. Very scared. Strongly suggest that you read these texts.
Now I have no intention of beginning to take Seroxat any time soon.


Ive been taking Zoloft 50mg a day for about a week now. After 3 days of taking it, I was able to go a little longer and I was much more relaxed than before. But I’m waiting till after i take it 3weeks for this is a reasonable amount of time to see if there will be any significant changes. As far as the side effects are concerned, I have been drowsy and have dry mouth. I try to remedy this by drinking plenty of water and getting some sleep. I will keep everyone updated weekly on my progress.

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.


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