Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've cured my premature ejaculation

I have been feeling pretty fine. I originally took Zoloft for PE but it’s other benefits have been a plus. The side effects are subsiding. As far as lasting longer this has been happening. I can control myself a lot longer.

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.

I don’t think premature ejaculation has anything to do with mental health. I don’t think males are born with abnormal sexual characteristics neither. I was born with an undescended testes, but if treated properly during pre and post puberty, I wouldn’t had abnormal sexual characteristics.

FDA approved drugs have side effects same as health disorders, but the side effect from being “cured” of premature ejaculation, caused by that anti depressant is not an actual cure and it doesn’t answer the question, why.
In fact, the question “why”, is still unknown thus, why there isn’t any a FDA drug to premature ejaculation.

I do think it has something to do with Endocrine and maybe Urology than mental health. I should know because I experienced all three health areas, and still todate.

Being dependent on anti depressants can be dangerous. Being on anti depressants when you don’t have a mental disorder is also dangerous. If you never had a problem with mental health, why would your PE be considered emotional?
Think about it.

Talk with your primary care doctor and ask him / her to refer you toward a specialist of Urology and Endocrine. It’s a situation of letting both those areas take their respected blood work to conclude what’s behind your premature ejaculation.

It could be something minor or something more serious. It could be, they simply won’t know and may conclude it’s emotional but make sure you allowed all tests and options to be received.

Once the medication leaves your system you will still have ejaculation problems. It never left. Good luck bro.

I am afraid that there might never be a real cure for premature ejaculation. Many people have problems with one or more organs. They are not really sick, but simply those organs don’t work perfectly for them. Some people have weak heart. Some don’t see well. Some don’t have good balance (I don’t know the correct term in English, but I mean the brain center that enables you to drive a bicycle, and if you have great balance, you can be an astronaut). Some people have weak bladders and have to urinate more often then other. Etc. And some people simply can’t control their ejaculation…

Originally Posted by iwillbbigger
I have been feeling pretty fine. I originally took Zoloft for PE but it’s other benefits have been a plus. The side effects are subsiding. As far as lasting longer this has been happening. I can control myself a lot longer.

Congratulations ‘iwillbigger’
It’s such a great feeling to be able to last longer in bed. It makes you feel like a real stud, lol.
Anyway as you can see it works…
We just have to figure out a long term fix that is as easy. My doc already said I can only take the Seroxat for 6 months. So I’m doing some research to help put a plan together for what I’ll do about the prem ejac after the 6 months.

Any ideas or discovered research on the subject, please let me know.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by Chosendudenyc
I don’t think premature ejaculation has anything to do with mental health.
Think about it.

Hi, I agree with ya.
We are just using a ‘low dose’ to pick up a desired side effect. Although having premature ejaculation is very annoying and it does get us down, I wouldn’t say that we were clinically depressed.

However I have found that other (non sexual) areas of my life have improved on Seroxat too. I have found the experience to be very interesting. Yes we all understand that this is not a good idea for a long term fix. But for short term relief, it works and it’s worth it.

To bastardise a famous quote, “it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all”.
“It is better to have taken seroxat and been a stud in bed for a few months, than to never have been a stud at all.” Somehow I think there will be ‘some’ lasting benefits.

Take pre-orgasmic women for instance. Once they’ve had an orgasm, they find it a lot easier to have an orgasm in future. Sometimes in order to have their first orgasm, they just force an orgasm using a vibrator, then their body clicks and can orgams using other means. It’s a learned reponse for your body.
I’m hoping that we will benefit in a similar way even if it only helps a little bit.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by gram40
Just to let you guys know I am now into my 6th day of taking paxil(generic) 10 mg/day, as of yet I have had no side effects what so ever that includes any effect on my pe. Last night I had sex with my wife and once penetration occurred I lasted my pathetic 2-3 minutes. I know it’s still early in the game and am anxious to see the results in the next 2 weeks or so. I will keep you posted as we go along here. I know my wife would love to have her pussy fucked hard for 10-15 minutes so that is the results I am hoping for, cause every once in a while she loves it hard and fast. Wish me luck.

Hows it going Gram40? any update for us?

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by Formula1
If I decide to try taking something to make me last longer, I don’t think I want to take it everyday. So instead of either Paxil of Zoloft it’s Anaprox or Anafranil that’s best? At what dosage levels?

So what did you go with?

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6


I guess now is the time to start practicing edging? As I recall it was difficult enough to reach orgasm so you should have a longer stretch in feeling the orgasm coming and keeping within the orgasm-without-ejaculation spectrum?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by King_G
Hi, I agree with ya.
We are just using a ‘low dose’ to pick up a desired side effect. Although having premature ejaculation is very annoying and it does get us down, I wouldn’t say that we were clinically depressed.

However I have found that other (non sexual) areas of my life have improved on Seroxat too. I have found the experience to be very interesting. Yes we all understand that this is not a good idea for a long term fix. But for short term relief, it works and it’s worth it.

To bastardise a famous quote, “it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all”.
“It is better to have taken seroxat and been a stud in bed for a few months, than to never have been a stud at all.” Somehow I think there will be ‘some’ lasting benefits.

Take pre-orgasmic women for instance. Once they’ve had an orgasm, they find it a lot easier to have an orgasm in future. Sometimes in order to have their first orgasm, they just force an orgasm using a vibrator, then their body clicks and can orgams using other means. It’s a learned reponse for your body.
I’m hoping that we will benefit in a similar way even if it only helps a little bit.

King G you are absolutely right. The purpose for taking this medication IE; Zoloft, paxil, serotax is only to get the desired side effect. And yes it does benefit other areas of my life. I am more calmer and more relaxed. But also I am able to focus more. I have been kegeling a lot as well and I think that this is helping somewhat. I know that we can only take this for a little while then we should go to something else. I remember Zane blue offering Deferol as a solution. Maybe when I’m weaning off of Zoloft I’ll try that.

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.

Originally Posted by King_G
So what did you go with?

My appointment isn’t until Thursday so I will wait to see what my doctor says. I know it won’t be Anaprox.

Originally Posted by mgus

I guess now is the time to start practicing edging? As I recall it was difficult enough to reach orgasm so you should have a longer stretch in feeling the orgasm coming and keeping within the orgasm-without-ejaculation spectrum?

Yeah, great idea MGUS, edging should be a lot easier now, so I think I’ll put some practise in there.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by iwillbbigger
King G you are absolutely right. The purpose for taking this medication IE; Zoloft, paxil, serotax is only to get the desired side effect. And yes it does benefit other areas of my life. I am more calmer and more relaxed. But also I am able to focus more. I have been kegeling a lot as well and I think that this is helping somewhat. I know that we can only take this for a little while then we should go to something else. I remember Zane blue offering Deferol as a solution. Maybe when I’m weaning off of Zoloft I’ll try that.

Deferol looks promising, as a herbal remedy, it looks like you could take it regularly indefinitely. It appears to work in a very similar way to the prescription SSRI’s. So looks good and I think I’ll give it a try after weaning off Seroxat.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by mgus
That’s right - I recall now. I could have sex, orgasm and just wait until the hypersensitivity of the glans subsided and then continue, without ever loosing my hardon. I remember once I was going for a third time, and kind of gave up on it, realizing it would take too long for my partner to take it.

I never had any of these effects with Efexor, only with Seroxat (Paxil).

Oh my heck!
MGUS, after reading the above, I thought, hmmmm maybe instead of waiting 5 mins, I’ll just try to carry on immediately without losing the hard-on and see what happens.

Anyway the next time I had sex, I felt myself cumming, I pulled out, came on her tits, wiped the cum off my dick, then plugged it straight back in. I did not lose the hard-on at all, I was still 100% errect.
My wife had this confused/concerned look in her eye and she said,
“but you can’t do that… can you?”
She quickly realised that, yes I could and I was. I was thinking “This is frickin awesome”
I shagged her rotten for another 5 mins and then pulled out and came on her again!

I immediately went for a third. I plugged it back in but this time I had lost some of the errection and desire, my errection dropped to 85% but held. I had to go quite hard to maintaint the errection, but because my desire had dipped, I knew it would have taken way too long to cum and my wife was getting sore. I knew she could handle another 10 mins and neither could I to be honest.

Since then I’ve cum twice in a row each time we’ve had sex. I have been waiting for a time when my wife is particularly ‘up for it’ to go for the big 3 times in immediate succession. Fantastic!!!

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Fun, ain’t it? :)

God, this is turning into an advertisement for Seroxat… What is your doctor’s reasoning behind quitting after 6 months? Standard procedure for the first bout of depression, I guess? I was told it was [X months to get free of depression + 6 months free] the first time around, [X + 12 months] the second and for life the third.

Interestingly, this psychologist fellow Peter Kramer has written books about why one might as well stay on forever (books: Listening to Prozac & Against Depression), and simply ask oneself why one shouldn’t be this person that one would rather be? What is wrong with remaking oneself mentally? Is there anything wrong with cognitive therapy, zen meditation? Why not, since people put silicon implants in their bodies - and pull on their dicks too - to change things? I’m not morally opposed to changing oneself, and if Seroxat does the trick - fine by me. As I’ve said before, it’s the sideeffects and possible longterm effects that keep me away from that path, at least for now.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Sorry about the delay Formula1 . My Anafranil is 25mg. Works great about 3-5hrs before some sex. Kind of silly to “plan” out sex but it works for me. Sucks though if the wifey has a change of heart and I waste one. She doesn’t know I still use it from time to time. Be careful though if you drink alcohol. A few beers and some Zoloft will not be nice to you in the morning. major hangovers and the occasional grown man bed wetting is never fun. But hey, i could screw for longer than 2 minutes!


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