Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've cured my premature ejaculation

Zigg- ref dapoxetine:

Mountain View, CA (October 26, 2005) – ALZA Corporation announced today that it has received a not approvable letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on its New Drug Application for dapoxetine hydrochloride, an investigational compound for the treatment of premature ejaculation (PE).

ALZA Corporation is committed to developing safe and effective medicines that address important unmet medical needs. The company continues to believe that dapoxetine provides important benefits for men who suffer from PE. ALZA Corporation plans to address questions raised in the FDA letter and continue the global development program. com/news/jnj_ne … 1026_164127.htm

Also look here:

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Deferol’s main ingredient is Griffonia Seed Extract, which is the source for 5-HTP.

I tried 5-HTP for a month, worked up to a 300mg dose, with no success in regards to delaying orgasm.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

5-HTP didn’t help me either.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

If anyone is considering walking into their Dr’s office and asking for a Rx for Paxil (paroxetine), you might want to consider bringing along a bit of documentation to argue your case.

Here’s a couple articles, most are quite brief and to the point.

Print them out, highlight the critical points, and have them in hand when you broach the subject. Shows you’ve done your homework, and that taking SSRI’s for this purpose is something you’ve researched and are not flippant about.

Current Perspectives on the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation
Effects of Seroxat on premature ejaculation: a clinical trial
Utility of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in premature ejaculation.
Use of paroxetine on-demand in premature ejaculation
Lifelong Premature ejaculation: definition, serotonergic neurotransmission and drug treatment.
Comparison of the efficacy and safety of 90 mg versus 20 mg fluoxetine in the treatment of premature ejaculation

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

I suffered from premature ejaculation, except when I was drunk, for about 8 months (only been having sex for that long though) and have tried tons of things. Just recently it just kinda stopped. I do take 5-htp and fish oil and choline containing lecithin, which really increases the hardness of my boner and allows me to get it up sooner after ejaculating but I was having sex with my girlfriend one night and she was on top. I felt like I was gonna cum and told her to get off and just kegeled and relaxed and my dick just quivered and it felt kinda good but no ejaculate. Then I told her to get back on and went for like 30 minutes! I was really happy and could pound her in missionary (usually blow in that position like < 1 minute). Ever since then I just take 5-htp every night (200mg with niacin and other crap) and just relaxxxxx breath deep be confident and don’t think ‘don’t cum’ because that usually makes it worse. Even if 5-htp doesnt work it just may have placebo effect on me now but ill take it. Have your girl start out on top and pull out and kegel and relax when you feel ( I really think pulling out is key it’s too hard to kegel and hold in inside her) and then I can switch it up and go to more sensitive positions. After you get over that first little quiver of the penis and just keep breathing and be confident and don’t worrry and getting rid of blowing to early will take it’s course. Also whenever I masturbate I try not to come for at least 20 minutes. I really do believe that anti-depressents to work just like alcohol, but I have too much pride and am too young (19) to start taking anti-depressents without at least trying to cure it naturally.

Hey everyone

I went to see my doctor today and I’m looking forward to some changes. He prescribed for me 50mg of Zoloft. He said that he has prescribed this in the past for patients and it has worked well for them. He told me to give it a month and then come back and see him. I figured I’ll cut the pill in have and take 25mg instead of the 50mg prescribed. He also gave me a prescription fir Cialis 10mg. I’ll see how the two work together. I’ll keep you all in formed on my progress.

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.

Good luck. The combination of chlorimipramine (50mg) and desensitizing condoms has helped me along.

According to one of those studies posted by Darktrick, Paxil can be used ‘as needed’ for sex as opposed to having to use it daily. Unless I read the study wrong, it seems that taking Paxil as needed (almost similar to Viagra) 4-6 hours before sex, produces similar results to using the drug daily.

This is good news for those who are apprehensive about using the drug daily for fear of side effects.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

Originally Posted by Leatherface
Hi King G

What specific type of Paxil are you using? Are you using Paxil CR (the extended release version), regular Paxil, or some generic type?


I’m using Seroxat which is the brand that Paxil is sold under in the UK. The active ingredient is paroxetine hydrochloride same as Paxil.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by iwillbbigger
Hey everyone

I went to see my doctor today and I’m looking forward to some changes. He prescribed for me 50mg of Zoloft. He said that he has prescribed this in the past for patients and it has worked well for them. He told me to give it a month and then come back and see him. I figured I’ll cut the pill in have and take 25mg instead of the 50mg prescribed. He also gave me a prescription fir Cialis 10mg. I’ll see how the two work together. I’ll keep you all in formed on my progress.

Congratualtions on taking the plunge bud. Let us all know how you get on with it.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by Leatherface
According to one of those studies posted by Darktrick, Paxil can be used ‘as needed’ for sex as opposed to having to use it daily. Unless I read the study wrong, it seems that taking Paxil as needed (almost similar to Viagra) 4-6 hours before sex, produces similar results to using the drug daily.

This is good news for those who are apprehensive about using the drug daily for fear of side effects.

When I first got my prescription my Doc said that it wouldn’t work as well if you took it on an as needed basis.
The paxil stops Seratonin being re-absorbed by the body. So it takes a while after taking the medication for the seratonin levels to build up and eventually max out for the dosage that you are on.

My own experience has shown that the effects of the medication get stronger the longer you are on the medication until you reach the maximum seratonin levels for that dose. Which seems to take me a couple of weeks, before I lasted the longest time before cumming.

It also seems to me that when I miss a dose my seratonin levels plummet back down, I cum faster and it takes several days of taking Paxil to get the seratonin levels back up there again.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

I suppose it could work, taking it on an as needed basis, but you would need a larger dose.

Considering it’s messing with chemicals in the brain and that the side effects seem strongest when you start taking the medication or when you stop taking it. For this reason they wean you off slowly. Seems to be that taking sudden large doses would probably not be a good idea.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

So it seems you’ll have to continue to take the medicine as long as you have sex in your life… Well, as long as it works… I will buy this today, I have a friend in the pharmacy who’ll get it for me without perscription.

Originally Posted by King_G
I suppose it could work, taking it on an as needed basis, but you would need a larger dose.
Considering it’s messing with chemicals in the brain and that the side effects seem strongest when you start taking the medication or when you stop taking it. For this reason they wean you off slowly. Seems to be that taking sudden large doses would probably not be a good idea.

For depression, it seems that SSRI’s slowly readjust the system to a different level of balance (there are many different antagonistic systems that counteract each other). For PMS-induced depression, it seems that there is a direct lack of serotonin - for these depressions (that last short periods of time) SSRI’s are used as a “take as long as it lasts”-medicine, and has immediate results.

So there are cases where you take sudden doses.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


at what time of the day are you taking Seroxat? I have bought two boxes of 20 mg pills (they didn’t have those of 10 mg), so if I cut them in two, I’ll have enough for four months of daily intake. The local pharmaceutical company instructs that Seroxat should be taken once a day, with a breakfast, but that is not very convenient for me. I’d rather take it when I come home from work, but I don’t know if that’ ok.
And I have to be honest with all of you - I am quite afraid of the side effects. King_G, have you thought about what I wrote above, that if Seroxat only helps as long as you regularly take it, that means that one has to continue to take it for as long as you intend to remain sexually active? Doesn’t that mean that we premature ejaculators are going to continue to take it for decades to come? It doesn’t sound very healthy to me.


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