Thunder's Place

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I've cured my premature ejaculation

1. You can put the cream on after a blowjob.

2. I heard that some creams get absorbed in a few minutes and that those don’t desentisize a woman. I have yet to test this, since I don’t have a girl right now.

3. There is a little something called a condom, and it guarantees that a woman won’t be desentisized.

Originally Posted by Nemanja
I am wondering - have any of you guys ever tried a penis desentisizing cream?
Seems like a solid, easy solution to me.

I tried it and it does work, but is no good for me. My wife likes sex to be spontanious, so if we start and then I say I want to stop she goes crazy angry. If I apply the cream then try for sex I will only get sex half the time, so it’s not worth the hassle for me. Also you have to apply the cream, give it time to absorb, then wash it off. Even then it could still make her numb, as my wife doesn’t like using condoms. Also it takes some of the sensation pleasure out of the sex. So yes it works, but it’s not a good solution for me.

By the way if you do buy it, don’t buy the stuff from sex sites, just go into your local pharmacy and ask for desensitising cream. Such as Lidocaine or Benzocaine cream. It is used for bee stings and itchy skin if you want an innocent excuse, lol.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Hey guys, any of you using Paxil, have you tried cumming twice in a row without stopping yet? It’s awesome!!!

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Guys, those of you who have gone 3 weeks without any change, make sure that you don’t miss any doses, and try and take the dose at exactly the same time every day to maximise the results.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Sorry for the confusion:
1. Hypothesia-diminshed sense of feeling
2. Hyperthesia- increased sensitivity of feeling
3. Parathesia-numbness, prickling, or tingling; usually result from a blow to the area or an extreme stretch

I’ve used Lidocaine preparations in the past. Even though I’ve washed them off thoroughly, there was some transference to my partner, and that was not well received if you get my point.

I dont want to loose any sensation from whatever means I employ.

No missed doses, and taken at the same time every night. Could be it’s just taking me longer, could be it’s not going to work for me. The Dr didnt seemed surprised when I mentioned it, she had more of a ‘wait and see’ attitude.

Some more literature for those interested:

Although not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this indication, oral antidepressants and topical anesthetic agents have been shown to delay ejaculation in men with premature ejaculation and have minimal side effects when used for this purpose (see accompanying table). Dosages and dosing regimens for premature ejaculation frequently deviate from those used for FDA-approved indications, and this difference should be considered in the risk-versus-benefit assessment of pharmacologic therapy. Treatment with specific oral antidepressants known to cause anorgasmia and delayed ejaculation should be started at the lowest possible dosage that is compatible with a reasonable chance of success.

Therapy Options for the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation
Therapy* Recommended dosage†‡

Oral therapies
Clomipramine (Anafranil) 25 to 50 mg daily
25 mg four to 24 hours before intercourse

Fluoxetine (Prozac) 5 to 20 mg daily

Paroxetine (Paxil) 10, 20, or 40 mg daily
20 mg three to four hours before intercourse

Sertraline (Zoloft) 25 to 200 mg daily
50 mg four to eight hours before intercourse

Topical therapy
Lidocaine/prilocaine (Emla) Lidocaine 2.5 percent/prilocaine 2.5 percent, 20 to 30 minutes before intercourse

*-This list does not reflect order of choice or efficacy.
†-Peak plasma concentrations occur two to eight hours postdose, and half-lives range from one to three days.
‡-Titrate dosages from low to high based on response.

Topical anesthetic agents may be applied to the penis before intercourse to delay ejaculation. After topical application, these agents have been used with and without a condom. Prolonged application of topical anesthetic (30 to 45 minutes) has been reported in a significant percentage of men to result in loss of erection because of numbness of the penis. Diffusion of residual topical anesthetic on the penis into the vaginal wall also may result in numbness in the partner.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

I can’t beleive anyone would use ssri’s for this. That blows my mind.

I have found cabergoline to be very good for me - lets you cum more often which brings its own desensitising effects.

Other options which have worked for me and which haven’t been mentioned:


For those who dont know:
Cabergoline/Dostinex is a dopamine agonist that works by stopping the brain from making and releasing the prolactin hormone from the pituitary. It’s usually prescribed for disorders of high prolactin levels or pituitary tumors, treatment of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease as adjuvant therapy to Levodopa, and is effective for restless legs syndrome.

I’ve used Dostinex, and the side effects (for me) were unpleasant, much more so than I’ve experienced with Paxil:

Adverse Effects:
The adverse effects of cabergoline are similar to those reported with other dopaminergic ergot derivatives, eg. bromocriptine, pergolide, lysuride. In trials 74% of patients had at least one adverse event. These were mainly mild to moderate in severity and transient in nature, requiring discontinuation in a small proportion of cases. The most frequent adverse events seen were:1,8

* nervous system - dyskinesia, hyperkinesia, hallucinations and confusion
* gastrointestinal system - nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia and gastritis
* cardiovascular system - dizziness and postural hypotension
* respiratory system- pleural effusion/fibrosis

Why would you consider using Cabergoline so much more benign than a low dose of an SSRI?

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Originally Posted by davetherave
I can’t believe anyone would use ssri’s for this. That blows my mind.

I have found cabergoline to be very good for me - lets you cum more often which brings its own desensitising effects.

Other options which have worked for me and which haven’t been mentioned:


I’ve considered using cabergoline as well to have the multiorgasmic response but Zoloft has been working out really well for me. I still may try the cabergoline. Also I may note that my orgasms have been more intense while taking Zoloft.

Also King G I tried to masturbate after having sex with my wife and I couldn’t cum when there was a time when I used to could.

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.

I recently asked the doctor again for a very low dose (10mg) of SSRI to work on this ejac thing. I was taking the 10mg every day, and the benefits for prem ejac started within the first couple of days.

The only thing was that I found it made me generally quite tremulous. In fact it made my hands down right shaky, and my legs a little wobbly too. It also started messing with my sleeping, and made me twist and turn at night in bed. So I stopped taking it.

Recently I went out of town for work, and took some with me. I met a girl, and one night we met up, I knew it was going to be on between us, so I took 10mg.

It certainly helped to a degree, because I’m fairly sure I would have cum really quickly, as it’s been awhile since I had any; but as it happened I could let her suck my dick without feeling like I was gonna blow, and had penetrative sex for about 5 minutes, which doesn’t sound great, but for me, because I hadn’t had any for so long and have been pretty frustrated, that was pretty good. I’m fairly sure that with more sessions and the help of the SSRI, it would have improved too.

I can’t remember what the name of the SSRI is. I’ll try and find out for you guys, but I think I threw the packaging away.



I always wondered if one SSRI pill before sex would do anything if you don’t take it regularly. You seem to think it helped, Zigga? Maybe you just lasted that long naturally. I know I always assume that I will cum quickly with a new girl, but sometimes the situation isn’t as hot as you expect, and lasting isn’t such a problem.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by King_G
I tried it and it does work, but is no good for me. My wife likes sex to be spontanious, so if we start and then I say I want to stop she goes crazy angry. If I apply the cream then try for sex I will only get sex half the time, so it’s not worth the hassle for me. Also you have to apply the cream, give it time to absorb, then wash it off. Even then it could still make her numb, as my wife doesn’t like using condoms. Also it takes some of the sensation pleasure out of the sex. So yes it works, but it’s not a good solution for me.

By the way if you do buy it, don’t buy the stuff from sex sites, just go into your local pharmacy and ask for desensitising cream. Such as Lidocaine or Benzocaine cream. It is used for bee stings and itchy skin if you want an innocent excuse, lol.

Are you sure that the cream needs to be washed off before intercourse? I thought that once it absorbs in the skin it doesn’t make the girl numb, but I have yet to try it with a girl, so every experience I read here is valuable to me.
On the other hand, some things you wrote are confusing to me. You are a married man, and if a wife doesn’t have the patience to help her husband with a sexual problem, then who else will have it??? I assume that you had sex with her before you got married, so she knew that you had this problem, it wasn’t a surprise that you revealed only after you got married. I understand that she prefers sex without a condom, but if you usually come within 2 minutes (before you started taking Seroxat), then it would be logical that she would prefer 20 minutes of sex with a condom to 2 minutes of sex without it.
And by the way, thank you for the advice, but are you sure that desensitizing creams from pharmacies are the same as those made specifically for sex? I would assume that at least some of the creams which are sold in sex sites and sex shops are made specifically in a way to desensitize a dick just as much as needed. But then again, I’ll have to try to know for sure.

Ziggaman I know that there are side effect with all meds. Maybe you should try to ride it out for a while. Like I stated before when I first started taking Zoloft 50mg, I had dry mouth and some slight weird feeling in my right leg. Maybe it was a little trembling but it wasn’t all the time. I just adjusted by drinking more water and getting sleep. The side effects are gone except for the weird feeling but that has diminished greatly.

OH one other thing. I feel like it’s easier to hold off while getting some head than it is when you have vaginal penetration.

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.

I got my Paxil yesterday but I’m gonna wait a while before I try it. Last night when I was edging, it seemed like I wasn’t as sensitive as before. So maybe the cabergoline is starting to work. But on the down side it seemed like I couldn’t get to a full 100% erection like I could before I started the cabergoline. I’m a little afraid that if I try the Paxil now along with the cabergoline that it might make me unable to have an erection at all.

I have bought Seroxat(Paxil in Europe). Here are my thoughts and comments:

I used to have premature ejaculation…few times even 20-30 seconds after insertion. I am sure this was mental thing which I could not overcome. I tried everything and finally came to this thread of King.

First day I took 10mg of Seroxat(Paxil) and it was horrible!!! I felt like after ecstasy or amphetamine although I was conscious all the time. I could not sleep at all. My mind was full of hundreds of thoughts(just like when you are trying to fall asleep after ecstasy). I had to take Thioridazin to fall asleep(Thioridazin is a drug which ‘overpowers’ dangerous people who have to much energy).

On the second day I took only 5mg and this was my dose for most of my treatment. Second day was better but still I felt ‘strange’. I was even thinking about stopping taking Seroxat due to how I felt…After week or more I felt ‘normal’. I remember also that during first 3-4 days I tried to masturbate and it was very difficult for me to cum! So it kicked in fast into my body.

After two weeks I had first ‘real’ sex. It was great. I had control over my orgasm like King says although my sex was not longer than 10 min. Then I decided to take 7,5 mg during days when I have sex and this plan seems to work great. I can have sex now for 20-30 minutes. If I want to I can cum in 10 minutes but I have to focus hard :)

It seems like this drug works like ecstasy in some way. I remember that I tried once to have sex after ecstasy when I was younger and it was the same effect. Both after ecstasy and seroxat it is very hard to gain 100% erection while masturbating-it takes much longer. However I have no problem with 100% erection when I am with my girlfriend as she is very hot and ‘she works on me’ :) I also take L-arginine to have stronger erections. Yesterday I have sex with my girl for 25 minutes all the time 100% erect! So it can have the same effect like ‘edging’ for my dick.

BTW-I have always had very high sex drive. No problem with that now with Seroxat(Paxil). My sex drive is the same-I can have sex three times a day :) I am 26.


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