Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What's a good weight to start hanging with?

What's a good weight to start hanging with?

I have recently aquired a Captns Wench (Yippee!)

So what do you reckon is a good weight to start hanging with?

What do you have lying around? I would start small. Definitly like in the 2 to 5 lb range just to get a feel for it. The lighter the better until you get past the learning curve with hanging. The reason for this is getting use to the wrap as well as the skin stretch. It is quite uncomfortable till you develop a tolerance to that feeling. All experience is from a Bib Hanger, but I believe it should be general with any type of hanging.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I started with 5lb.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Will hanging straight down lower my erection angle?


Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

all the time 2 go for broke

I have a question.

I am going to be working from home over the next 10-12 MONTHS.

This means I am going to have the entire days to myself since the wife will be at work from 9-5.

I am going to multitask by working and do some serious peing.

I own both the bib starter and the bib regular hangers, plus a nice kaplan pump, the clamp, the therap wrap, multiple heating pads, and some great ads inventions.

Over the past couple years I have gained about 2 inches using the hangers with reverse kegels(and other manual stuff), but like most, have only pe’d on and off between semesters when I was in school.

My current stats are: 7.2 inches bpel x 4.75 eg.

Now I am going to seriously use this time to start an intense routine to craft a huge johnson. I have already been doing 20 minutes/day of jelqing, ulis, & manual stretching over the last 2 months so I am warmed up again. I have no other commitments, but to work over my computer from home and will focus this time like bib did nearly entirely on peing.


I need to know if anybody here has some good input on what they believe to be the most efficient way to use my 8 hours per day as far as increasing my LENGTH goes. Should I use the time to get in as many hours of hanging or should I go with periodic manual stretching throughout the day?

I am leaning towards hanging and would appreciate any or all input. Especially from the vets, since I too have been on these boards since 2001, but only lurked.

Thanks to all in advance for any replies


Originally Posted by monolithic
I have a question.
I am going to be working from home over the next 10-12 MONTHS.
This means I am going to have the entire days to myself since the wife will be at work from 9-5.
I am going to multitask by working and do some serious peing.
I own both the bib starter and the bib regular hangers, plus a nice kaplan pump, the clamp, the therap wrap, multiple heating pads, and some great ads inventions.
Over the past couple years I have gained about 2 inches using the hangers with reverse kegels(and other manual stuff), but like most, have only pe’d on and off between semesters when I was in school.
My current stats are: 7.2 inches bpel x 4.75 eg.
Now I am going to seriously use this time to start an intense routine to craft a huge johnson. I have already been doing 20 minutes/day of jelqing, ulis, & manual stretching over the last 2 months so I am warmed up again. I have no other commitments, but to work over my computer from home and will focus this time like bib did nearly entirely on peing.
I need to know if anybody here has some good input on what they believe to be the most efficient way to use my 8 hours per day as far as increasing my LENGTH goes. Should I use the time to get in as many hours of hanging or should I go with periodic manual stretching throughout the day?
I am leaning towards hanging and would appreciate any or all input. Especially from the vets, since I too have been on these boards since 2001, but only lurked.
Thanks to all in advance for any replies

Maybe this post should have it’s own thread?

yeah Ziggaman I’m going to start a new thread.
I just wanted to test a first post and decided to do it here.

About your hanging question though I would start out with around 5lbs. And I would purchase the 5lbs not as a single weight, but as 2 seperate 2.5 pounders. That way you can warm up with 2.5lbs for a set and then go onto your 5lbs for a few good sets.

Originally Posted by ziggaman
Will hanging straight down lower my erection angle?


IT can it has done that to some people but it hasn’t effected me except maybe a tiny bit

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by ziggaman
I have recently aquired a Captns Wench (Yippee!)

So what do you reckon is a good weight to start hanging with?

If I were to start again I would not hang anything at first unless I had first exhausted an ADS. I know this comes as no surprise to alot of guys here but if you first used light weights until you no longer got gains then upgraded to heavy hanging I think you would find very good gains before the heavy stuff was needed. I would start with one PEweight and add rings when I got used to the technique then when I got to 2 pounds and my gains stopped then I would add heavy hanging starting with 4 or 5 pounds and continue using the ADS between the heavy hanging sessions. I wish I had understood the benefits of light ADS before I started heavy hanging. The key is TIME. If you can do an ADS for several hours a day your going to see gains, period. Time AND weight are the factors that create gains. That doesn’t mean really heavy weights and a short amount of time are equal to a lot of time and light weights. The latter is better and is much easier to deal with on a daily basis, not to mention less dangerous. To my way of thinking an ADS does all the work, a heavy hanging session just creates the stretch that the ADS keeps.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by ziggaman
I have recently aquired a Captns Wench (Yippee!)

Hi ziggaman. What will you use to grip the wench (cableclamp) ? Or you find another tool?

BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)

I’m using a cable clamp. It’s just about big enough so that I can secure it two clicks in.

I was lucky that somebody on the other side of the pond made it for me and sent it to me with a cable clamp. It’s very difficult to get materials to make a decent hanger over here.

3 pounds, give or take a little depending on angle.

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