Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My goal is 7-7,5 inch

My goal is 7-7,5 inch

Hi everyone!

First of all I wanna thank you all very much, for some fantastic posts, guides and stories about your PE life.
I’m still kinda new to PE, only a month of experience! Since I started out I have noticed better erection and
More visible veins, and a slightly length gain - but not much. My penis measures 6 inch length and 5,5 inch
Girth. I’m quite happy with my girth, but I really want to add some length! My goal is like 7 or 7,5 inch, but it
Seems to be a long way to go.
I have read for several hours, but I’m still not quite sure how to reach my goal.

My current PE session look like this:

- 5min Warmup (Hot wrap)
- 2x stretch in each direction - up, down, right and left. (Holding for 30 seconds and kegel meanwhile)
- Then I do one hand jelq, holding my skin back to prevent further turkey neck! I do like 200-300 jelqs with 40%
Erection and ok firm grip.
- When this is done I do a 5 min warm-down and massage, also doing some kegels.

Anyone have anything to add? Any suggestions to make my PE sessions better?

Hope to get some help, reaching my goal!

Thanks :)

Hullo mighty Paddehj,

the conventional wisdom is to follow the newbie routine for three months and then reconsider. With only one month into PE, you can lean back and don’t mind about what to do afterwards, sort of.

From your post, I read that you’re quite motivated and excited which is great. However, don’t forget Martinis, minimalistic furniture, lounge music and developing a relaxed, distanced PE-mindset. For example, don’t measure until after the third month. Measuring often might be quite a down-pull if you’re on the slow gainer’s side. I for example measure only every six months and don’t bother thinking about length and girth in between. Remember that every gain, no matter how small, is worth the effort!

I know that it is very tempting to set fixed goals for a certain day - but it brings with it the danger of being disappointed if you gained “only” half of what you intended, forgetting that gaining itself and not details like “how much” are what keeps you hooked to the cult.

So what do I recommend? I recommend you concentrate on your exercises, getting a routinier as they say in French, performing every single repetition as perfectly as possible, observe if your erection quality stays the same or improves further (you don’t want it to become worse), don’t hurt yourself and measure after the end of the third month. I bet you’ll have gained visibly by that time - and then it would make sense to think about changes to your routine, based on how much you gained (general rule of thump: don’t change it if it’s working).

Cheerio friend, I’d give my newest hat to watch two girls shaving* each other right now. But then again, I couldn’t possibly remember their names afterwards.

Beards in women’s faces are like zoop, ka-pow! Try it!

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Last edited by Lazy Wally : 09-14-2008 at . Reason: ...fixed some drunkard's spelling errors.

I started out at 6 inches also. The only routine I did was the newbie one. I just increased the times for the warmup, stretching and jelqing and I got used to it. In a year and a half I gained 1 1/2 inches.

Thanks you for taking time to answer guys, especially Lazy Wally! I really thought about what you wrote, and ill definitely start the newbie routine :D Any of you guys know how to avoid turkey neck btw?


Use a tight grip while stretching and good amounts of lubricant while jelqing so you don’t just superficially pull on your skin.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

.But when I use a tight grip during the stretch I feel some mid shaft pain, as if too much pressure is being put on the blood veslels (I grip quite low you see).

"Aww man I shot marvin in the face"

September 08: E nbp L:6.9/G: 4.8

Goal: E nbp 7.6X5.5

Then you’re gripping too tightly. Relax it a little.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

The best way to reduce turkey neck I believe is downward stretching of the skin. Grip tightly just below the glans and with your other hand placed about an inch or so below the top hand, pull downwards. You do this while erect. At first, I didn’t think this method worked but after a while, I noticed that my turkey neck had nearly disappeared. I guess it really is an issue of skin borrowing.

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